August 1 - Education Day of the Special Communications Service

August 1 - Education Day of the Special Communications Service
August 1 - Education Day of the Special Communications Service

On the first day of August, the professional holiday of one of the most important state structures is celebrated - the Day of the formation of the Special Communications Service. Employees of this organization carry out the transportation of important correspondence, cash and other special goods, thereby ensuring the correct operation of various public and private structures.

The Russian courier service dates back to the end of the 18th century, but the professional holiday of the Special Communications Service is much younger. On June 17, 1939, by a special decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, two new organizations were allocated from the Feldjeger corps of the NKVD. The collection service was transferred to the State Bank, and the Special Communication Service was introduced into the People's Commissariat of Communications. On August 1 of the same year, Spetsvyaz began its work. In November 1939, the Central Directorate of Special Communications appeared in the People's Commissariat.

The task of the new service was to transport secret mail, precious metals and other important goods. Initially, Spetsvyaz worked only on routes connecting the capital with regional, regional and republican centers, but later its areas of responsibility increased.


During the Great Patriotic War, the Special Communications Service worked with the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and the headquarters of the fronts, ensuring the timely transfer of secret documents. Also Spetsvyaz was engaged in servicing various enterprises and civil services. Even in the harsh conditions of besieged Leningrad, the Service was able to organize 25 transfer routes between different structures.

In the post-war period, the Special Communications Service received several new important assignments. Now she had to transport radioactive isotopes for scientific and defense enterprises. After the discovery of new deposits of precious stones in Siberia, it was Spetsvyaz that began to transport the extracted minerals. The 1980 Olympic Games occupy a special place in the history of the Service - it was she who provided the transportation of medals from the manufacturer to the stadiums.

In the late eighties, the Moscow post office for special communications was transformed into the Main Center for Special Communications, under which all other departments were transferred. The organization still retains this name. The special communications service is still engaged in the transportation of important goods in the interests of various government agencies. In addition, the Service accepts orders from private organizations that also need its services.

The editorial board of Voenniy Obozreniye congratulates all former and current employees of the Special Liaison Service on their professional holiday!
