The call from the Caucasus was reduced

The call from the Caucasus was reduced
The call from the Caucasus was reduced

The Public Council under the Ministry of Defense decided the issue of ridding the army of interethnic strife. However, as Trud found out, the officers quietly found a kind of solution to this problem: the conscription from the Caucasus was significantly reduced, since in recent years army scandals have constantly erupted due to the defiant behavior of conscripts from the North Caucasus. About a dozen videos are constantly circulating on the Internet, which depict scenes of bullying by soldiers of the Caucasian nationality over fellow Slavs. In particular, in one of the units of the Baltic Fleet, a company of southerners in military uniform forced the Slavic guys to dance a lezginka on the parade ground, after which the word Kavkaz was put out of their bodies here. And the scene, having climbed onto the chimney of the boiler room, was filmed on a mobile phone by one of the torturers.

The council decided what measures should be taken so that "negative phenomena on an interethnic basis" disappeared from the army. The well-known film director Nikita Mikhalkov chaired the council. He showed his colleagues a photograph. On it, eight Russian youths are lined up in front of a lying strong Caucasian, their heads are turned away, and they are written "Salam Dag" (probably Dagestan). Mikhalkov made no claims to the Ministry of Defense, but criticized the Ministry of Education and Science. In his opinion, the problem is that no one else is engaged in educating the younger generation, having forgotten even the very term "education".

Council members believe that the main figure in the harmonization of interethnic relations is the sergeant, because he spends round the clock in the barracks, thoroughly knows all the nuances of the behavior of his subordinates.

And although the bet on sergeants could justify itself, there is a problem: there are no professional sergeants in our army, and they will appear very soon. This is the opinion of Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Center for Military Forecasting. The calculations of the Ministry of Defense indicate that the need for sergeants as full-fledged junior commanders in the troops is at least 100 thousand. And the real enrollment in sergeant schools is at most 500 people a year. In addition, the first set was announced at the end of 2009.

Andrey Doronin is sure that simpler ways can be found to solve the problem of interethnic conflicts. Since the Caucasian conscripts create trouble, if there are more than ten of them in a company, then they simply cannot be concentrated in one place.

There is a chance that this spring's conscripts will be the first who, over the past 20 years, will not face conflict immigrants from the Caucasus. There is reason for such a hope: the military department made a decision that was not noticed by anyone. The military commissariat of Dagestan knows that only 400 people will be drafted from here this year instead of the traditional draft of 4,000.

Now about the numbers

Since the beginning of 2011, 500 of the crimes related to assault have been recorded in the army.

Only 400 youths will be drafted from Dagestan.

In the spring of 2011, 218 thousand conscripts will go to serve.

In 2011, two soldiers died from bullying.

If you are interested in the topic “Hazing. How and for what they beat in the army. , Then the stories of Sergei Sergeevich Vasilchenko can tell a lot about this. On his website there is a lot of fiction based on real facts. Here you can read about army theft, racketeering, violent games and jokes.
