American physicist and popularizer of science Michio Kaku in his book "Physics of the Impossible" divides promising and even fantastic technologies into three categories, depending on their realism. He refers to the "first class of impossibility" those things that can be created with the help of today's volume of knowledge, but their production runs into some technological problems. It is to the first class that Kaku classifies the so-called directed energy weapons (DEW) - lasers, microwave generators, etc. The main problem in creating such weapons is a suitable source of energy. For a number of objective reasons, all such types of weapons require relatively high energy, which may be unattainable in practice. Because of this, the development of laser or microwave weapons is extremely slow. Nevertheless, there are certain developments in this area, and several projects are simultaneously being carried out in the world at different stages.

Modern concepts of the ONE have a number of features that promise great practical prospects. Weapons based on the transmission of energy in the form of radiation do not have such unpleasant features inherent in traditional weapons as recoil or difficulty in aiming. In addition, it is possible to adjust the power of the "shot", which will allow the use of one emitter for various purposes, for example, for measuring the range and attack of the enemy. Finally, a number of designs of lasers or microwave emitters have virtually unlimited ammunition: the number of possible shots depends only on the characteristics of the power source. At the same time, directed energy weapons are not without their drawbacks. The main one is high energy consumption. In order to achieve performance comparable to traditional firearms, the GRE must have a relatively large and complex energy source. Chemical lasers are an alternative, but they have a limited supply of reagents. The second disadvantage of ONE is energy dissipation. Only part of the sent energy will reach the target, which entails the need to increase the power of the emitter and the use of a more powerful source of energy. It is also worth noting one drawback associated with the rectilinear distribution of energy. Laser weapons are not capable of firing at a target along a hinged trajectory and can only attack with direct fire, which significantly reduces the scope of its application.
Currently, all work in the field of ONE goes in several directions. The most widespread, although not very successful, is the laser weapon. In total, there are several dozen programs and projects, of which only a few have reached implementation in metal. The situation is approximately the same with microwave emitters, however, in the case of the latter, only one system has so far reached practical use.

At the moment, the only example of a practically applicable weapon based on the transmission of microwave radiation is the American ADS (Active Denial System) complex. The complex consists of a hardware unit and an antenna. The system generates millimeter waves, which, falling on the surface of the human skin, cause a strong burning sensation. Tests have shown that a person cannot be exposed to ADS for more than a few seconds without the risk of first or second degree burns.

Effective range of destruction - up to 500 meters. ADS, despite its advantages, has several controversial features. First of all, criticism is caused by the "penetrating" ability of the beam. It has been repeatedly suggested that radiation can be shielded even with dense tissue. However, the official data on the possibility of preventing the defeat, for obvious reasons, has not yet appeared. Moreover, such information, most likely, will not be published at all.

Perhaps the most famous representative of another class of ONE - combat lasers - is the ABL (AirBorne Laser) project and the Boeing YAL-1 prototype aircraft. An aircraft based on the Boeing-747 liner carries two solid-state lasers for target illumination and guidance, as well as one chemical one. The principle of operation of this system is as follows: solid-state lasers are used to measure the range to the target and determine possible distortion of the beam when passing through the atmosphere. After confirmation of target acquisition, a megawatt-class HEL chemical laser is turned on, which destroys the target. The ABL project was designed from the very beginning to work in missile defense.

For this, the YAL-1 aircraft was equipped with intercontinental missile launch detection systems. According to reports, the supply of reagents on board the aircraft was sufficient to conduct 18-20 laser "salvos" lasting up to ten seconds each. The range of the system is secret, but it can be estimated at 150-200 kilometers. At the end of 2011, the ABL project was closed due to the lack of expected results. Test flights of the YAL-1 aircraft, including those with the successful destruction of target missiles, made it possible to collect a lot of information, but the project in that form was considered unpromising.

The ATL (Advanced Tactical Laser) project can be considered a kind of offshoot of the ABL program. Like the previous project, ATL involves the installation of a chemical warfare laser on an aircraft. At the same time, the new project has a different purpose: a laser with a power of about one hundred kilowatts should be installed on a converted C-130 transport aircraft designed to attack ground targets. In the summer of 2009, the NC-130H aircraft, using its own laser, destroyed several training targets at the training ground. Since then, there has been no new information regarding the ATL project. Perhaps the project is frozen, closed or undergoing changes and improvements caused by the experience gained during testing.

