On May 3, 1113, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1053-19 May 1125), one of the most prominent statesmen and generals of ancient Russia, ascended the throne of Kiev. The path to supreme power in Russia was long, Vladimir was 60 years old when he became the Grand Duke. By this time, he had already ruled in Smolensk, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl, was noted as the winner of the Polovtsians and a peacemaker who tried to pacify the princely quarrels.
The son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1030-1093), who consistently owned tables in Pereyaslavl, Chernigov and Kiev and a representative of the Byzantine imperial dynasty of Monomakhs. Her exact name is unknown, the sources have such variants of a personal name: Anastasia, Maria, Irina, Theodora or Anna. Vladimir spent his childhood and youth at the court of his father Vsevolod Yaroslavich in Pereyaslavl-Yuzhny. He constantly participated in his father's campaigns, when he grew up and matured, led his squad, carried out distant campaigns, suppressed the uprising of the Vyatichi, fought against the Polovtsians, helped the Poles against the Czechs. Together with his father and Svyatopolk Izyaslavich he fought against Vseslav of Polotsk. In 1074 he married an English princess, daughter of the last reigning Anglo-Saxon king Harold II (died in battle with the army of Norman Duke William) Gita of Wessex.
He was a prince of Smolensk, when his father became a Kiev prince, Vladimir Monomakh received Chernigov. Grand Duke Vsevolod did not offend the sons of the deceased Izyaslav - Svyatopolk was left in Novgorod, Yaropolk received Volyn and Turov. Vsevolod left the left bank of the Dnieper for his family: his youngest son, Rostislav, was in Pereyaslavl, and Vladimir was in Chernigov. For his father's right hand, Vladimir retained the management of the Smolensk and Rostov-Suzdal lands.
It was difficult for Vsevolod on the throne. He got a difficult inheritance. In Kiev, he was opposed by unauthorized boyars. His own Chernigov boyars were thinned out by wars. In the last years of his life, the prince was often ill, could not control the activities of those close to him, which they used. It was also restless on the outer borders: the Volga Bulgars (Bulgars) and the Mordovians burned them with Murom, and invaded the Suzdal lands. The Polovtsians were insolent, looking at them, the Torks, who pledged to serve Russia, rebelled. Vseslav of Polotsk burned Smolensk to the ground and drove away its inhabitants. The violent Vyatichi tribes did not recognize the power of the Grand Duke over themselves, the Vyatichi remained pagans.
Military activity of Vladimir. Vsevolod's reign
Vladimir Monomakh had to fight the enemies of his father and Russia. Every now and then he got into the saddle and raced with his retinue to the east, then to the south, then to the west. Vladimir responded to Vseslav Bryachislavich's attack on Smolensk with a series of devastating raids, in which he also attracted Polovtsian detachments. Drutsk and Minsk were captured. The people captured during Vseslav's campaigns to Novgorod and Smolensk were freed, as well as the inhabitants of Minsk and other Polotsk residents, they were resettled in the Rostov-Suzdal land. Vseslav settled in Polotsk and prepared for defense, but Vladimir was not going to gain a foothold in his principality and did not go to the capital city.
Vladimir defeated the Bulgars on the Oka. He intercepted the detachments of the khans of Asaduk and Sauk, which ruined Starodub, the Polovtsians were defeated, the khans were captured. Immediately, without rest, he made a rush to Novgorod-Seversky, where he scattered another Polovtsian horde of Belkatgin. Freed thousands of captives. Then the prince defeated the Torks. The rebels obeyed and were sent home. Leaders and noble people were left prisoners. Another detachment of Torks was scattered near Pereyaslavl.
In the winter of 1180, Vladimir moved his squads against the Vyatichi. He surrounded their capital Kordno. The Vyatichi were headed by Prince Khodota and his son. Kordno, after a hard assault, was taken, but Hotoda left. The revolt continued, inspired by the pagan priests. We had to storm one by one the Vyatichi fortresses. The Vyatichi, inspired by the priests, fought bravely, and women fought along with the men. Surrounded, preferred to commit suicide, did not surrender. I had to resist guerrilla tactics. The Vyatichi could not stand for a long time in an open battle with the mounted squads of Vladimir, but they skillfully attacked from ambushes, took refuge in the forests and swamps, and attacked again. In the spring, when the thaw began, Monomakh withdrew the troops. The following winter, the prince applied more cunning tactics. He did not scour the forests in search of Khodota and the surviving Vyatichi towns. His reconnaissance figured out the main sanctuaries of the Vyatichi, and when the troops of Monomakh approached them, the pagans themselves went into battle to protect their shrines. The Vyatichi fought desperately, but they could not withstand the might of a professional army in an open battle. In one of these battles, the last prince of the Vyatichi, Khodota, and the priesthood of the Vyatichi tribes fell. The resistance was broken. Self-government of the Vyatichi was liquidated, their lands became part of the Chernigov inheritance, and princely governors were appointed to them.
