An interesting wave "rolled" through the western ones, and with their submission, and through our media. Information that all our efforts to ensure the country's defense are nothing. What are the new weapons systems? What are the new types of weapons in general? All this is just mediocre taxpayers' money, because …

We will return to money below. Everything in order.
It all started with the announcement of the dogma that the world has a wonderful, proven means of destruction in Japanese cities - nuclear weapons!
The message on "Lenta Ru", which was published quite recently, stirred the minds of some "military experts" and "representatives of the military-industrial complex." But, probably, it is more correct to write, "shook". From the word to shake. If the jelly is pushed a little, then the oscillation will begin in the entire system. Well, the structure is like this. Unstable.
What did the colleagues from "Lenta. Ru" find?
"About this in the article" How the modernization of the US nuclear forces undermines strategic stability ", published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, writes a group of leading US military experts: Director of the Nuclear Information Center of the Federation of American Scientists Hans Christensen, renowned rocket expert Theodore Postol, and Matthew McKinsey, director of nuclear programs at the National Natural Resources Defense Council."
“… Observers missed a real revolution in strategic weapons, which the United States has carried out since 2009. We are talking about equipping nuclear warheads W76-1 / Mk.4 (100 kilotons capacity, installed on Trident II naval missiles) with a new super-explosive system (super -fuze) MC4700. If earlier no more than 20 percent of naval missile blocks could be used against protected targets, now their share is close to 100 percent."
Small digression. Many military personnel mistakenly believe that hitting the target must be direct. A primitive and outdated view of things. Saw the target, took aim and fired. A bullet or projectile hits the target and hits it.
We emphasize, a bullet or a projectile. Okay, let's leave the bullets alone, let's look at the example of a projectile.
Does it happen that a shell misses its target for a variety of reasons? It happens. And then it is necessary to use the latest American developments. Namely, new fuses.
Is the projectile flying higher? The supercomputer on your gun has calculated. He gave a command and, not reaching some meters there, the fuse goes off, and … It is difficult to assume, but if it is a high-explosive fragmentation, then there will be some sense. Hit? Naturally. Defeat? HM…
Here's a modern approach to cutting edge weapon development. The main thing is not defeat, but hit!
After reading what is written above, many former military personnel and those who work with weapons today probably smiled. "Incompetent mockery"? Perhaps, but then what thoughts arose during reading, so we use it. It’s a lot of fun American experts have decided to "cheat" the administration and the US Congress for loot. Yes, and "scare" us.
But, on the other hand, there is a weapon of this type of action. It has existed for more than one century. Artillery cannot boast of such a detonator, but shrapnel has been "covering up infantry" for centuries. There is no centimeter accuracy, but there is quantity that turns into quality.
But back to what the American nuclear weapons experts are talking about.
"The peculiarity of the MC4700 system is that it is able to compensate for some of the misses -" flights "by early detonation of the block at a low altitude above the target."
Simply put, a rocket with high-power nuclear weapons does not always hit the target exactly. The probability of such a hit is estimated by experts at about 1 to 2. Approximately 50%. Agree, when destroying underground facilities, naturally, seriously protected from such attacks, this launch may not achieve its goal.
And if so, the enemy's launcher, and in this case it is directly referred to Russian or Chinese launchers, will work normally. And the answer is likely to follow.
How does the new fuse “compensate for the mistakes?” Exactly what is written about at the beginning of the article.
A smart computer for 80-60 kilometers calculates the magnitude of the miss and issues a command to self-detonate the ammunition over the target. That's all. And the power of this ammunition allows you to hit the target even without direct impact. Simply put, now the hit probability is approaching the optimal one. To be precise, the Americans give a hit rate of 83% for highly protected targets (capable of withstanding 10,000 psi pressure), and 99% for highly protected targets (2,000 pounds).
But there are doubts. A ground or buried object, of course, a nuclear explosion that is one kilometer or five. The result will be good, because everyone knows about the multistage impact of a nuclear explosion.
But with objects that are reliably hidden not just underground, but protected by mountain ranges, how?