In the mid-nineties, Northrop Grumman, in collaboration with several subcontractors and several Israeli firms, launched the THEL (Tactical High-Energy Laser) project. The goal of the project was to create a mobile laser weapon system designed to attack ground and air targets. The chemical laser made it possible to hit targets such as an aircraft or a helicopter at a distance of about 50 kilometers and artillery ammunition at a distance of about 12-15 km.

One of the main successes of the THEL project was the ability to track and attack air targets even in cloudy conditions. Already in 2000-01, the THEL system during tests conducted almost three dozen successful interceptions of unguided missiles and five interceptions of artillery shells. These indicators were considered successful, but soon the progress of work slowed down, and later stopped altogether. For a number of economic reasons, Israel pulled out of the project and began developing its own Iron Dome anti-missile system. The USA did not pursue the THEL project alone and closed it.
The second life to the THEL laser was given by the initiative of Northrop Grumman, in accordance with which it is planned to create Skyguard and Skystrike systems on its basis. Based on general principles, these systems will have different purposes. The first will be an air defense complex, the second - an aviation weapons system. With a power of several tens of kilowatts, both versions of chemical lasers will be able to attack various targets, both ground and air. The timing of the completion of work on the programs is not yet clear, as well as the exact characteristics of future complexes.

Northrop Grumman is also a leader in laser systems for the fleet. Currently, active work is being completed on the MLD (Maritime Laser Demonstration) project. Like some other combat lasers, the MLD complex is supposed to provide air defense for ships of the naval forces. In addition, the duties of this system may include the protection of warships from boats and other small watercraft of the enemy. The basis of the MLD complex is the JHPSSL solid-state laser and its guidance system.

The first prototype of the MLD system went for testing back in mid-2010. Inspections of the ground complex showed all the pros and cons of the applied solutions. By the end of the same year, the MLD project entered the stage of improvements designed to ensure the placement of a laser complex on warships. The first ship should receive a “gun turret” with MLD by mid-2014.

Around the same time, a Rheinmetall complex called HEL (High-Energy Laser) could be brought to a state of readiness for serial production. This anti-aircraft system is of particular interest due to its design. It has two towers with two and three lasers, respectively. Thus, one of the towers has lasers with a total power of 20 kW, the other - 30 kW. The reasons for this decision are not yet entirely clear, but there is reason to see it as an attempt to increase the probability of hitting the target. In November of last 2012, the first tests of the HEL complex were carried out, during which it showed itself from the good side. From a distance of one kilometer, a 15-millimeter armor plate was burned (the exposure time was not announced), and at a distance of two kilometers, HEL was able to destroy a small drone and a simulator of a mortar mine. The weapon control system of the Rheinmetall HEL complex allows you to aim at one target from one to five lasers, thus adjusting the power and / or exposure time.

While the rest of the laser systems are being tested, two American projects have already yielded practical results. Since March 2003, the ZEUS-HLONS combat vehicle (HMMWV Laser Ordnance Neutralization System), created by Sparta Inc., has been used in Afghanistan and Iraq. A set of equipment with a solid-state laser with a power of about 10 kilowatts is installed on a standard American army jeep. This radiation power is sufficient to direct the beam at an explosive device or unexploded projectile and thereby cause its detonation. The effective range of the ZEUS-HLONS complex is close to three hundred meters. The survivability of the working body of the laser makes it possible to produce up to two thousand "volleys" per day. The efficiency of operations with the participation of this laser complex is approaching one hundred percent.

The second laser system used in practice is the GLEF (Green Light Escalation of Force) system. The solid-state emitter mounts on a standard CROWS remote control turret and can be mounted on virtually any type of equipment available to NATO forces. The GLEF has a much lower power compared to other combat lasers and is designed to briefly blind the enemy or counter aiming. The main feature of this complex is the creation of a wide enough azimuth illumination, which is guaranteed to "cover" a potential enemy. It is noteworthy that using the developments on the GLEF theme, a portable GLARE complex was created, the dimensions of which allow it to be carried and used by only one person. The purpose of GLARE is exactly the same - short-term blindness of the enemy.

Despite the large number of projects, directed energy weapons are still more promising than modern. Technological problems, primarily with energy sources, do not yet allow its full potential to be unleashed. High hopes are currently associated with ship-based laser systems. For example, the United States naval and designer base justify this opinion by the fact that many warships are equipped with nuclear power plants. Thanks to this, the combat laser will not lack electricity. However, the installation of lasers on warships is still a matter of the future, so the "shelling" of the enemy in a real battle will not happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.