In the minds of the majority of Europeans, and even the citizens of Russia, the expanses of Southern Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, Northern and Central China have always been an area of settlement for the peoples of the Mongoloid race, but this is far from the case. Already in 3000 BC, Southern Siberia was inhabited by clans of Indo-European (Aryan) origin, known as carriers of the Afanasyevsk agricultural and cattle-breeding culture. "Afanasyevtsy" occupied a huge territory - in addition to Altai and the Khakass-Minusinsk depression, their archaeological traces were found in Eastern Kazakhstan, Western Mongolia and Xinjiang.
Later, the Afanasyevo archaeological culture was replaced by the Andronovo culture of the 17th-9th centuries BC. NS. "Andronovtsy" in the south occupied the territory up to modern Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, in the east - the South Urals, Western Siberia. One of the most famous settlements of the Andronovites is Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region.

"Princess" from the Kizilsky burial ground and "Blacksmith" from the Alexandrovsky-4 burial ground. (2nd half of the 3rd millennium BC). Representatives of the Yamnaya culture are the direct ancestors of the Arkaim people who lived 200-300 years before the construction of the Arkaim.
It should be noted that already in the 1st millennium BC. NS. Xinjiang (East Turkestan) was inhabited by people of the Caucasian race. The earlier period - the Early Neolithic and Mesolithic in South Siberia and Central Asia is still poorly studied, but there is no reason to believe that it was otherwise at that time. The Chinese civilization was formed to the south - in the Yellow River basin. It is clear that the Indo-European (Aryan) and Chinese civilizations have interacted since ancient times. And there is archaeological evidence for that. Thus, the researchers drew attention to the fact that the most ancient agricultural cultures in China are of Western, "European" origin.
In the Yellow River basin, there were two types of Neolithic cultures (Greek νέος - new, λίθος - stone, New Stone Age, the last stage of the Stone Age). The first type was widespread in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, up to the turn of the river to the east; the second - down the river, down to the ocean. Scientists have established that the western group (Yangshao culture - V-II millennium BC) developed earlier than the eastern one, the initial center of its formation was the area of the Weihe River, the right tributary of the Yellow River. The two crops differed quite strongly, even the main agricultural crop was different - in the east they preferred rice, in the west they preferred millet (chumiza). The ceramics were also different, in the west the dishes were of the same type as in the vast expanses of continental Eurasia. In the east, ceramics had a specific form - vessels on three legs (tripods), which were not found anywhere except in China. The type of dwelling was different: in the west - a single-chamber square semi-dugout with one or more support pillars inside and a hearth in front of the entrance: in the east - multi-chamber houses without pillars and a hearth at one of the walls. The funeral rite was also seriously different: on the upper and middle reaches of the river, the burials were mainly oriented to the northwest. And on the lower reaches of the Yellow River - to the east. This indicates a difference in religious beliefs.
Racially, the eastern and western cultures were Mongoloid, but some differences between the inhabitants of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River indicate the presence of Caucasian racial components. So, in the Weihe basin, people had higher and wider faces and eye sockets (Kryukov M. V., Sofronov M. V., Cheboksarov N. N. Ancient Chinese: problems of ethnogenesis, M., 1978.). According to the historian and archaeologist Yuri Petukhov, the Mongoloid race was generally formed as a result of the mixing of Caucasian migrants of the Cro-Magnon era and local archanthropus - Sinanthropus (Latin Sinanthropus pekinensis - "Peking man"). In 20-10 thousand BC in the area of modern Mongolia and China there were constant migration waves of Boreals, in the terminology of Petukhov “Rus”, that is, “white, clean” people with fair skin, hair and eyes. Mingling with the archanthropus, given their dominant genes, the "Rus" assimilated, but gave their descendants more advanced skills in material and spiritual culture. This is how the first Mongoloid pre-ethnic groups appeared - the ancestors of the Chinese, Koreans, Mongols, Japanese, etc. In 8-3 thousand BC. NS. waves of Caucasian-Indo-Europeans (Aryans) penetrated into Southeast Asia. Mixing with representatives of Mongoloid pre-ethnic groups, they formed groups of the so-called. “White Chinese”, “white Kazakhs”, etc. They differed from typical Mongoloids in higher stature, fair skin, often light eyes and hair. Some of them became the ruling elite in their nationalities - this is the solution to the light-eyed and red-haired giant Genghis Khan. At the same time, the "Rus" inhabited vast areas of modern Russian civilization - from the Carpathians, the Danube, the northern coast of the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean and North China. At the same time, they retained their Caucasianism and the main features of the super-ethnos of the Rus. For millennia, the "Scythian-Siberian world" of the Caucasians was a kind of barrier that separated the two races, while constantly giving waves of migrations to the south. For example, modern Indian civilization still preserves many of the traditions of the ancient Indo-European Aryans. We can safely say that the super-ethnos of the Rus, with its migration waves, created the civilizations of Japan, Korea, China, India (but only India retained the Caucasian anthropological type, Indo-European languages, part of the traditions and beliefs). You can read more about this global process in the studies of Yu. D. Petukhov - “History of the Rus”, “Russian Scythia (co-author - NI Vasilyeva),“Superevolution. Superethnos of the Rus”and others.

