The February coup is interesting in that everyone renounced Nicholas II: the grand dukes, the highest generals, the church, the State Duma, and representatives of all leading political parties. The tsar was overthrown not by the Bolshevik commissars and Red Guards, as the inhabitants of Russia had been taught since 1991, but by the representatives of the then “elite” of the Russian Empire. Generals and ministers, high-class masons, industrialists and bankers. The educated elite of Russia, wealthy, well-to-do people who dreamed of a "free Russia", who want to make France or England out of Russia.
They all wanted to overthrow tsarism and autocracy. Wherein virtually all overthrowers of the monarchy ultimately lost. Messrs. Rodzianko, Milyukov, Guchkov, Lvov, Shulgin, Kerensky and others ascended to the top of the imperious Olympus, became the rulers of Russia, eventually destroyed a great power, lost everything, fled the country, many eked out a miserable existence. Many great dukes will be destroyed. Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who refused to accept the Russian throne and make an attempt to save the monarchy, was killed. Aristocrats, landowners, representatives of the industrial and financial elite, the highest bureaucracy, all those who were the “master of life” in old Russia, the owner of property and capital, lost most of their property, wealth, emigrated, many ended up in poverty. The usual picture was that in large European cities, former Russian nobles and officers earned money as taxi drivers, and aristocrats went to the panel.
The Old Believer bourgeoisie (the Russian national bourgeoisie), which consistently opposed the Romanov dynasty, supported the revolution and wanted to sweep away the Romanovs, their Old Believers were considered persecutors of the Russian faith, was swept away by the revolution. A whole separate Old Believer world that existed in the Russian Empire was simply destroyed.
The generals who took part in the overthrow of the tsar "for the sake of preserving the army and the successful continuation of the war" will witness the collapse of the armed forces, the front and the country, and will become a participant in a new war - the Civil War. Some generals will become participants in the White movement, others will support various nationalists, and others will make the most reasonable choice, speak for the Reds, for the people. The officers will also be split, a significant part will die on the fields of the Civil War. Thousands of officers will flee the country, become beggars, or lay down their heads in all large and small wars and conflicts around the world (they will again become "cannon fodder" in other people's wars). The church, which easily accepted the abdication of its head - the emperor, first won - restored the patriarchate. However, then her fate will be tragic, the church will also have to answer for its historical mistakes.
Thus, the victorious Februaryist revolutionaries were unable to become real power, to cope with the growing chaos in Russia, only aggravating it with their actions, and in less than a year the country was in complete collapse. During the spring-summer of 1917, everyone was so tired of the Februaryists that the Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries (they were supported by the workers and peasants), easily took the actually fallen power, picked it up. Nobody began to defend the Provisional Government. They criticized the tsarist regime, accusing it of all sins, and they themselves simply destroyed "old Russia", a real civilizational catastrophe took place. The Bolsheviks simply started a new chapter in Russian history.
Main driving forces of February
The ruling elite. The ruling elite itself became the main revolutionary detachment in the Russian Empire. The grand dukes, aristocracy, dignitaries, industrial and financial elite, a significant part of the political elite (Duma and political leaders) all opposed the autocracy. Many opposed Tsar Nicholas II personally, but in the end they opposed "old Russia" and cut off the branch on which they were sitting. Having destroyed the “old Russia”, the Romanov empire, they destroyed their “food base”, the environment in which they were the “elite” and prospered.
The reason was that from the beginning of the 18th century Western concepts and ideas prevailed in the upbringing and education of the Russian elite. German, French and English became the native languages of the nobility. Aristocrats spent years living in Italy, Germany and France. Russia was only a source of income. Under Peter I, the Westernization of Russia by the Romanovs became irreversible. Russia began to turn into an ideological and raw material periphery of Western Europe. In the 18th century, a cultural revolution took place in Russia. A new, European civilization was literally driven into the social elite of Russia. The Russian people were artificially divided: on the nobility-"Europeans" and the rest, mainly the peasant world, which preserved the foundations of Russian culture on the basis of folk traditions.
