As it became known on April 25, 2016, the Krasukha-4, Khibiny and Himalayas ground-based and air-based electronic warfare systems will not become the only horror for the command of the US Armed Forces, as well as the NATO Joint Armed Forces in various theaters of military operations. According to TASS, the Concern Radioelectronic Technologies (JSC) has embarked on the stage of testing some elements of the multi-channel and multi-frequency advanced modular electronic warfare complex being developed today, designed for strategic defense of the Armed Forces, industrial and civil infrastructures from strategic aerospace offensive operations of the enemy.
According to one of the representatives of the concern, the new complex will be formed on the basis of a large number of emitting antenna modules, the energy potential and frequency of operation of which will be set individually, and their antenna posts will receive specialized complexes for individual protection from air attack.
From this information it follows that, firstly, almost every emitting module of the new electronic countermeasures system will be presented by the AFAR, which will allow suppressing several dozen enemy radar and electronic means at once using a multitude of digital beams (even one module will be multichannel), and the system a digital bus for distributing information with an open architecture will allow connecting dozens and hundreds of similar modules, which will make it possible to fight immediately against thousands of enemy weapons. Secondly, the new electronic warfare system will carry out an exclusively directed action at the enemy, which will not create chaos among our subdivisions of RTR, air defense, as well as military and civil aviation.
The coordinates of all radio-emitting and radio-contrasting enemy objects participating in an MRAU or an offensive operation of any type will be relayed to the distribution and control points of electronic warfare modules from any ground, sea and air-based radio-electronic and radio-technical reconnaissance means (RLS-AWACS "Protivnik-G", " Gamma-C1 ", low-altitude detectors" Three hundred "76N6, general ship radars" Fregat "," Fourke ", SRTR and passive location" Valeria ", AWACS aircraft A-50U). These capabilities will allow the electronic warfare system from KRET to form the most accurate digital picture of the tactical situation with all sources of threats: thanks to the A-50U binding, tactical and strategic cruise missiles can easily be found outside the radio horizon, which allows electronic warfare ground posts to prepare to work at pre-known elevation and azimuth coordinates.
A promising electronic warfare system also has a number of additional unique qualities that are currently inaccessible to any Western country. So, due to the huge separation of the antenna posts-electronic warfare modules from each other and from the command and control points, the system is capable of operating in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation, covering the most important Far Eastern, Arctic and European strategic directions with a thick veil of radio-electronic interference of various frequency ranges and types. The functionality of the system will exceed the performance of the Krasukha-4 complex by a thousand times: it will be possible to link it not only with individual divisions or brigades of the S-300 / S-400 air defense missile systems, but also with such structures of the Aerospace Forces as the 1st Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Command and Air defense. Even before the enemy air forces enter the radius of destruction of our ground air defense, their means of obtaining external target designation, as well as the homing system, will be exposed to the most powerful electronic interference: a substantial part of them will be disabled, and the rest will be "finished off" by the air defense missile system and air defense aviation. That is, an additional purpose of the advanced electronic warfare system is to ensure increased survivability of air defense.
Separate REB radiation modules, as if controlled by a block of an array of electrical strings, can be switched on in groups in one or another section of the theater of operations, where air defense and aviation systems will need support with a disproportionately larger number of enemy high-precision weapons. This includes the Baltic ON or the Northwest ON, where the combined SLCM / ALCM arsenals of the US and NATO number in the thousands.
Being a multifunctional ground-based electronic warfare system, "Krasukha-4", equipped with a narrowly directional parabolic antenna, is capable of delivering sighting, broadband noise, as well as barrage interference. Onboard radar "Raptor" AN / APG-77, operating in LPI mode (reduced energy and frequency hopping with a frequency of 1 kHz), cannot be "drowned out" only by sighting interference, so noise and barrage interference will be more expedient here.
The possibility of placing modules of a promising electronic warfare system on air carriers is a unique solution, but the tactical situation is very unstable. Today, electronic warfare aircraft could operate over this section of the theater of operations, and tomorrow - here a whole brigade of Patriots or the temporary domination of enemy fighter aircraft will force them to look for other carriers, or use passive radio-electronic interference, which in difficult terrain have a number of features that can finally start radio-electronic means adversary to a "dead end", and to operate over much larger spaces.
