The Moscow Kremlin is the heart and soul of the capital, its source. The Moscow Kremlin is a stronghold of power, a citadel of Russian statehood. It was here that the fate of people, the fate of the country, the fate of peoples were decided. The Moscow Kremlin has always been perceived as the sacred center of the country.
In ancient times, a good military tradition is rooted in showing honor and respect to rulers, monarchs, princes, generals, warrior-heroes by putting up the guard. Once armed guards guarded the life, peace and health of their ruler and his guests. Over the years, the custom of protecting state residences has changed significantly. He has new traits and features. Gradually, the direct protective functions of the guard began to be supplemented by ceremonial and aesthetic ones, designed to show special respect for the state person. Today such expressions as "guard of honor" and "honorary escort" have become firmly established in the lexicon of the peoples of the world. The guard of honor is a concentrated expression of honor and respect, paying tribute to people who deserve it with their feats of arms or everyday work.
The process of the formation of Russian statehood led to the emergence and development of the institution of state protection of the country's top officials, which should be considered as an integral component of the security system of the state itself. At the same time, representative functions were immediately added to the security functions of the first divisions responsible for "physical health" and the peace of mind of the first persons. Hence the emphasized attention to the external appearance of the security officers who were actively involved in the parade guard service.
Carrying out a parade guard service in the Moscow Kremlin has a long tradition. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Kremlin was served by residents, shining in their bright costumes, richly decorated with stones, exclusively during the reception of ambassadors, solemn exits and ceremonies. The king's armies, his bodyguards and an honorary escort in the royal train were also the so-called bellies. During solemn ceremonies in the Kremlin, bellies stood guard in ceremonial clothes and with reeds on both sides of the throne. From the second half of the 16th century, the archers, who loved to show off in a colored "service dress", provided security and ceremonial escort of the tsar. They also carried the "wall guard" of the Moscow Kremlin.
The companions of Tsar Peter, united by the bonds of military duty in the first guards regiment of the empire, on the battlefields are an amazing and unsurpassed example of courage and courage, ensuring the safety of the king and members of the august family. The Preobrazhensky people took part in festive and solemn ceremonies, parades and processions. Not a single important state event was complete without their presence. They carried out guard duty in the capital and all the palace cities, accompanied the sovereigns on their trips and travels. The transformation of Russia into an empire under Peter I was marked by the emergence of a special unit - the guard of honor of the cavalry guards. Never in the Russian Empire did there exist a unit that concentrated such eminent and venerable people in its ranks.
In the 19th century, the duties of protecting government institutions and top officials of the state, carrying the guard of honor, participating in solemn ceremonies and parades were assigned to a number of well-known military structures, among which the elite division of the Life Guard, a special company of the Palace Grenadiers, stands apart. A living relic of the Moscow Kremlin at the beginning of the twentieth century were the guardsmen of the Moscow detachment of the legendary "Golden Company", created by the personal decree of Emperor Nicholas I from ordinary Life Guards, "who have been on campaigns against the enemy" and have shown courage and courage on the battlefields, and also "have insignia and medals”.
At all times, the best soldiers of the country were involved in the protection of the Kremlin. They became the best in mortal battles with the enemies of the Fatherland. 69 ranks of the company of the Palace Grenadiers had the insignia of the military order of St. George and 84 people - the insignia of St. Anna (for 20 years of blameless service). In difficult periods for the Motherland, when the enemies were rushing to Moscow in order to turn the Russian people into slavery, the defenders of the Kremlin went to the front line to smash the enemy on the distant approaches to the capital. The best of the best defenders of the Moscow Kremlin multiplied the traditions of the Moscow princes, the warriors of Dmitry Donskoy, the militias of Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the unyielding guardsmen of Peter I, the valiant soldiers of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, Mikhail Skobelev, Alexey Yermolovykh Bushilov and Aleksei Khovydov and Aleksei Khovydov Morya Pavel Nakhimov.