Again and again Vladimir chases the Polovtsi. Sometimes the prince defeated them, sometimes he did not have time to overtake them, once near Priluki he almost got into trouble, barely managed to escape. Monomakh seemed tireless. Being tirelessly on campaigns and traveling, Vladimir managed to reasonably manage his lot. At the same time, he himself listened to the affairs, checked the activities of managers, arranged sudden checks, and judged. Under his rule, Smolensk was rebuilt, destroyed during the conflicts of Chernigov.
However, all peaceful affairs had to be done in the "breaks" between campaigns and the settlement of conflicts. The son of Prince Igor Davyd of Smolensk and the children of Prince Rostislav - Rurik, Volodar and Vasilko considered themselves destitute. Initially, Davyd and Volodar captured Tmutarakan, expelling the grand prince's governor. But they were expelled from there by Oleg Svyatoslavovich, who was freed from exile in Rhodes by the new Byzantine emperor Alexei Komnenos. Oleg recognized himself as a vassal of Byzantium and received military support. Davyd Igorevich fell into outright robbery, captured and ravaged Oleshye at the mouth of the Dnieper, simultaneously robbing the Kiev guests (merchants). And Rurik, Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavichi recaptured Vladimir-Volynsky from Yaropolk. It was the possession of their father, there they were born and considered their lot. The Grand Duke sent Monomakh to restore order. Rostislavichi, having learned about this, fled.
Grand Duke Vsevolod decided to eliminate the cause of the conflict by political means, to attach rogue princes. Davyd Igorevich planted in Dorogobuzh in Volyn, the Rostislavichs allocated the Carpathian cities - Przemysl, Cherven, Terebovl. He also restored the rights of Svyatoslav's sons: Davyd received Smolensk, Oleg was recognized as Tmutarakan, which he captured. But this could not calm the princes. Some have only grown appetites. Davyd Igorevich wanted to snatch something else. Oleg, under the auspices of Byzantium, felt powerful, did not obey the Grand Duke. His Greek wife called herself the "Archontess of Russia".
Yaropolk Izyaslavich, who was helped by the Grand Duke to return Vladimir-Volynsky, did not lag behind. His mother Gertrude, daughter of the Polish king Mieszko II Lambert, was dissatisfied with the position of her son, she believed that he was worthy of the grand prince's table. Yaropolk and Gertrude got in touch with the Poles, entered into an alliance with the Polish king Vladislav. Yaropolk had to separate from Russia first, then the Pope promised to proclaim him the king of Volyn. Poland and Rome promised to help clean up the rest of the Russian lands. The plan looked quite possible: the brother of the Volyn prince, Svyatopolk, was in Novgorod, the Izyaslavichs had good connections with the Kiev boyars. Yaropolk began to prepare for war.
But the Grand Duke and his son had friends in Volhynia, they let know to Kiev. Vsevolod reacted immediately, sent Monomakh with his squad. For Yaropolk, this came as a surprise, he did not resist and fled to Poland for help, leaving his family. The cities were ordered to defend themselves. However, the cities did not resist. The traitor's family and his property were seized. And Yaropolk did not find support abroad. The Polish king was busy with the war with the Pomorians and the Prussians. Yaropolk had no money, which made it difficult to find friends. As a result, the Volyn prince confessed, asked for forgiveness from the Grand Duke, and promised not to row anymore. He was forgiven. They returned the family and inheritance. True, in the winter of 1086 he was killed by his own warrior. The killer fled to the Rostislavichs, apparently, they were the organizers of the murder, since they claimed the lands of Yaropolk.
The Grand Duke divided the lot of Yaropolk: he gave his brother Svyatopolk the Turovo-Pinsk principality, took Novgorod, handing it over to the son of Monomakh - Mstislav (Novgorodians complained about Svyatopolk); Volyn handed over to Davyd Igorevich.
Vladimir and the Grand Duke Svyatopolk Izyaslavich (1093-1113)
Unification took place among the Polovtsian tribes. Among the clans that settled west of the Dnieper, Bonyak became the leader, Tugorkan to the east, Sharukan ascended on the Don. In 1092, Bonyak and Sharukan joined forces, an army of tens of thousands of horsemen broke through the Russian border line. Tens and hundreds of settlements burst into flames. This blow was unexpected for the Russian princes. Pereyaslavl and Chernigov were blocked. Grand Duke Vsevolod began negotiations with the Polovtsians. Having seized a large booty and received a ransom, the Polovtsian leaders agreed to peace.