The "trick" is that passive REBs, due to the possibility of multiple re-reflection from various artificial and natural reflector objects with the properties of conductors (to a greater extent) and dielectrics (to a lesser extent), can cover significant spaces due to the use of specialized dielectric lens, tape and dipole reflectors scattered from aircraft and deployed on the earth's surface. In addition, innovations may appear in the concept of passive REB, represented by an antenna module-emitter of passive interference, which can be "sheltered" from enemy reconnaissance aircraft behind a mountain ridge or other elevation of the relief; these interferences can be called semi-active.
Even in spite of the fact that the power of such "relayed" interference (especially in the case of natural reflector media) is rather weak due to the high scattering coefficient, their effectiveness can be quite high against tactical radio communication channels such as fighters flying low-altitude in the area, where there is a multiple retransmission of passive radio-electronic interference. With regard to passive interference with the use of artificial reflectors, there have also been significant successes over the past 30 - 40 years. Corner, tape and other reflectors began to be equipped with inexpensive and efficient microprocessor-based signal amplifiers that can not only confuse enemy radar with an amplified reflected signal in the form of dozens of decoys on the pilot's display, but also change the frequency range of the received signal, which will mislead a huge the number of enemy radar and communications equipment on a conditional front section of several hundred kilometers. Due to the possibility of introducing active radiation sources and amplifiers into the method of setting passive REBs, it became possible to frequency correct REB, which is a fundamental advantage in various tactical situations, where the enemy can use various radio-technical means. So, at large regional theaters of military operations, all frequency ranges for setting up electronic warfare will be important: against tactical aviation and missile seeker - this is a centimeter X-band, against AWACS aircraft and Aegis BIUS - decimeter S-band, against long-range surveillance radars and communication channels - decimeter and meter ranges.
The types of radio-electronic interference are also classified according to the effect of the impact on the radio-technical and radio-electronic means of the enemy. They include imitating and masking REBs, and the imitating ones are the most complex and promising.
Simulated interference creates a false information tactical picture for enemy air, land and sea radars. For example, in our troops there is a huge number of different stations of passive electronic and radio-technical reconnaissance, air defense systems, mobile ground-based operational-tactical and strategic missile systems, air defense missile systems, etc. Each combat vehicle of these complexes has a unique effective scattering surface of the reflected radar signal of airborne RTR and target designation of the enemy, among which today the best Western models are the E-8C "J-STARS", F-35A, F-22A aircraft and the unmanned "Global Hawk "And" Triton "; they are equipped with powerful synthetic aperture radars. The EPR of our ground units can be clearly calculated in an anechoic chamber, and also confirmed during irradiation of the Tu-214R aircraft with radar in natural conditions on the ground, and then transferred to the developers of a promising electronic warfare system for further inclusion in the program catalog of the simulated type of imitating interference. In this way, on the enemy radar screen, you can simulate any sample of a ground launcher, identical to the real one (from the launchers of the S-300PMU-2 - 5P85SE complex to the SPU K340P of the Bastion complex). The setting of imitating interference can overload the throughput of enemy radars, which will not allow effective selection of real targets and can lead to the failure of a military operation.
A similar technique is already being implemented in the American MALD-J electronic warfare cruise missile, which simulates the EPR of various NATO airborne forces.
Electronic warfare equipment, just like the RTV radar and anti-aircraft missile systems, are the first targets on the list of destruction of the US and NATO air attack weapons. It is logical to assume that a more advanced analogue of the 34YA6E "Gazetchik-E" radar protection complex will become an excellent defensive means for ground or sea modules of the advanced electronic warfare system "Concern Radioelectronic Technologies" at the time of unforeseen circumstances (the approach of a HARM, SLAM-ER or JASSM-ER). The complex is activated at the moment of detection of an approaching element of a high-precision weapon by an autonomous RLO. The radar / electronic warfare station is turned off, dipole reflectors and aerosols are thrown into the air, and multifrequency generators are also turned on to divert and withdraw the PRLR, missiles with IKGSN and laser seeker. But the new modifications of "HARMs" are able to memorize the initial coordinates of the radiation means, and therefore active protection complexes may also be required, which have taken root well in armored vehicles, especially in modern tanks.
The new electronic warfare system will provide strategic support where the provision of the required air defense units may be insufficient and will hide from prying eyes all the most important operational and tactical movements of our army across the country.