Scythians. A plaque depicting Scythians hunting with bows. Gold. 7-2 centuries. BC NS. Hermitage Museum.
More and more data are accumulating confirming that the Chinese civilization was not "indigenous", autochthonous. It initially took shape under a huge influence from the northwest, from the proto-Indo-European and Indo-European population. It is interesting that this trend has continued to this day - in the 20th century, China's independence was restored with the help of the Stalinist USSR, the Soviet Union helped create an industrial base for the modern PRC, shared with it the most advanced technologies. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, the scientific and technological breakthrough of the Celestial Empire was largely associated with the influx of the scientific heritage of the USSR. For example, many Chinese aircraft, spacecraft, naval ships, armored vehicles, etc., were created by copying and improving Soviet-Russian technologies. The symbol of this historical process is the first "Chinese" aircraft carrier "Varyag".
Let's go back to ancient times. The ceramics of the Yangshao culture bears a clear resemblance to the utensils of the centers of ancient agricultural cultures in Central Asia and in the Danube-Dnieper interfluve - the Trypillian culture (VI-III millennium BC). Moreover, to all appearances, the migrants' path went not from Iran and Central Asia, but from Mongolia and southern Siberia. For example, Banpo ceramics is an archaeological site in the Yellow River Valley east of Xi'an, where several Neolithic settlements have been found dating back to 4500 - the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e., is very similar to the Scythian. In principle, the connection of the Yanshao cultures with Anau (Central Asia) and Tripoli is quite obvious - all of them were formed on the periphery of the “Great Scythia”.
By the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. NS.cultures of the Yangshao type occupied a rather large region - almost the entire bend of the Yellow River. Apparently, this time is identical to the semi-mythical period of the "five emperors", which is mentioned in Chinese sources (the time of the formation of the Chinese civilization). Around 2300-2200 BC NS. the old Yangshao Cultural Center in the Weihe Basin is in crisis. In its place, the Longshan culture advanced from the east. But even at this time, the "northern component" is clearly traced, including the semi-earthen, Scythian type of dwelling. Written sources in China report that just in the 22-21 century BC. NS. the Xia dynasty was established in the country. This dynasty also had a northwestern origin, the "northerners" made up the ruling layer of the Xia kingdom. This tradition, when representatives of northern peoples created new ruling dynasties and the elite of the state, has been preserved for millennia.

Xia Dynasty location.
Xia's reign ended around 1600 BC. NS. The reign of the Shang (or Yin) dynasty began, during this period there was a strengthening of the eastern elements. During this period, connections with Indo-European culture are preserved - the Yin letter has a great similarity to the Middle Eastern hieroglyphs (Vasiliev L. Problems of the genesis of Chinese civilization. M., 1976.). It can be concluded that the Chinese writing system was developed with the participation of representatives of the northern civilization (it also had a huge impact on the Middle East region). In the era of the Shang state (1600 to 1027 BC), the technology of making bronze appeared in China, and already in a finished form. It was transferred from the developed center of metallurgy in the Tien Shan and Altai regions, where, apparently, this technology was discovered. Another new technology from this period is the chariot. It was also obtained ready-made, having no local counterparts. Chinese sources of this period report that the Zhou, Rong and Di peoples lived in the north of the Shang (Yin) state. They are described as typical Caucasians - people with light eyes and thick red beards, there are also archaeological finds of the Scythian "animal style".
In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, in the Gansu province, in the Bronze Age (2 thousand BC), the Qijia culture was formed. The strengthening of the western elements was noted in it - there were already disappeared burials with an orientation to the north-west, Caucasoid features among the population. Remains of a purely Caucasian type were found in the tombs of the "great city of Shang" (the kingdom of Yin), at that time the Ying had a custom of sacrificing prisoners of war - they often fought with the "northern barbarians".
The struggle against the Zhou ended with the defeat of the Yins, the Yin-Shang kingdom collapsed - the period of the Zhou dynasty's rule (1045-256 BC) began. Under them, the traditions of slavery were replaced by the classical state-communal hierarchy, which linked the supreme ruler, the Son of Heaven, with the peasantry. In the same period, iron processing technology came to China. The Chzhous were representatives of the ancient Caucasian population of Central Asia (Rus-Scythians) and brought a new cultural impulse to China. They also had their own script, but in the end the local variety won out. In addition, it should be noted that the Zhou dynasty asserted its succession with the Xia dynasty, bypassing the Yin period. Chinese sources trace the origin of the Zhous and their relatives, the Rongs, to the first emperors, Huangdi and Yandi, who ruled around the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. BC, it was the heyday of the Yangshao culture. Huangdi was considered the founder of the Ji (Zhou) clan, and Yandi was considered the founder of the Jiang (Rong) clan.
