A superstructure sticks out of the water at the pier. The body is hidden under the water. The place takes. But once it was a good training station, made on the basis of a project 613 submarine. It would have served for thirty more years. Only now, probably, tired of enduring the inattention to rescue training on the part of the submariners, she took offense, became sad and lay down on the bottom soil. Judging by the size of the build-up on the hull, along the line of the current waterline, it went down about six or seven years ago. But the metal is strong! To calm her down, to raise her, to repair it, and to put it into action! After all, submariners need to be trained. And to raise and repair it is in any case cheaper than building anew. Moreover, it is not difficult to raise it. Both the strength and the means for this are there - you just need to do it. Submariners would practice the whole complex of their rescue training on it. After all, everything is provided for this: diving descents in the SSP and IED, training on exiting through a torpedo tube, through the escape hatch, free ascent, exiting by a buoyp, landing from the water in equipment into a life raft … your strength is strengthened! Zeal for service increases!
But, I think, faith in oneself alone will not be enough for a successful service to assert and protect the interests of state submariners! He still needs faith in the higher command, faith in the power of Russia! The belief that in that difficult hour, when he himself, on his own, from his, for one reason or another, crumpled, lost the ability to float and motionlessly lying on the bottom of the submarine, no longer get out, they will come to his aid! They will definitely come and rescue!
The lesson of the Kursk is a cruel lesson! But the lesson is then given to study the material, understand and draw conclusions. It seems that somewhere there, at the very top, conclusions were made. And the conclusions are correct! New search and rescue equipment began to arrive at the fleet's rescue units. In order to somehow replace the thoughtlessly destroyed deep-sea diving complexes for the fleet, sets of Canadian normobaric (hard) diving suits with a working depth of 365 meters, remote-controlled underwater vehicles of various modifications, a new generation of diving equipment were purchased. In fact, by now there has been a complete renewal of the raid rescue fleet.
A surprising dissonance against this background was the construction of a new Project 21300 submarine rescue vessel, accompanied by a continuous scandal. Now it has become part of the Navy under the name Igor Belousov. It came in, causing mixed feelings among the specialists. On the one hand, there is joy! The joy that the first Russian submarine rescuer with a deep-water diving complex of saturated diving on board is a fait accompli! However, immediately after the joy came sadness. Sadness and persistent desire to test the designer for professional suitability!
It is amazing that the rescue vessel, equipped with a dynamic positioning system and a deep-sea diving complex, carries an autonomous rescue apparatus on board instead of a rescue bell! Why? After all, this significantly reduces the rescue capabilities, and the displacement and cost increase! After all, everyone who has ever dealt with autonomous rescue vehicles knows perfectly well that the joint simultaneous work of divers and a manned underwater vehicle on the submarine hull is prohibited! Moreover, it is impossible! Prohibited by both common sense and guidelines! Indeed, when a manned underwater vehicle is operating, the carrier vessel should not stand above the object of work, so as not to create a threat of collision in the event of a possible emergency ascent of the vehicle. In contrast, when diving is working, the vessel is constantly held in a point directly above the object so that the diving bell is as close to the work site as possible. In turn, the rescue bell, moving along the guide wire in elevator mode, does not pose a threat to divers and allows, and in some cases complements, teamwork. Thus, the designer deliberately slowed down and complicated the maintenance of life and the withdrawal of personnel from the ZPL compartments.
One of the features of diving descents using the saturated diving method is prolonged decompression when the diver is brought to the surface. In the event of a fire or other catastrophe on board the ship, divers are transferred from the diving complex to a pressure chamber docked with it, which is on board a special rescue boat - a hyperboat, and undergo decompression afloat, leaving the damaged vessel. There is no hyperbot on the Project 21300 rescue vessel.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but it seems that although the hyperbot is not provided, the ship's disaster is foreseen in advance! Indeed, in the hold, under the aft end of the superstructure, there is an oxygen storage, consisting of about 20 storage cylinders with a volume of 400 liters each at a pressure of 400 kg / cm2! Fire and explosion safety requirements provide for the storage of oxygen in a separate well-ventilated room! After all, sooner or later, there will still be oxygen leakage from the line fittings or directly from the bottle neck seal! A leak is an increase in the oxygen concentration in a room. And then there is enough spark on the packet switch! Spark, but there is no lifeguard! One could understand the designer if there was nowhere else to store this oxygen! On the rostra, blown by all the winds, there is the same number of the same storage cylinders, but with inert gases! Is this such a veiled call to Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria to rise from the grave? Someone really wants to see a sunken submarine with dying submariners and above it - a rescue ship blazing like a torch ?! From the forums on the Internet it can be seen: indeed, there are those who want it!
In this case, the position of the press is most surprising. This, to put it mildly, fabulous and uninvited epic "Kursk-2000" appearing on the mass of Internet pages, prompted me, a pensioner, creaking my joints, to go to the ship and figure it out myself. It turns out that there is no one else! I found out: for some reason, the press criticizes the fact that the rescue ship is really working - a diving complex! But he does not see the lapses listed by me at close range! So is this an order? An order to prevent the development of deep-sea diving business in the Navy and in Russia? But, the saddest thing is that the military acceptance does not see these lapses, the customer from the Navy does not see it!
These are the thoughts that come to mind when I look at the flooded TCB.