Thus, in the Romanov empire there would be an innate vice, a split of the people into two unequal parts, the "people", the Westernized elite and the people themselves. And since the time of Catherine II, who abolished the compulsory service of the nobility, which more or less forced ordinary people to come to terms with the privileged position of landowners-nobles, an ever-increasing degradation (decomposition) of the elite of the Russian Empire began. More and more nobles lived a life of social parasites, burned years in European capitals, where they spent the people's wealth, which they squeezed out of Russia. By the beginning of the 20th century, the situation had already become intolerable. The Russian people could no longer tolerate this social injustice.
At the same time, the westernized "elite" itself sawed off the branch on which it sat, destroying autocracy, sacred power, the last core of the empire. Many of the Februaryist revolutionaries were Freemasons, that is, members of closed clubs, lodges, claiming the role of "architects-masons" of the new world order. Freemasons appeared in the West and Russian Freemasons were subordinate to the Western centers along the hierarchical ladder. In these lodges, the interests of various groups and families of the ruling elite were coordinated. They were going to create in Russia a matrix of a society of the Western type, focusing on England and France (constitutional monarchy and bourgeois republic).
The ruling elite in Russia had strength, wealth, influence, but the "elite" was eager for complete power. And autocracy was a barrier to true power. They had no control over the emperor-king. The Russian autocrat possessed such fullness of power that he could change the concept of the development of the entire civilization, like Peter Alekseevich, who turned Russia onto the western path of development. Moreover, there were such examples. Pavel Petrovich, Nicholas I and Alexander III in one way or another tried to Russify the ruling elite, to return Russia to its original path of development. However, they failed. Only the Russian communists headed by Stalin were able to restore the originality of Russia for a while. Thus, the Russian autocracy was, in the opinion of the Westernized Russian elite, a relic of the old days, which prevented the final Westernization of Russia. On the other hand, autocratic power was dangerous, since a person could find himself on the Russian throne who could turn the “Russian troika” onto an original path of development, so that it would be unacceptable both for Westerners inside the country and for external “partners” of Russia.
In addition, the archaic political system of Russia, in the opinion of the Westernized Februaryists, prevented the country from finally switching to capitalist rails, that is, more efficiently redistributing resources in their favor. Westerners wanted "market", "democracy" and "freedom." And the royal family had to share the property. Westerners believed that if they lead Russia, they will be able to manage it more effectively, including in the economic sphere. That in Russia it will be as good (for the social elite) as in “dear Europe”. Russian Masons liked to live in Europe, so “sweet, civilized”. They dreamed of introducing the same order in "backward Russia." They believed that "the West will help them" as soon as they remove the king. As a result, it was a terrible shock for them when the West did not help them. Rather, the West helped various detachments of the Februaryists to start a civil war between the Russians and the Russians, but the help was metered. The masters of the West simultaneously supported a part of the Bolsheviks (revolutionaries-internationalists) in order to exterminate as many Russians as possible in the civil war, undermine their demography and gene pool.
Why did the Westernizing Februaryists perpetrate the February Revolution, when there was very little left before the victory of the Entente? The go-ahead was given by the masters of the West. The masters of England, France and the United States did not want to see autocratic Russia in the victor's camp. They could not give even an insignificant chance to modernize the Russian Empire on the wave of victory. The Russian Empire was sentenced long ago, and the wars with Japan and Germany were supposed to destabilize it first and then finish it off. Therefore, the Russian masons were allowed to become the organizing force of the February coup. At the same time, Western embassies and special services also took the role of organizers, in every possible way supporting the conspirators.
Russian Westernizers bought into the "carrot" - dreaming of building a "sweet Europe", and hoping "for the help of the West" in this matter. They were simply used, and then "the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave." The Februaryists were the first wave - they crushed the autocracy, we will launch a large-scale turmoil. Then other destructive waves were launched - internationalist revolutionaries, nationalists, just bandits (criminal revolution). As a result, they should not have left a stone unturned from the Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos. And the resources of Russia were to serve in the creation of a new world order (a global slave civilization). The plans of our enemies were thwarted by the Russian communists, who began to build socialism in a single country, and significantly thinned the “fifth column”
Russian Westernizers dreamed of establishing a Western-style regime in Russia. And they wanted to launch the process of building a "new Russia" on the wave of victory over Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Hence the "war to the bitter end." Which completely coincided with the interests of the masters of the West. Until the last moment Russia was supposed to be a source of "cannon fodder" and other resources in the struggle against the powers of the Central Bloc.
