Any offensive sooner or later becomes defensive. Even if you are an offensive weapon, a breakout group, you will have to consolidate on time lines. Any clash is elementary short pieces of attack and defense, alternating with each other.
This section is about building defenses.
Assessing the views of some modern generals about not conducting local conflicts, one is surprised at their stupidity. For example, recently the idea of "bunker psychology" in defense has been popular in spetsnaz circles. Allegedly, fortified defensive cells, pillboxes and bunkers, interconnected by trenches and communication trenches, lead to demoralization of the fighters. There is a fear of "sticking out your head", the entrenched detachments are afraid to leave the shelter that guarantees life and, inactive, give the enemy a decisive initiative. If you happen to take this course, you will be shown the disadvantages of creating a defense as such. The advantage of a separate slot for each soldier without a connecting passage with another slot, ostensibly, is that the soldier will be forced to leave his slot, come out to the surface, and, accordingly, be less afraid. That's bullshit.
Let us recall how not so long ago - in 1996 - Salman Raduev's gang, after a daring raid on Kizlyar, entrenched itself in the village of Pervomayskoye, dug many trenches there and, having only 250 militants in its composition, held the settlement for a week. Our special forces, in numerical superiority, stormed the village for a week, while incurring catastrophic losses. Capturing with some attacks up to 2/3 of the village, with the onset of darkness, without having time to gain a foothold, the special forces received an order to withdraw in order to attack the positions left in the evening with the onset of dawn. Pervomayskoye itself was surrounded by a dense ring of explosive detachments. The village was constantly fired upon by artillery and periodically processed by aviation. A detachment of highlanders the size of an infantry battalion held the defense against the most elite special groups in Russia, and then broke through the encirclement. So much for "bunkering thinking". An interesting comment by Kulikov, at the time the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: "… well, the bandits are running away from prisons, there the wall has been built for years, but here in the field there is a village, it is impossible to close it in a week!" In the future, in the OFFensive chapter, we will analyze that any special forces, for the assault of a fortified village with regular troops, are not intended in principle.
Remember! It is very important to know who you are defending against! If you are attacked by police units of enemy states, inflict damage on the infantry. The police are very sensitive to casualties. The loss of only 5% of the fighters will make their attacks drown for the entire period of finding out the reasons and writing hundreds of reports. In the regular army, the percentage of tolerable losses reaches 25%. Even having lost a quarter, they can retreat, regroup, and after a few hours start the assault again.
The simplest trench will make you inaccessible for a helicopter. Its unguided NUR missiles are too small in caliber to harm the entrenched infantry. The turntables are afraid of flying close to the defensive positions, they fire back from afar, at an acute angle to the dug trenches. At the same time, the noise is an order of magnitude greater than the sense. The distance makes them keep high vulnerability to anti-aircraft systems, especially camouflaged ones, having a defensive position. DShK, the "UTES" system, the simplest NSVT, and even the "Granik" are a serious threat to the helicopter flying out near the positions. The only protective factor for him is distance.
Remember! The turntable is dangerous for ground forces only on the march! The entrenched infantry is stronger and he is afraid of you!

this is the defense of suckers
Dig trenches full-length and without parapet. Take away all the dug earth, if you have time. Do not be lazy, collect all the soil and take it to hell. Modern optics and shooting accuracy have increased so much that the methods of building trenches during the Great Patriotic War are definitely not suitable for us. Why are they shoving this chewed pie to us completely incomprehensible ?! No sandbags, no turf mounds, no concrete or logs! Everything must be perfect! Absolutely natural! I saw with my own eyes the asphalt roads, crossed by a narrow, half a meter wide crack. And no dumps, so from a distance of 100 meters, the trench is not visible at all! Trenches without parapet, dug up in zigzags like saw teeth, with built-in pillboxes with perfect camouflage for the terrain and covered burrows are a serious threat to the advancing troops. I repeat once again, there is no mask net, grass thrown over and stuck bushes, otherwise you will be shot by tanks. Their accuracy is amazing. From five kilometers, the tank hits the machine-gun nest with direct fire. Why mark him with a sandbag or a noticeable parapet ?!

