A year ago, the strongest earthquake in Haiti killed 222,000 people. After that, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez publicly blamed the US authorities for this disaster, saying that it was the result of a directional earthquake test. At the same time, Haiti was just a rehearsal, and the main goal of the Americans is Iran. How plausible are such speculations? Oleg Feigin, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, believes that this is even possible.
The Ukrainian scientist believes that America could test a new type of weapon - the lithospheric one. It is called so because it is based on the use of the energy of the lithosphere - the "shell" of the Earth, which includes the earth's crust and the upper layer of the mantle. The striking effect of such weapons is manifested in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and displacement of lithospheric plates. These slabs vibrate with a certain frequency, if you artificially act on them with the same frequency, a resonance will arise. The vibrations will amplify many times over, and this can serve as a resonator for enormous destruction. Oleg Feigin believes that the Americans could have developed a lithospheric weapon on their own or borrowed its secrets from the USSR during the period of its collapse.
Presumably, in our country, such a weapon could have been developed even under Khrushchev, who did not threaten the states with a "kuzka mother" for nothing. During the years of perestroika in the USSR, they wrote about a tunnel that prisoners of the GULAG laid from the mainland to the island of Sakhalin in the narrowest section of the Tatar Strait. After Stalin's death, these works were curtailed, the construction site was abandoned. Newly discovered information suggests that the tunnel was only a small part of the planned underground and underwater highway: the tunnel was supposed to pass from Vladivostok through Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands to the US coast. In fact, it was planned to build an underground resonator. By hitting such a tunnel with a nuclear charge, it was possible to achieve a deadly resonance, which would arise from a shock wave passing under the ocean. The consequences of such a strike for the enemy mainland could be catastrophic, up to 1/3 of the United States would be flooded.
At one time, both in the USA and in the USSR there was a rapid increase in the number of nuclear charges and their delivery vehicles. But at some point, the Americans were alarmed, because suddenly the Soviet Union stopped testing huge destructive bombs and switched to testing "baby" bombs with a capacity of several kilotons. These small bombs were simultaneously detonated in various places in Kazakhstan and the South Urals. American military analysts were at a loss as to what kind of tests were being carried out in the USSR, and what this strange change of tactics was.

2010 Haiti earthquake
Perhaps even then the Soviet Union conducted its own tests of lithospheric weapons. An echo of this was the tragedy in Spitak. For testing in the USSR, they chose one of the most uninhabited places, located in the mountains on the borders of the USSR with north-west Iran and north-east Turkey. This point was in the spurs of Ararat, the place where the stresses of converging lithospheric plates were concentrated. This point was placed in the focus of a huge parabolic mirror. But located at a sufficiently large angle to the horizon, standing almost vertically, the lithospheric plate simply reflected the wave sent to it, and it led to a resonance elsewhere - in the area of the city of Spitak. According to the calculations of seismologists, an earthquake of natural strength of such a huge power in this place simply could not occur.
Perhaps the Americans were also involved in testing such weapons; part of these experiments was a series of nuclear explosions on atolls in the Pacific Ocean. They were distinguished by a rather low power, and the frequency of these explosions was approximately equal to the frequency of similar tests in the USSR in the 50s. Most likely, these were the tests by the Americans of lithospheric weapons, as a result of which some of the coral islands disappeared forever under the water column of the Pacific Ocean. The next American adventure was the test, which led to the most destructive tsunami of our time. Then the earthquake in the Indian Ocean reached the third most powerful in the entire human history of observations, seismologists estimated the tremors at 9, 2 points on the Richter scale.
It is not excluded that the next target of the United States after the test in Haiti will be an attack on Tehran, which is located on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, not far from a powerful node of lithospheric stresses. When the force is projected at this point, it is possible to achieve the fact that the lithospheric plates will disperse and the 14-millionth agglomeration will fall into tartarars. At present, America cannot come to terms with the possibility of the appearance of nuclear weapons in this Islamic state. It is not possible to carry out a simple bombing of the country, Iran has a sufficiently strong air defense system. It is also impossible to use nuclear weapons, the effect of nuclear weapons will cover half of Russia and, willy-nilly, will involve a nuclear power in the conflict. Therefore, while Israel is threatening Iran with bombing, the United States is preparing a strike, the authorship of which will not have. The lithospheric weapon is the only weapon of its kind, against which there is no defense and the use of which cannot be tracked. Its consequences will not be inferior to the earthquake in Haiti, and the truth about it will only be known in the Pentagon and possibly in the Moscow GRU.