According to the American newspaper "Washington Times", which cites Internet sources, the Chinese military conducted secret test launches of submarine-launched ballistic missiles - JL-2 SLBMs. This missile is one of China's 3 long-range ballistic missiles. The other two are probably DF-41 and DF-31 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Quite recently, the American expert on Chinese armaments R. Fisher told the online military publication "Inside the Ring" that he was receiving Internet messages about a test launch of six JL-2 SLBMs from the water area of the Chinese northern port in the first days of the new year. Dalian. In China, for the use of such missiles, there are at least two SSBNs, which are based at the Xiaopingdao naval base. However, to say with confidence that these launches were nevertheless carried out, military specialist R. Fischer does not undertake. Although he emphasizes that there is a very high probability that these rumors will turn out to be true. After all, China could use for launches not only strategic submarines of the 094 type, but also a non-nuclear submarine of the Golf type - a diesel submarine of Project 629A. It is quite possible that the tests were carried out by one submarine - class 094 submarines can carry 12 JL-2 SLBMs, which are a modernization of the DF-31 ICBM for underwater basing. R. Fischer's opinion is a demonstration of the fact that after several years of "downtime", the missile began to be intensively prepared for acceptance into service. If everything was approximately the same, then the strategic missile submarine will go on alert duty with missiles on board in 2012. In fact, six launches of the new missile mean that the PLA was able to overcome and resolve all technical issues and the missile is entering the status of a new missile for strategic submarine cruisers.

The Pentagon, represented by the press secretary, Captain D. Kirby, also said that they constantly monitor the Chinese program "Juilan-2", and noted that the Chinese military had technical problems when creating a submarine-launched ballistic missile. The annual report, in particular regarding the Chinese Armed Forces, predicted new tests of this SLBM and, if they are successfully carried out, the PLA will receive a bundle of Juilan-2 SLBM / Jin SSBN of Project 094, which will be the first true submarine strategic decision in the Chinese nuclear deterrent.

Another expert, R. Cliff, a specialist in the field of research on Chinese weapons, told Defense News about the possible conduct of serious missile tests by China. He pointed out the possibility of testing the PKBD "DF-21D". If the tests of this missile nevertheless took place, then in terms of their value, they are not inferior to the tests of the JL-2 SLBM. The first flight of the Chinese J-20 stealth fighter, which took place in 2010, is one of such significant successes. Not without politics - the Chinese government could have timed these tests for the upcoming elections on the island of Taiwan. An example of such a decision is the elections in 1996, when China conducted missile tests in the north and south of the island in the hope of intimidating the population and influencing the outcome of the elections.
SLBM "Juilan-2"
Literally translated, the name of the rocket sounds like "Big Wave-2". NATO classification - CSS-N-4. Designed as a 2-stage long-range solid-propellant rocket. Deployment - when put into service, will be the main armament of the 094 Jin class submarines. The missile is an upgrade of the Dongfeng-31 intercontinental-range missile. There is no exact data on the missile warheads, as well as on the execution of the warhead.
Main characteristics:
The operating range is 8-12 thousand kilometers;
- weight is about 20 tons;
- length about 11 meters;
- the radius of the rocket is 100 centimeters;
- the apogee of the trajectory is 1 thousand kilometers;
- combat load 0.7 tons;
- The expected capacity is 90 kilotons.