Oh, how many times have the world been told that stupidity is dangerous! Today it becomes even scary for those who are not friends with us. They have a new nightmare. Comprehensive and maddening.
The name of the nightmare is "Krasuha".

Terrible name, I agree. Memorable. It is a pity that this generally good electronic warfare system (there are actually more cool, but less popularized ones) will now have, apparently, to be responsible for everything.
Yes, if earlier Putin was to blame for everything that was happening wrong in the world, now "Krasukha" will begin to slowly but surely catch up with him.
Well, what kind of "experts", such an opinion.
Well, I do not pretend to this title at all, just more than once when preparing materials about the same "Krasukha" (2 and 4) I communicated with real experts. The officers who work at the stations. Well, plus there was some training in this area, for a long time, but there was.
I would like to advise the "experts" themselves not to go crazy. And then "Krasuha" is not scary. First of all, the radar of Israel's missile defense system is not scary anyway - if only because it is not intended for this at all.
Applause. But the words are completely confused. Not "technically" but "theoretically".
Theoretically, yes, the filling of "Krasukha-4" generates a beam of waves that can … Just not confuse someone, but disable, or significantly complicate the operation of certain systems on certain devices.
And it's no secret that these vehicles are flying. It can be an airplane (very unpleasant), a UAV (fatal), a cruise missile (also fatal).
Gentlemen "experts" do not understand that each EW complex is created for specific tasks. And it simply does not exist in our country, anywhere in the world, systems capable of simultaneously fooling air defense radars, knocking cruise missiles off course and landing UAVs.
This is all possible, I do not argue. But this requires completely different complexes.
But apparently, remembering more than three names for an "expert" is simply unrealistic. So "Krasukha" is our everything!
Ha, 150 and 300 - wow spread? Okay, let's take 150, and even then it is conditionally so, because no one can cancel the beam scattering, not even an "expert" of the 100th level. Even with Avia.pro. This is physics, a very stubborn and constant thing.
Here are not trifling children. Why, from Gaza, "Krasukha" worked right from the tunnel under the border. Well, at least, they left the retreat for themselves, really admitting that two such hefty cities cannot be spotted in the desert - who should you be?
Plus, the "experts" somehow bypassed the fact that the "Krasukha" searches in a passive mode and is virtually invisible to the enemy, but if we talk about the fact that the complex worked in combat mode and actually suppressed the missile defense radar, forcing to launch missiles to nowhere, what to do with possible detection after the fact?
Oh yes, Israel is not able to detect the operation of the Russian electronic warfare system by its means of technical control …
Well, then one can only sympathize with the Israeli military and not only them.
"Not only them" - we are talking about those who write such nonsense, and those who read and applaud.
I agree, it's nice to shout "hurray!" and blindly believe that one EW complex "Krasukha-4" is capable of more than just suppressing the "Iron Dome" detection system at a distance of 300 kilometers.
Forgive me, but the Earth is a ball … Alas, perhaps for many "experts" this will turn out to be a revelation, but it is so. And the physics of our Universe is such that, alas, a beam of electromagnetic waves will have certain problems in hitting a target at a distance of 300 km, being released by the Krasuhi AFU. This can not be done in every area, especially if the complex and the target are approximately at the same level. Alas.
I feel sorry for these "experts", you could get acquainted with the unclassified data on "Krasukha-4" (we wrote about it already 2 years ago) and understand for whom and how this complex can work.
But the easiest way is to once again present yourself as fools and joyfully proclaim that yes, the "Iron Dome" has covered "Krasukha"! Fear Israel! Here we will show you!
The whole problem is that there are military men in Israel who understand everything perfectly. And, perhaps, they even know something about the capabilities of Krasukha. I am silent about the United States, there intelligence works tirelessly. So I'm sure they have an idea of what "Krasukha-4" is.
It is a pity that we have "experts", and with a light hand and some media, continue to talk nonsense. They dishonor themselves and mislead readers.