In the spring of 1093, Vsevolod Yaroslavich died. Everyone expected that Monomakh would take the throne, he was noted as a zealous owner and a skillful warrior, was the most powerful prince. But he refused. According to the ladder (ladder law), the primacy belonged to the children of the eldest of the Yaroslavichi, Izyaslav - of whom only Svyatopolk was alive, who ruled in the Turovo-Pinsk land. Vladimir did not want a new turmoil in Russia and voluntarily surrendered the Kiev table, in fact, elevated Svyatopolk to the throne. Vladimir himself went to Chernigov.
Polovtsian ambassadors arrived in Kiev to confirm peace with the new Grand Duke and receive gifts. But Svyatopolk was very covetous and stingy, he did not want to part with the money. Although in this situation, when Russia only survived one invasion and came to its senses, it would be wise to gain time. Svyatopolk not only refused to pay, but also captured the Polovtsian ambassadors. This was a very stupid step, especially given the insignificance of his squad - about 800 soldiers (again due to stinginess). The Polovtsi gathered an army and laid siege to Torchesk. Svyatopolk freed the ambassadors, but it was too late, the war began.
Vladimir Monomakh from Chernigov and his brother Rostislav from Pereyaslavl arrived to help the Grand Duke. The most experienced commander was Vladimir, but Svyatopolk claimed leadership, he was supported by the clergy and boyars. The troops advanced to Trepol. Vladimir advised placing shelves behind a water barrier and gaining time, and then making peace. He said that the Polovtsians, although they have superiority in forces, would not risk it, they would accept the offer of peace. They did not listen to him. Svyatopolk did not want peace in such conditions, since he would have to pay. The Grand Duke insisted on the crossing of troops across the Stugna. The battle took place on May 26, 1093. With the first attack, the Polovtsians crushed the right flank - the squad of Svyatopolk. The center, where Rostislav fought, and the left flank of Monomakh held out, but after the defeat of the forces of the Grand Duke, they began to bypass, they had to retreat. Many drowned at Stugna, including Prince Rostislav. Monomakh found his brother's body and took it to the family tomb, in Pereyaslavl.
Svyatopolk gathered another army, but was again defeated and shut up in Kiev. The besieged Torchesk, after the Polovtsians took the river that supplied the city with water, surrendered. The Grand Duke asked for peace. But he was able to find an advantage in this situation as well. He married the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan, received a strong ally and a dowry.
At this time, the Svyatoslavichs raised their heads. Oleg asked for help and the Byzantine emperor, who allocated money to hire the Polovtsians. Oleg paid for the "help" by the Tmutarakan principality, giving it to the Greeks in full possession. At the same time, Prince Davyd Svyatoslavich of Smolensk knocked Mstislav Vladimirovich out of Novgorod with a swift blow, he retreated to Rostov. Monomakh was surprised and angry. His squad suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Polovtsians, and now most of it had to be sent to help his son. This is what the Svyatoslavichs were waiting for. Oleg's army left the steppe and laid siege to Chernigov. Vladimir had to hold the line with the rest of the squad. The Chernigov nobility agreed to transfer the city to Oleg, so the townspeople did not come out to the walls. The Grand Duke did not intervene, although Vladimir responded when it was necessary to fight the Polovtsians. Apparently, he considered it useful that Vladimir would be weakened, or even killed. In 1094, Vladimir was forced to cede Chernigov, left the city with a small squad and family. Monomakh retired to Pereyaslavl.
In the capital city, the situation was difficult. Svyatopolk was distinguished by money-grubbing, and so was his entourage. People of Svyatopolk robbed the common people. The Jewish quarter of Kiev flourished even more than under Izyaslav. It should be noted that Svyatopolk had connections with rich Jews back in Novgorod. In addition, even before marrying a Polovtsian woman, a Jewish beauty-concubine was planted under him (an ancient way to keep the rulers under control). The Jews were under the special patronage of the Grand Duke. Many Russian traders and artisans went bankrupt. And the prince himself was not shy in the methods of profit. He took away the monopoly on salt trade from the Pechersky Monastery, began to trade in salt through his friends-tax farmers. The son of the Grand Duke by his concubine Mstislav killed two monks Fyodor (Theodore) and Vasily. Fedor's cell was in the Varangian cave, where, according to legend, the Varangians hid treasures. There were rumors that the monk Fyodor found the treasure and hid it again. Upon learning of this, Prince Mstislav Svyatopolkovich demanded these treasures, and during the "conversation" he killed the monks. In such a situation, Metropolitan Ephraim generally left for Pereyaslavl to live out his life. Many noble people, soldiers and townspeople, dissatisfied with the power of Svyatopolk, also moved to Monomakh.