Thus, without full political and sacred power (autocracy), the top of the Russian Empire, which included various forces, including the grand dukes, the aristocracy, many dignitaries and bureaucrats, the industrial, financial and trade elite, the military elite, liberal politicians and the intelligentsia, wanted overthrow tsarism, gain full power in Russia and direct it along the western path of development. At the same time, focusing not on Germany, but mainly on England and France. The pro-Western elite of Russia was directed, was organized through Masonic lodges and Western embassies, special services. The masters of the West with the hands of the Russian "fifth column" were solving the millennial "Russian question" - the destruction of the main enemy on the planet - Russian civilization and the super-ethnos of the Russians. Therefore, instead of a triumphant victory, the February revolutionaries caused the catastrophe of "old Russia" in which they themselves flourished, and the turmoil when centuries-old social ulcers broke out.

External forces interested in the collapse of the Russian Empire
Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 was organized by the masters of the West as a rehearsal for the destruction of the Russian Empire. The Japanese ram was used to test the "immunity" of the empire, its armed forces, to try to destabilize it and cause a revolution. The rehearsal was successful. The war showed the weakness and stupidity of the Russian supreme military-political leadership, which was unable to prepare for a war in the Far East and defeat a weaker enemy. The empire was destabilized, tested by various revolutionary groups - from liberals to revolutionaries and nationalists. However, it was obvious that the tsarist power still had a powerful support - the army, etc. "Black Hundreds" (right, conservative part of the population), with whose help the revolution of 1905-1907 was suppressed.
What was needed was a detonator, a fuse, which would destroy the last pillars of the autocracy and cause the collapse of the empire. It was the First World War, which was unleashed by the masters of the West and dragged Russia into it. The war revealed all the social, economic and national problems that had been accumulating for a long time in the Romanov empire. Russia began to fight for the interests of France and England, saving them from the Germans. During the war, Russia regularly supplied "cannon fodder", rescuing the "allies" and was a "cash cow" that was sucked out of gold. The cadre imperial army perished on the battlefields. Millions of peasants who saw no point in the war were put under arms and dreamed only of leaving the front and starting the redistribution of the landlord's land. They rotted in the trenches, died during senseless attacks, and knew that at that time their parents and children were living in the rear on the brink of starvation, and the bourgeois gentlemen were burning their lives in taverns and restaurants. Thousands of representatives of the liberal intelligentsia joined the officers and dreamed of overthrowing tsarism and building a "free Russia."
The right (Black Hundred) forces were completely discredited during the war. In addition, before the war, the government did not think of creating a full-fledged support for itself in the person of right-wing, conservative parties and movements, although during the first revolution of 1905-1907. traditionalist conservatives had a huge social base, all of this was lost. The generals, seeing the weakness and mistakes of the tsarist regime, wanted a "firm hand" that would restore order in the rear and bring the war to a victorious end. As a result, the generals agreed to "surrender" the tsar so that the new "responsible government" would bring the war to victory. As a result, the war completely destabilized the empire, knocked out the last supports from under it, and created the conditions for a revolution (coup).
The owners of England, France and the United States successfully carried out an operation to play off Russia with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The war was supposed to solve several strategic tasks at once:
- destabilize Russia, cause a revolutionary situation; to push the ruling "elite" to overthrow the autocracy, which was hinted at "help from the West" in the creation of a "new, free Russia";
- to bleed and disintegrate the Russian armed forces, so that they themselves become a source of confusion from the support of the empire and autocracy;
- the war was supposed to lead to the destruction of the Russian Empire, the Russian army. Power passed to the liberal-bourgeois Provisional Government, which would lead Russia along the western path of development. Which led to even greater chaos and confusion, the complete collapse of Russia into national, "independent" republics and bantustans. As a result, the masters of the West gained control over the resources of the entire Russian civilization, which should have allowed building a new world order.
- the aristocratic empires - Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman - were destroyed to make way for a new, "democratic" world, where all power belonged to the "golden elite" (or "financial international");
- the destruction of Europe in the fire of a big war made it possible to crush the old elites of the Old World under the United States, which took the place of the leader of the Western project. The United States (together with England) gained a dominant position in the West and in the world as a whole. In fact, it was a war for absolute power on the planet: the masters of the United States and England planned to destroy the old world and build a new world order, where it would be possible to plunder and parasitize freely on the body of mankind.