Guard of the 1st Soviet Joint Military School of the Red Army named after V. I. All-Russian Central Executive Committee for the Protection of the Temporary Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin and the commandant of the Kremlin R. A. Peterson. Photo of 1924
The last century ensuring the security of the Moscow Kremlin is inextricably linked with the name of the legendary Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, founded on December 15, 1917. Graduates and cadets of this oldest and renowned military educational institution in Russia are popularly called Kremlinists. 4 marshals and about 600 generals received their initial military education at the school, 92 of its graduates became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 4 graduates - twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, 2 - Heroes of Socialist Labor, 8 - Heroes of the Russian Federation. In 1919-1935, the school was located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. For special services in the defense of the state and exemplary protection of the Kremlin, the personnel of the school won numerous thanks and awards, and the cadets rightfully began to be called the Kremlin ones.
In the fall of 1918, the cadets began to carry out a regular guard duty to protect the Kremlin. This was a sign of the state's highest confidence in the red commanders. But when danger thickened over the country, the Kremlinites in one impulse came out to defend their beloved Motherland. More than 10 cadet brigades, regiments and machine-gun teams fought on the fronts of the Civil War. Hundreds of cadets volunteered. The Kremlinites everywhere showed miracles of courage and heroism, served as an example of faithful service to the Fatherland. By the decision of the Soviet government, commanders and cadets who died as heroes in battles, a wooden obelisk in the form of a triangular pyramid with a globe at the top was erected in the Kremlin (in the square between the Arsenal and the Senate). Over time, the obelisk was reconstructed, the wood was replaced with marble. The inscription on the monument reads: "Glory to the commanders and cadets who died in the battles against the counter-revolution at Orekhov and Sinelnikov 23 / VIII - 1920".
The news of the beginning of the war responded with pain in my heart. Fascist Germany, violating the treaty, treacherously, without declaring war, attacked our country. Cadets, teachers and commanders of the school named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, fulfilling their military duty, stood up to defend the great Motherland …
The school produced 19 military graduates and trained more than 24 thousand officers who traveled the hard roads of the war a long way from Moscow to Berlin. In the fall of 1941, a separate cadet regiment was formed, consisting of 10 companies, which made a forced march to Yaropolets in the concentration area. The Volokolamsk defensive line, which included a cadet regiment, was soon headed by Major General Ivan Panfilov. 720 cadets (more than half of the regiment) were killed in the fierce battle near Moscow. But the Kremlin officials fulfilled their task with flying colors. Their feat became an example of heroism, courage and military valor.
The government of the country highly appreciated the military exploits of the commanders and cadets of the school named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, who honorably completed the combat missions of the command. For courage and bravery shown in the battle for Moscow, 30 officers and 59 cadets were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.
On all fronts of the Great Patriotic War from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, on the battlefields and behind enemy lines, thousands of Kremlin graduates in all positions - from platoon commander to army commander - showing wonders of heroism and courage, courage and commanding skill, defended and defended Homeland from the hated enslavers. 76 of them were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and three became Heroes twice.
Their deeds are great, and their exploits are immortal. Unforgettable are the names of those who, according to the poet Vladimir Solovyov, have always been glorified by universal rumor, illuminated and exalted in churches, those who loved, fought and died for Russia.
Today MBOKU is one of the recognized military universities in the country. Its graduates have earned the well-deserved respect of fellow citizens for their officer training, courage, heroism and courage. Ambassadors of the armed forces of many foreign countries seek to receive military education here.
On the eve of the imminent 100th anniversary of the country's oldest military educational institution, its chief, Major General Alexander Novkin, on the stage of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, with excitement and trepidation, names the names of the pupils whose glory both cadets and commanders are rightfully proud of. Unbending fortitude and heroic strength, courage and courage, endurance and courage, perseverance and determination, honor and pride are qualities that have personified the color of the Russian military elite for almost a century. The officer's profession is a special profession. In the conditions of modern Russian reality, it requires a special ideological tempering, is identified with knightly service, selfless devotion, is determined by the centuries-old code of traditional attitudes and ideas. The profession of an officer, more than any other, requires a vocation. It is difficult physically and morally, dangerous even in peacetime, requires high dedication, reaching the point of self-forgetfulness. Officer service is fraught with many hardships and inconveniences that representatives of other professions do not even know about. The highest degree of responsibility requires deep consciousness and self-restraint from the officer. The officer corps is the backbone of the armed forces. More than 100 years ago, on the eve of the First World War, the famous Russian publicist Mikhail Menshikov called officer heroism the spring of the army and presciently, referring to the nation's intellect, shared his long-suffering revelation: “Officers are the soul of the army. In reality, they alone are responsible for the defense of the state.”
Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vasiliev lived a short but bright life. After graduating from college in 1984, he commanded a motorized rifle platoon, then a company. As commander of the motorized rifle battalion of the 245th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, he took part in the storming of Grozny. In 1999 he was appointed deputy commander of the 245th motorized rifle regiment. In the battle near the village of Pervomaisky, on the outskirts of Grozny, he personally led the attack of motorized riflemen, breaking through the encirclement, in which one of the regiment's companies found itself. At the end of the battle, he was killed by a sniper bullet. By the decree of the President of Russia for “courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasian region” Guard Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vasiliev was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.
Colonel of the FSB, participant in the Afghan war and two Chechen wars, Hero of the Russian Federation Alexei Vasilyevich Balandin left the walls of the school in 1983. After a three-year stay in Afghanistan, he graduated from the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze. In the North Caucasus, he led the actions of special forces of the FSB, took personal part in military operations. On April 9, 2009, Colonel Alexei Balandin, head of the operational-combat department of Directorate B (Vympel), of the FSB Special Purpose Center, died while returning from a combat mission. By the decree of the President of Russia dated June 13, 2009, Colonel Alexei Balandin was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation for “courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty”. In the town of Balashikha near Moscow, where the brave warrior spent his childhood, one of the streets is named after him.

Solemn exit of Emperor Nicholas II from the carriage of the letter train. On the platform - the personnel of his convoy. Photo of 1914
Graduated with honors in 1994 from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after V. I. Of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Vladimir Kulbatsky. The 117th release of the 2nd battalion remembers this cheerful and never discouraged guy well. After graduation, he served in the 1st separate security brigade of the Central AMO and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow), then he was a course officer at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Since August 1998 - served in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the subdivision for ensuring the security of state security facilities on the highways. Since February 2002, he is an officer (attached) in the personal protection group of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Here he served until his death on September 9, 2002 …
Volodya left us with the rank of captain. On the day of his death, he was in the car escorting the motorcade of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation during his visit to Kamchatka. On the Elizovo-Petropavlovsk highway, the gray "Volga" of the escort blocked a jeep, driven by a drunk driver, rushing towards. The car took the brunt of the jeep. The accident swept cars across the entire width of the road for 30 meters. As a result of the accident, five people were killed and nine were injured. Having closed the minibus with the members of the delegation from a direct collision, Vladimir Vladimirovich Kulbatsky remained faithful to his officer's duty, sacrificing himself to save the life of the object of state protection. This is a feat.
Alexander Perov was also a hereditary military man, who graduated from the forge of Kremlin personnel - the Moscow Higher Command School in 1996. In "Alpha" Sasha Perov, despite his almost two-meter height, was nicknamed Pooh. The special forces took him into their family. He immediately won the FSB skiing championship. He became the first in the official biathlon, performed excellently in shooting competitions. The feat is part of the special forces' profession. The business trip to Beslan was unexpected. How unimaginable in its cruelty was the monstrous atrocity committed in this cozy North Ossetian town by a gang of brutal non-humans. During a short, fierce battle, Major Perov killed the terrorist who was shooting the hostages - the children. Rescuing the hostages, he covered the thirst-weakened people with his body from a grenade explosion. Having received mortal wounds, he did not leave the firing line, continuing to lead the group … For courage and heroism, Alexander Perov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).
The standard-bearer of the school, at the parade in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory in front of the whole country, walking next to the war veteran - the main standard-bearer with the Victory Banner in his hands, was the favorite of the course, the former Suvorovite Nikolai Schekochikhin, who graduated from the Moscow VOKU with a gold medal in 1995. The only one on the course in the position of squad leader was awarded the rank of senior sergeant. After graduation, he served in the FSB of Russia. Repeatedly performed combat missions. Died in the North Caucasus region on March 30, 2000. Nikolay Nikolayevich Shchekochikhin was awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Courage”. In the memory of relatives, friends, of the 118th issue, Nikolai Shchekochikhin will forever remain the standard-bearer.
