The widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes is a known danger to the troops. In connection with the presence of such threats, armies may need specialized means of struggle. Ukraine has recently joined the development of such products. One of its companies has developed and presented its own version of a specialized drone detection and suppression complex called "Polonaise".
A new project of a special electronic warfare system was developed by the Ukrspetstechnika holding company. This organization has been engaged in the creation of various kinds of radio-electronic systems for a long time. The catalog of its products contains several types of detection and combat tools. It was decided to use the accumulated experience in the development of electronics in a new project of special equipment. At the same time, the project was to be based on new ideas for the Ukrainian industry.

The first image of the "Polonez" complex, 2017. Drawing of the HC "Ukrspetstekhnika" /
The first information about a promising project appeared at the end of September last year. At the same time, the name of the new complex was announced - "Polonez". The management of "Ukrspetstekhnika" said that in connection with the actual threat of the UAV, it was decided to develop an initiative project of a special complex to combat it.
The main idea of the Polonaise project was to combine several existing and developed components with subsequent installation on a mobile platform. Due to the available equipment, the complex was supposed to monitor the situation, look for targets, and then independently suppress them or transfer target designation to third-party fire weapons.
Soon the proposed composition of the future "Polonaise" became known. It was planned to make the Lis-3M millimeter-wave radar one of the main means of the complex. It was also proposed to use an optoelectronic module for observation. For independent "work" for the purpose, the complex had to include a jammer of the "Enclave" type. All these funds were proposed to be placed on an accessible automobile chassis. A complex of this type could quickly go into a given area and deploy to a position, providing monitoring of the situation and combating enemy UAVs.
Together with the basic information about the future project, the development company published an image of the finished machine with special equipment. It roughly showed the main features of the architecture of the complex. However, as it turned out later, the real sample was significantly different from the one drawn.

Station of jamming "Enclave" in a portable version. Photo by HC "Ukrspetstechnika" /
A few days ago, another military-technical exhibition "Zbroya Ta Bezpeka-2018" was opened in Kiev, during which the Ukrspetstechnika company showed a prototype of the EW "Polonez" complex. For greater clarity, the prototype was demonstrated in a deployed state, simulating real work in position. This allowed the guests of the exhibition to carefully examine all the main components of the complex and draw the necessary conclusions.
A commercial off-road vehicle was used as a base for the experimental "Polonaise". To install the equipment, we chose a pickup truck with a two-row cab. Inside the closed volume, equipment control panels were installed on it, while the cargo area was given for all the necessary antenna devices. At the same time, the significant dimensions of the electronic equipment led to the need to create and install large enough units.
An additional box was placed on the standard body of the pickup, on which a large frame with a sloped rear was fixed. All antenna devices in the stowed position are folded and located inside the frame, on top of which hard covers are laid, as well as soft and semi-rigid awnings. When deployed, they are all retracted, and the antennas can begin to work.
In front of the additional body, almost immediately behind the cockpit, a telescopic mast with detection means is installed. According to the available data, the mast provides equipment lifting to a height of 5.5 m. A common frame with a pair of devices is located on the mast. On the one hand, there is an optoelectronic module, on the other, the radar antenna. The latter is installed slightly higher than the cameras, so that they do not block the view. At the same time, the radar post interferes with observation with optics.

Exhibition sample of "Polonaise", rear view. The complex is put into working position. Photo
The main means of observation and detection in the "Polonez" complex is the "Lis-3M" radar station, the antenna of which can rise to a considerable height. Rotating at speeds up to 20 deg / s, the antenna provides an overview of the entire surrounding area. Due to the rise to a considerable height, a serious increase in the observation and detection range is provided.
According to known data, the "Lis-3M" radar detects an air target such as an airplane or a helicopter at a distance of up to 12 km. The maximum detection and tracking range of the drone is 8 km. The station provides tracking of targets. Tied tracks are automatically displayed on the operator's panel of the complex. Also, for each goal, an electronic form is set up with all its main indicators. The tracks are formed with reference to the terrain map.
It is argued that the "Lis-3M" radar is distinguished by its high performance characteristics. So, work in the millimeter range made it possible to reduce the power of the transmitter and, accordingly, reduced the requirements for the carrier of the complex. In addition, several methods of protecting the station from interference have been implemented, which also exclude a negative impact on other radio-electronic systems.
The main means of tracking the target found by the radar is the optoelectronic module. It is designed as a compact rotary support with a pair of cameras for different purposes. The optics unit is raised by the mast to the required height, which facilitates the process of observation and tracking. According to known data, the optoelectronic module provides observations at line-of-sight distances. However, real distances can be reduced due to objective factors.
To suppress the detected UAV, the Polonez complex can use standard electronic warfare equipment. In the back of the car, next to the mast, the antenna devices of the "Enclave" jammer are placed. Several antennas of different types are placed on a common frame. The standard Enclave antennas in directional design have been transferred to the new project. According to the developer, a jammer with such antennas is capable of suppressing enemy radio channels at a distance of up to 40 km.

