"Paper gun"

"Paper gun"
"Paper gun"

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has repeatedly said that … the most direct and obvious paths actually "lead to the wrong place." That is, the obvious impact on society, too, is not the best, so it is necessary not to prohibit, he said, but to ensure that people themselves realize that "a noble husband does not do that." What is this preface for? And here's what: we have many problems with different countries and they are solved in different ways, but there are many ways to solve them and some of them are not so obvious, although they can be very effective.

And now the story will go about how in the fall of 1979 I, a school teacher in one remote from the regional center Zaplutalovka, which lay at a distance of 14 km from the highway, had to be on it in order to go through our Russian black soil, to my “native village”, where my wife and little daughter were waiting for me. On the back there is a backpack, in the hands of a bag with provisions - after all, in the village at that time it was hungry without households, but where did the teachers who came from the city get their households from?

"Paper gun"
"Paper gun"

The ceramic pistol is definitely a spy weapon!

Usually I walked, kneaded the dirt with my feet and … swore, since no one heard me. And then I thought that I should spend this time usefully! I was already interested in the history of weapons and the weapons themselves, and I decided that I needed to come up with … a fundamentally new pistol, based on what I generally know about pistols. And I knew at that time that the pistol had long been transformed from a military weapon into a status weapon, that those who had it very rarely had to use it and the "case" was usually solved by the first two or three shots, and no one had to shoot with two magazines. and does not. In any case, I read about it in the magazine "Foreign Military Review", and this idea sunk into my head.

And if so, I thought then, then there is absolutely no need to carry a whole kilogram of milled high-quality steel on my side. That a plastic pistol without a bolt and all other parts will do to demonstrate the status, but just a one-piece "monoblock" made of plastic, shaped like a pistol (and beautiful and ergonomic!) In which bullets and propelling charges will have to be right in the barrels, which maybe seven, maybe nine. Moreover, the barrels, connected in one block, would be at the same time a disposable store with electric ignition of charges. Shot them all - threw them away! I shot a part - I handed it over to a training unit, finish shooting! Well, and the firing mechanism is the simplest, biscuit-type, powered by a battery in the handle.

I prepared a diagram and description of the pistols and (I remind you that it was in the fall of 1979!) I sent the Minister of Defense Ustinov, a normal case at that time. Already in the spring, in March, a reply came from the head of a certain military unit No.…. (Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR), where it was written that "your proposal" pistol "has been considered, but the proposed design is no better than the Makarov pistol, there is an analogue - a" four-barreled international "pistol and it is possible to soften the trunks adjacent to the GOST polypropylene used from your declared polypropylene … with intense shooting. " Then my technical knowledge was enough only to admire - there must be an analogue “four-barreled international (and I have not heard of this!). Well, now I could say that the “comrades experts” were “swimming shallowly”, because the same question was asked to the Australian designer O'Duayer, who offered his super-high-speed pistol a little later, also made of plastic. So he calculated that when firing from several barrels, even the most intense, it is simply impossible to raise the temperature to critical values!


Francisco Scaramanga's famous golden pistol was made from fountain pens and a lighter.

Thirteen years have passed, everything has changed, and in 1993 I handed over my project to the commercial venture firm Zeif, which sent it to Tula for examination. The local experts made a comment that the barrel bore for the chamber block is too large and dirt can get there! How? After all, the block is worn attached to the pistol, and during replacement it is already possible to make sure that no dirt gets in, right? But … "specialists are specialists." After such an answer, "Zeif" considered that the risk exceeded 50% and did not get involved with this development. Years have passed, the design of the weapon has been more and more improved, now it is a completely shooting computer made in ZD technology. After all, modern technologies make it possible both the pistol itself and the barrel blocks for it to do just that. Moreover, such a pistol can be silent, have a smaller caliber bullet than the barrel, which would block the gas outlet from it. A longer bullet (see fig.) - a bullet-arrow and in front of you is a block of barrels for firing underwater. And the pistol in both cases is one, which is very, very convenient. It is inconvenient to seal it so that water does not get “where it is not necessary”, but in principle it can be done. There are already plastic blocks with electric ignition in security systems, so over time there will probably be a pistol entirely made of plastic.


The golden pistol of President Lukashenko's son. They say that he does not part with him. Here the child will grow up …

Around the same time, I read about the construction of a ceramic pistol that airport detectors cannot see. It is difficult to make it, but the goal is worth it. "What if you make a gun out of paper?" - I thought and … did. And not only did, but also experienced, then I published the magazine "Tankomaster" and in one of the issues described in the article "shooting model for diorama photography", that is, with smoke, fire, which was very popular at that time. So there this shooting device in a simplified version was just described: a tube, in it a lamp from a pocket flashlight with crushed glass, two wires, a battery, a button and that's it! I glued the tube from an ordinary Whatman paper, the plug too. Of course, this is not all the know-how, but in principle, everything is so! The test bullet was … bone from beef borscht taken out of borscht and turned on a lathe. On the back she had four "wings" made of razor blades. I also read that the standard NATO target looks like a block of plasticine 30 cm thick. I had to buy several boxes, mix them all into one color and cut the block to the desired length. Then I loaded my pipe, clamped it in a vice on the edge of the table, set a plasticine block at the opposite end of the room and … pressed the button. It banged so much that I almost went deaf, and the paper tube did not break! The bullet did not pierce the block through from a distance of five meters, but I had to look for it for a very long time, its path inside the plasticine turned out to be so winding. So, God forbid, she would have got into something else …


Well, now let's see what this design opens up prospects today. Let's say that our scout (spies, because they are only "there"), goes "there" with a mission. It is clear that he does not have a weapon and it is generally difficult to even imagine a more law-abiding citizen. But suddenly he receives an order to urgently liquidate the newly appeared inventor of the hyperatomic bomb or his target and even "Doctor Evil". Question: where will he get the weapon? Of course, such situations are certainly foreseen for our residents. There are people who will deliver them everything, but … "if you want to do something well, do it yourself!" Everyone who is privy to your secret can easily sell you!

And here you have a set of "young technician" with you: step-by-step instructions, paper, glue, a simple firing mechanism, a vixinth mold for casting lead bullets … In a word, a complete set for making a "paper pistol". He won't need more than four barrels. And all non-working voids in it are filled with a mixture of potassium nitrate with sugar. The igniter is a match head covered with a piece of scotch tape. Made it, painted it pink with flowers, loaded it and … bang bang … "Dr. Evil" was killed! Then he walked away, brought the lighter to the igniter, and now a pile of ash was left from the pistol, which cannot be evidence! There are no traces from the passage of the bore on the bullet, there are no fingerprints on the weapon, and the weapon itself is not - that's all! The task is completed!