In the 54th division of the strategic missile forces, the 2nd regiment of the Yars mobile soil complexes is ready to begin combat duty.
Now, together with Topol-M, the complexes constitute the main core of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation.
Since the Yars complex was created on the basis of the Topol-M complex, one can with a clear conscience call it a younger brother. All characteristics regarding the deployed characteristics and data of the RS-24 missiles used are kept secret. It is only known that the weight of the rocket has changed due to the increase in the warhead and other elements. The Yars complex carries up to four nuclear-filled blocks, the operating range has remained unchanged and is no less than 10,000 kilometers.
But the main advantage of the new complex is the highest survivability of the missiles used, in the creation of which they used technological developments that have no analogues in competitors.
According to some experts, these complexes will be relevant for at least another quarter of a century. This means that the missiles will be able to penetrate any missile defense system with a high probability.
Probably, it was this weapon that was meant when the head of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev spoke about re-equipping the Strategic Missile Forces units and submarines with promising and highly effective complexes that have a high probability of overcoming the missile defense of a “potential enemy”.

The designers who developed Topol-M, Yars and Bulava declare with full responsibility that the improvement in performance has been achieved due to new control and communication technologies, due to which the trajectory of nuclear units is constantly changing. They are not able to hit these blocks of the missile defense system of Western countries.
Based on the START-3 treaty, the Russian Federation can significantly increase the nuclear potential of the Strategic Missile Forces. By 2017, the number of new Yars and Topol-M complexes in the ranks of the Strategic Missile Forces will increase by almost 75 percent. We are all looking forward to the emergence of a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, which is supposed to replace the legendary Stiletto and Satan on duty.
If it happens that the Russian Federation nevertheless withdraws from the START-3 treaty, and we are now observing the preconditions for this, then it is very possible that railway complexes - BZHRKs, which were withdrawn from the base station according to the START-2 treaty - will return to the Strategic Missile Forces.

It may very well be that it is Yars that will be on the railroad track, because the survivability capabilities of such complexes are simply amazing. Judge for yourself: the United States made calculations that stunned them - if 25 railway complexes with nuclear weapons are dispersed over an area of 120 square kilometers and a nuclear strike is delivered on them using Satan-type missiles, then the probability of destruction will be about 10 percent.
The concern about the buildup of the Russian nuclear shield is quite justified. Various anti-missile defense systems are gradually being approached to the borders of Russia. It turns out that the units of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia will be under close supervision, if not worse - at gunpoint.
Today, Voevoda ICBMs can break through any missile defense system, and Topol missiles were created specifically for a highly effective breakthrough of the United States' anti-missile defense. If the Voevoda missiles, one might say, would have rammed the defense using an armored coating, then the Topol already uses various technologies, which today make them practically unbreakable.
But, if the missiles are intercepted immediately after launch or at the time of entering a ballistic trajectory, then in this case the missiles will be almost guaranteed to be shot down.
In this case, you can hit the missile either with a launched missile defense missile, or with weapons using the latest technologies - beam, laser and electromagnetic.

The United States constantly announces to the whole world that it has successfully tested new anti-missile weapons, such as a laser cannon or an electromagnetic combat system, and all this, for some reason, is part of the improvement of the American missile defense system.
If the United States is developing its missile defense at home, it is unclear how the US border got to Russian territory. Their goal, of course, is quite simple - in the absence of the opportunity to shoot down missiles after entering a ballistic trajectory, shoot them down over Russian territory at the time of launch.