View from a different angle. Photo
The complex is controlled by an operator panel built on the basis of a laptop. All major components are connected to it; special software provides data reception and processing, as well as control of detection and suppression devices. The operator with a laptop during work is normally located inside the cab of the carrier vehicle.
It is argued that the EW "Polonez" complex is capable of solving all the main tasks in the context of the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles. During operation, the operator using the radar must monitor the air situation. In the presence of a potentially dangerous object in the protected area, an optoelectronic module is connected to work. Further work with the goal is carried out with its help. Optics provide observation, identification and target tracking.
Having identified the object as a threat, the operator can turn on the jammer and suppress the control and telemetry channels used by the UAV. It is also possible to transfer target data to third-party fire weapons. For example, last year the representatives of Ukrspetstekhnika argued that the ZRN-01 Stokrotka multiple launch rocket system of joint Ukrainian-Polish development could work in conjunction with the Polonez.
It is reported that the specialized complex for the detection and suppression of UAVs "Polonez" was developed by the company "Ukrspetstechnika" on its own initiative. All work, from design to construction of a prototype, was financed by the company independently and from its own funds. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or potential customers from other countries did not provide any assistance to the project.

Radioelectronic and optoelectronic facilities of the complex. Above - a block of cameras and a radar antenna, below - an antenna jamming device. Photo
Last year, the development company was ready to present only an image of the future electronic warfare complex. This year, an experimental prototype with an incomplete set of equipment was taken out for testing. By now, specialists have prepared a full-fledged prototype that fully meets the requirements and is suitable for participation in tests. After all the necessary checks, the complex can be offered to potential customers.
To date, a number of promising electronic warfare systems have been created in different countries, designed to combat the current threat in the form of unmanned aerial vehicles. For this reason, the newest Ukrainian system "Polonez" cannot be considered unique and outstanding. Nevertheless, this project is of some interest, at least from a technical point of view.
Last year, the management of Ukrspetstechnika claimed that the Polonaise would include detection and suppression systems, as well as means of fire destruction. This made it possible to give the new complex unique capabilities that distinguish it from all existing analogues. In this form, the "Polonaise" could solve the entire spectrum of tasks: from observation to the physical destruction of an air target. However, as the latest news shows, these plans were not fully implemented. The complex can be interfaced with anti-aircraft or other systems, but they are not included in its basic configuration.
In the presented configuration, Polonaise has a very interesting architecture. To detect and track targets in this complex, radar and optical means are used. In addition, it has its own channel suppression systems on board. Such a composition of equipment cannot be called typical for modern electronic warfare systems or common in existing systems. Nevertheless, it seems to be able to accomplish the assigned tasks.

Radar antenna "Lis-3M". Photo
It should be noted that so far not too much is known about the Polonez complex. The development organization has not yet released much of the most interesting information about the project. In addition, some of the characteristics, for obvious reasons, are generally not subject to open publication. The lack of the necessary data, unfortunately, does not allow to fully assess the capabilities and potential of the proposed system, not only in terms of general capabilities and performance characteristics.
At the same time, you can try to predict the commercial prospects of the project. Apparently, in this context, there is no reason for optimism. The "origin" of the project and the specific situation in the country do not allow the development company to rely on large and expensive contracts. However, small-scale production in the interests of certain customers is quite possible and may begin in the foreseeable future.
The EW "Polonez" complex was developed on an initiative basis - without an order from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or foreign military departments. This circumstance can seriously affect the commercial potential of the product. The absence of an order for development may indicate a lack of interest in such products. Besides, the Ukrainian army cannot be called rich. Its financial capabilities do not allow timely and massive purchase of the necessary equipment, including electronic warfare equipment. Thus, the possibility of supplying "Polonez" to the Ukrainian army is in question. However, some other developments of "Ukrspetstechnika" are already in service, and this may be a reason for optimism.
It can be assumed that Polonaise has a certain export potential, but it is rather difficult to accurately assess it. Many countries need electronic warfare systems of different classes, including for the fight against unmanned aircraft of a potential enemy. This sector of the international market is gradually growing, and many manufacturers of equipment can find their place in it. Time will tell whether Polonez will manage to become the subject of an export contract.
The situation is not the most pleasant for the project. The proposed sample of military equipment with all its pros and cons has a certain potential and is quite capable of attracting customers. But economic and other problems of Ukraine sharply reduce its prospects. In addition, the export potential of the new development turns out to be unclear. As a result, due to a number of characteristic problems of the defense industry and the country as a whole, a new curious project may be left without a future. However, such results of Ukrainian projects do not surprise anyone for a long time.