By the way, another simple but logical question arises. And what about the enemy's air defense systems? They don't seem to exist? Not at all? Indeed, to destroy serious objects, an ammunition capacity of at least 100 kilotons is required, as mentioned above. And such power cannot be built into an inconspicuous rocket. You need a serious carrier.
American experts have an answer. The ammunition is located on the sea-based Trident II missiles (UGM-133A Trident II (D5) - "trident"). It is these missiles that have constituted the main (up to 52%) strike force of the American strategic nuclear forces since 1990. And besides the United States, there are such missiles in the UK. In a small amount, however.
US strategic missile carriers capable of launching this three-stage monster are countless. Missile carriers of the "Ohio" class, namely they are armed with 24 "Tridents" each, are always under the supervision of the enemy. Therefore, they will not be able to come close to the coast, it is clear that our naval ASW will be on guard. And what remains?
What remains is what they were once created for. Both missile carriers and missiles. Shooting from a decent distance (5-12,000 km). What makes all the other "innovations" and "achievements" of the American military-industrial complex questionable. Including the "revolutionary" detonator.
Simply because the three-stage ballistic Trident II, which is rather slow in terms of speed and is well visible from everywhere, is highly likely to be "removed" by the modern means of the Russian Aerospace Forces and missile defense.
Today, 506 such units are deployed in the United States. According to Pentagon experts, 272 are enough to completely suppress Russian mine-based launchers. From this "arithmetic" the purpose of this study becomes clear. "Amphibious" target. Breathing.
First, American taxpayers' money hasn't gone into the sand. The Pentagon has weapons and the ability to destroy the enemy, whoever he may be, with a preemptive strike of modern weapons. The security of the country is ensured!
Secondly, the new US President Trump is simply obliged to allocate funds for research and development of new strategic missiles! Almost 30-year-old "Trident" will soon be unable (or rather, can no longer) be effectively used.
Only one thing is strange. Trident IIs are not only equipped with 100 kiloton warheads. Some of the missiles are equipped with a more destructive 455-kiloton "head". Blocks are also created for these missiles (W88). And in terms of quantity, this component is not much inferior to 100-kilotons (384 blocks). Probably, the Pentagon "saved" this data for a "suitable occasion" when it will be necessary to present something else to the president.
On the whole, it is clear that the Americans are well aware of the lag of their armed forces in terms of equipment not only from the Russian armed forces, but also from the Chinese ones. And such statements, which periodically appear in the media today, are designed primarily for the "very nervous system" of the military departments of potential adversaries. Make you scared and start another "arms race". Even the numbers and performance characteristics of weapons, which have always been "taboo" for the press, are now openly circulating in the media.
Strange approach. On the one hand, it is somehow not even accepted, perhaps, to tell the whole world about such achievements like that. Especially those who seem to be the undisputed leader and all that. There is no need. The first - he is the first in Africa.
We once spoke very beautifully about Bulava, Sinev, Liner, Iskander, and Caliber. We really needed the "partners" to make sure we had the latest weapons systems. Effective and deadly.
After last year's launches of "Caliber" everything seems to be. Silence. Whoever did not believe, then also does not believe, but to whom it should have reached, it clearly did. And here's the result: now the United States is clearly placing itself in the role of catch-up.
But this is "and we have … and we have …" Trident "with superfluous"! You don’t look there that he is ancient, how … well, everyone understood how that, he is still very good! And with a super fuse - and in general! And you will still have a cover in Russia and China!
No, no doubt, "Ohio" is a good combat complex, reliable, proven over decades of service. And Trident, as a combat system, does not raise any doubts about its ability to deliver 100 kilotons to a specific point in the world. The issue of quality and efficiency of application today.
Here, as it were, we have something to object to, but the point is not that. The bottom line is that it is not without reason that the Americans have begun to talk so actively that they will win everyone anyway. The only question here is who they want to convince more: the new president, so that they give more money, or Russia and China, so that they are still afraid.
We think it's the first option. Money. For what to scare us? We're scared …