pillbox so dug earlier so fight in the world war.
Picture 1. A modern tank will hit this piece of iron from the first shot from 5000 meters. From this piece of iron you shoot accurately at 500 meters.
Picture 2. These well-visible parapets, you will not disguise under any conditions, it will still be visible. 10 snipers with powerful rifles from a distance of 1000 meters will not let you raise their heads.
Picture 3. Such a structure, in modern wars, will not be attacked by infantry. These excavations will be noticed by scouts, pilots, or satellites, then the enemy will deploy a battery and from 15,000 m will blow everything away with direct hits.
Where to build defenses? It can be any significant place, a bridge, a narrow passage, a dominant height, and of course a settlement.
300 Spartans, defending themselves from King Xerxes I, blocked a narrow passage in the mountains. The front width was several people. Fighting 20 to 20, Darius, attacking the Spartans, lost his main advantage - numerical superiority. The lack of room for maneuver led to the fact that a huge army simply crowded behind the fighting, unable to contribute. The Spartans, who also had better personal preparedness, could withdraw the tired front row of fighters from the clash, replacing it with rested ones from the back rows. Carrying out such a rotation, the Spartans constantly had more fresh and high-quality warriors in the front row. This determined the success of the battle.
In modern conditions, the enemy can use an attack "in waves" - to throw into battle one after another small detachments of one whole. Let's say a company of soldiers with a tank and 5 infantry fighting vehicles. Having struck up a battle and having fired off their ammunition, the first company fizzles out and is ready to retreat, but because of their backs the second flies out and with great persistence and not shot ammunition goes to the breakthrough. Such "waves" can alternate several times. By the last wave, the first company will already be able to recharge and be ready for a second attempt. But such tricks can only be thrown out by the regular army, and only if your defense has already been unmasked. In the meantime, you are not noticed, sit quietly and let the enemy in as much as possible. If you have built the defense well, then from 100 meters the enemy will not see it.
If possible, be sure to run mines in front of the line of defense. Any: self-made, anti-personnel frogs, stretch marks, anti-tank landmines, MON - directional fragmentation mine, or a TV on legs. A moderate stretch often explodes on its own. OZM-3 (stretching frog) is very dangerous! In common people - "flying meat grinder". Gives out a double explosion, necessarily - corpses. Stretching hand grenades, more for a demoralizing effect, the force of the explosion is very small, the characteristic click of the fuse 3 seconds before the explosion. They will help if used in large quantities. Anti-tank bombs of push action with sensitive antennae. Pieces of the tank are being torn off, all the infantry are being carried away behind the tank. They are very dangerous.
Any mines in front of the line of defense are very useful. Despite the effectiveness of this defense resource, the commanders of the attacking troops constantly ignore its power and drive subordinates to death. Use this! Mines awe the enemy and protect you. Bogged down in a minefield, hit by heavy fire at point-blank range, any enemy will roll back until the next day.
How many scouts were killed in the mountains of the Caucasus from mines, only God knows.
Stage 2. The first assault attempt failed, however, your line of defense was opened by the enemy. Your actions are a maneuver!
In addition to passive defense, there is “shunting defense”. The first onslaught failed, the enemy suffered losses, respected you, and now he is preparing plans for retaliation. Send scouts to find out the enemy's plans. He attacks, which means he is poorly prepared for defense. You can easily enter and crawl over their positions. The purpose of reconnaissance is to find out what forces the enemy is pulling up.
In any case, they will start bombing you, but much worse if they start shooting at you with mortars. Range 6300 meters, calibers 80mm, 120mm. Howitzers - up to 20 km or more. Tanks 120 mm - range 6000 m. Heavy flamethrowers.
If the enemy is going to destroy you from a distance, and your range of fire is not enough for a retaliatory strike, start maneuvering. Leave in positions of snipers. Let the rest of the forces retreat to reserve lines unknown to the enemy, with the possibility of returning back. Accuracy of modern weapons will play into your hands. Take the main part of the fighters literally 200 meters from the illuminated position, and the enemy will hollow through the empty trenches. The infantry is very tenacious! Remember the films about the Great Patriotic War. It seems that everything got mixed up, baked and died from shelling and / or bombing, but no, the soldiers are in the dust, but ready to fight. This is true. A person can withstand more pressure than concrete buildings. And when the building itself is blown to pieces, people die mainly from heavy debris, and not from the cause of the destruction of the house.
Courage is required of you. From heavy land mines, spontaneous emissions of fecal masses can occur, and the soul can fly off a couple of meters and is nearby, but not inside you. Very scary - 500 kg of aerial bombs, howitzers, heavy mortars. The trajectory of these charges is clearly from above, hinged, and, therefore, directly on the head. They can use shrapnel - white smoke in the sky; isobaric, isothermal, vacuum charges - atomic mushrooms in miniature. There is no escape from this latter, and all your defenses will fly to the sky. But hope for better.
fight in the city
If you need to leave, then leave. Do not sit stupidly in place, if you retreat in the city, let the enemy get bogged down, believe me, few people will guess to gain a foothold, they will press to the last. And then counterattack!

Swarm defenses from building to building, from basement to basement, across the streets. Hide all the sand you dug. Equip covered caches. Put machine-gun points at ground level, even in remote courtyards. The lower the firing point, the better. By sacrificing the firing sector, you get surprise. Equip shooting positions in the depths of the premises, the sniper, firing from the depths of the premises, from a distance of 2 meters or more from the window, receives a natural silencer. Such a sniper is very difficult to track down. We saw in the movies how a sniper put a rifle on the windowsill - these are fuckers. They did not participate in sniper duels. Shoot from the darkness of a deep room! Explain to each subordinate the firing sector where the reserve position is, and when to open fire.
If the enemy's offensive is choking, immediately activate, if enemy snipers do not shoot at you, send your own to shoot at them. Bite the enemy at night, remove the sentry, mine the road. Break their initiative.