The defense capability of the southern Russian lands has worsened. During the reign of Vsevolod, the Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl principalities constituted a single defense system. Now each land was on its own. To the same Oleg was in alliance with the Polovtsy and they ravaged the neighboring lands. Kiev was not saved by the relationship of the Grand Duke with Tugorkan, he himself did not go to the possessions of a relative, but did not interfere with other leaders. The Polovtsi established good contacts with Jewish slave traders from the Crimea (a fragment of Khazaria) and thousands of captives went by river to the southern countries. Byzantine laws prohibited the trade of Christians, but the local authorities were tied to merchants and turned a blind eye to violation.
Very often the Polovtsian leaders, after a raid, came to the princes and offered "peace." So in 1095, two Polovtsian khans, Itlar and Kitan, came to Pereyaslavl to sell the world to Vladimir Monomakh. They set up camp near the city, the son of Monomakh, Svyatoslav, went hostage to them, and Itlar entered the fortress, where he demanded gifts. The guards were outraged by such impudence and demanded to punish the Polovtsians. Their opinion was expressed by the closest associate of the Grand Duke Vsevolod and Monomakh himself - the Pereyaslavl mayor Ratibor. Vladimir doubted, nevertheless, the Polovtsians were guests, they exchanged vows of safety and hostages with them. But the vigilantes insisted on their own. At night, the prince's son was kidnapped from the Polovtsian camp. In the morning, the Polovtsian camp was defeated, and Itlar's detachment was massacred in the city itself. Only the son of Itlar, with part of the detachment, was able to escape.
Monomakh sent messengers to the Grand Duke to gather an army and strike at the Polovtsians until they came to their senses. Svyatopolk this time agreed with the correctness of Vladimir, the Kiev land suffered greatly from the raids of the Polovtsians. Oleg and Davyd Svyatoslavich promised their squads, but they did not bring the soldiers. For the success of the operation, the squads of Kiev and Pereyaslavl were enough. Many Polovtsian camps were defeated. This campaign placed Monomakh's prestige high. He proposed to convene a congress of princes in Kiev and, together with the clergy and boyars, resolve all disputes, develop measures to protect Russia. The Grand Duke was forced to agree with Vladimir.
However, it was far from unity, even a formal one. Novgorodians escorted Davyd out, invited Mstislav again. Davyd did not calm down, tried to recapture Novgorod. Khan Itlar's son raided and slaughtered where he passed. After that he took refuge in Chernigov. Svyatopolk and Vladimir demanded the extradition of the Polovtsian or his execution. Oleg did not betray the khan, and he did not go to the congress. He behaved defiantly, said that he was an independent ruler who did not need advice. In response, the Grand Duke took Smolensk from Davyd Svyatoslavich, and the Kiev, Volyn and Pereyaslavl races marched against Chernigov. And the son of Monomakh - Izyaslav, he reigned in Kursk, captured Murom, which belonged to Oleg. The Chernigov prince, seeing that they had grown cold towards him in Chernigov, fled to Starodub. The city held out for a month, repulsed several attacks, but was forced to surrender. Oleg was deprived of Chernigov. He promised to come to the congress of princes, to get involved in all-Russian affairs.
At this time, the Polovtsian invasion began. At that time, Tugorkan and Bonyak went to Byzantium, but they repulsed their attack, and they decided to compensate for the losses in Russia. They divided the Russian lands diplomatically. Tugorkan was a relative of Svyatopolk, so Bonyak went to Kiev. And Tugorkan moved to the Pereyaslavl land. As soon as Svyatopolk and Vladimir made peace with Oleg, the news of the siege of Pereyaslavl arrived. They rushed to save the city. The army of Tugorkan did not expect the appearance of Russian squads, they believed that the princes were still at war with Oleg. On July 19, 1096, the Polovtsian army was destroyed on the Trubezh River. Tugorkan himself died with his son.
No sooner had they celebrated the victory than a message came about the devastation of the Kiev land by the hordes of Bonyak. The Polovtsi burned the princely courtyard at Berestovoye, destroyed the Pechersky and Vydubitsky monasteries. The khan did not dare to storm the capital city, but the environs of Kiev were devastated. The Grand Duke and Vladimir led the squads to intercept, but were late. Bonyak left with a huge booty.