Thus, it is obvious that in Central Asia in the period 5-2 thousand BC. NS. there was a developed civilization created by representatives of the white race (Caucasians). This civilization was the bearer of a developed material and spiritual culture - the skills of farming, cattle breeding, the production of bronze and iron, had its own written language and invented wheeled transport. All these achievements were passed on to the Mongoloid population in the area of the Yellow River (the Chinese received the trigram system from the first emperors). The Chinese civilization was formed under the powerful influence of this mighty northern civilization. But she had a strong "conservative" center in the east by the ocean, so this region in 1 millennium BC. NS. became the place of the formation of the ethnos of the ancient Chinese.
But the genetics of the Mongoloids is dominant in relation to the Caucasians, so the end of the ancient civilization of Central Asia was quite predictable. The ruling elite quickly disappeared into the local population - in contrast to the Aryans in Ancient India, who strictly observed the caste-class division. Soon, the Western Rongs, akin to the Zhou, began to view the Zhou Dynasty as alien and hostile, and wars resumed. In 771 BC. NS. The Rongs captured the capital Zhou, the center of the kingdom was moved to the east - the Eastern Zhou dynasty (770 BC - 256 BC).
The Rongs were a typical genus of the Aryan-Scythian root - they bred horses, were excellent warriors, wore long hair and beards, built semi-dugouts, burned their dead, etc. . Some of them became part of the Qin kingdom, giving it a ruling dynasty. Other Rongs created their kingdom - Yiqui. Qin and Yiqui waged a long struggle with varying degrees of success. But in the end, Qin won up, and by annexing the lands of the Rongs, assimilating them, it became the most powerful state. Qin subjugated the entire then China. This is how the Qin Empire was created - the famous emperor Qin Shihuang (reign 246 BC – 210 BC) became its founder. However, soon after his death, it collapsed. Part of the Rongs retreated to Tibet, where the remnants of their ancient culture survived until the end of the 1st millennium AD. NS.
From about the 7th century BC NS. in the Chinese sources di or dinlins are recorded. Another genus of northern origin. They were tall, had blue and green eyes, built wooden log houses, were engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture, possessed high technologies for smelting iron, and easily moved from place to place. They are also easily recognizable as Scythians (Rus). They appeared on the outskirts of China, when the Scythians "officially" arose in the vast expanses of Eurasia - from the Carpathians and the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Archaeologists have recorded Scythian footprints in North China - this is also their typical weapon, horse harness and jewelry. The Di took control of virtually all of eastern China, while their cousins, the Rongs, controlled the western regions. It was during this period - the middle of the 7th century BC. e., Great Scythia reached the highest power, controlling almost all of Asia. True, the period of their reign was short-lived.
It must be said that Chinese historians of the first half of the 20th century did not deny the enormous importance of the northern (Scythian) element in the formation of Chinese civilization. The historian Wang Tung-ling, relying on ancient sources, described the ethnogenesis of the Chinese people as a wave-like process proceeding from west to east. He identified four main waves: the first reached the Central China Plain during the time of the legendary "five emperors"; the second wave created the kingdom of Xia; the third wave - the Zhou dynasty; the fourth - made up the population of the Qin kingdom, which formed the first Chinese empire.
Historian Wei Chui-san applied the traditional dualistic model of Yin-Yang to China's past. He considered the development of Chinese civilization as the interaction of two main components: the southeastern - Mongoloid and "indigenous" (it prevailed in the Yin Shan era) and the northwestern, which belonged to the white race (the Xia and Zhou dynasties).
Archaeological data fully support the opinion of these Chinese researchers. Therefore, the refusal of modern Chinese historiography from the "traditional" concept, apparently, is associated with the geopolitical views of Beijing. The modern Chinese elite has successfully forgotten the assistance of the USSR and does not want to recognize the influence of Great Scythia, the Aryan-Indo-European civilization on the process of creating Chinese civilization. That is why Chinese researchers "close their eyes" to the giant mounds of the Scythian era, to the finds of the remains of Caucasians, to the fact that the "Chinese" great wall is not of Chinese origin. I do not want to admit that some Chinese emperor (and more than one) I-Wan can be a Rus-Scythian.

Scythians. A plaque depicting a Scythian hunting a hare. Gold. 7-2 centuries. BC NS. Hermitage Museum.