The highest command positions of the country's Armed Forces are many graduates of the MBOKU, including: First Deputy General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Colonel General Nikolai Vasilyevich Bogdanovsky, Chief of the CSTO Staff Colonel General Anatoly Alekseevich Sidorov, Commander of the Western Military District Colonel General Andrei Valerievich Kartapolov, Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Fedorovich Rudskoy.
Colonel-General Igor Dmitrievich Sergun, who until the last day of his life headed the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, was also a graduate of the MBOKU.
Traditionally, college graduates continue to provide security for the Kremlin. The commander of the Presidential Regiment of the FSO of Russia, Major General Oleg Pavlovich Galkin, a former cadet of MosVOKU, began his service in the Kremlin almost 30 years ago as a platoon commander of the same regiment. Under Galkin, the presidential grenadiers received and mastered modern armored vehicles and air defense equipment. Under him, the regiment was supplemented by a cavalry squadron. The soldiers of the regiment are serving at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, conducting spectacular divorces with the participation of a Cavalry escort. At the same time, in terms of the level of combat readiness, Galkin's part is not front, but a full-fledged combat one. The commandant of the Moscow Kremlin and the direct superior of General Galkin, Lieutenant General Sergei Dmitrievich Khlebnikov, notes: “Many positive changes in the regiment are closely related to the activities of the current commander. I know that Oleg Pavlovich is a talented person, and I have no doubt that he will cope with everything successfully."
Leading posts in the Federal Security Service of Russia are occupied by prominent graduates of the school. Among them are Lieutenant General Igor Viktorovich Vasiliev, Lieutenant General Sergei Vladimirovich Yangorev, Major General Mikhail Aleksandrovich Filimonov, the press center of the FSO is headed by Colonel Alexander Alekseevich Ryazkov, and the Grand Kremlin Palace is headed by Colonel Dmitry Ivanovich Rodin.
And in the civil service, the former Kremlinites remain a model of loyalty to the Fatherland. And here, in the most important areas of state, economic, social activity, graduates of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School. The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR gave and are giving all their strength, knowledge, talents to the prosperity of our Motherland.
Great success in the field of state activities was achieved by a graduate of MosVOKU, reserve colonel, candidate of economic sciences Vladimir Vasilievich Chernikov. Being a versatile talented and creative person, Vladimir Chernikov managed to realize himself on domestic television, creating his own television program on the VGTRK channel "On the roads of Russia". However, scrupulous honesty and adherence to principles led him soon to the post of chief of inspection of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Since May 2006, Vladimir Chernikov worked as Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the Staff of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Two years later, he headed the Financial and Economic Department of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Currently, Vladimir Chernikov is the head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow. He is the 2nd Class Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation.
In 1992, the legendary man Sergey Vladimirovich Militsky graduated from the school with honors. No films or novels have been written about him yet. Only the oral stories of comrades in the service in the famous group "A" of the Alfa Special Forces Center of the FSB of Russia and the Operational Investigation Directorate of the SZKSiBT of the FSB of Russia. The officer received his baptism of fire in a fierce battle with a gang of terrorists in Budennovsk. Then the alphas, literally covering the hostages with their bodies, entered into a fierce and fleeting close battle. Three of his fellow special forces were killed by bandit bullets, Militsky himself was severely wounded in the head, but showing an incredible effort of will, he retained consciousness and continued to shoot. Colonel Sergey Vladimirovich Militsky is one of three people in the Russian Federation and the only holder of four (!) Orders of Courage in the FSB of Russia. He was also awarded the Order for Military Merit, medals For Courage and For the Salvation of the Perished.
Alexander Alexandrovich Zubkov was born in the family of a front-line soldier, who graduated from college in 1977 with honors. He was promoted to the rank of captain and colonel ahead of schedule. He served in the GSVG and the Leningrad Military District in the Arctic. He graduated from the service in the RF Armed Forces as the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces with the rank of Major General. Poet. Leads the poetic chronicle of the school and the exploits of the Kremlin. During a festive concert in December 2015, dedicated to the 98th anniversary of the school, poems were performed by the author on the stage of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army:
The machine gun school was born
At the turn of the great ages
And taught military science
Within the walls of the Kremlin palaces.
And in the years of dashing trials
On the battlefield for the country
The cadets held the exam, Giving their lives for Moscow.
And if the terrible time
Will call on a military campaign, Kremlin cadets change
Take a step forward.