On May 18, the Day of the Baltic Fleet is annually celebrated, which was established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral of the Fleet Felix Gromov "On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days in the specialty" dated July 15, 1996.

On this day in May 1703, Peter I, at the head of his flotilla, won the first combat victory, capturing two Swedish warships ("Gedan" and "Astrild") during the battle.
The Baltic Fleet is the oldest Russian fleet. It is a large variety of operational-strategic territorial formation of the Russian Navy in the Baltic Sea, capable of effectively operating both directly in the sea zone and in the air and on land. Also, the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy is the main training and test base of the Russian Navy. The fleet includes 2 diesel submarines, 41 surface ships, 15 boats, of which 9 amphibious and 6 missile. The flagship of the fleet is the destroyer Persistent.

The headquarters of the Baltic Fleet is located in Kaliningrad. The main points of basing: Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) and Kronstadt (St. Petersburg).
It must be said that the history of the formation of the Baltic Fleet is closely connected with the history of St. Petersburg. Indeed, in May 1703, the construction of the city on the Neva began, and a year later the Admiralty shipyard began to be built here, which later became one of the centers of shipbuilding in Russia. Since then, the Baltic Fleet selflessly defends the borders of the Fatherland, passing through all the historical milestones of the Russian State.
During the existence of the Baltic Fleet, the Baltic sailors won outstanding victories. During the Northern War (1700-1721), they, the Baltic people, courageously and selflessly fought against the forces of the Swedish crown. They valiantly defended the Baltic coast during the Crimean War (1853-1856). During the Great Patriotic War, the fleet took part in the defense of Leningrad (1941-1944), supported the offensive of the Red Army in the Baltic States (1944), in East Prussia and Eastern Pomerania (1944-1945).
More than 110 thousand Baltic sailors fought on land fronts. The Baltic submariners destroyed 52 enemy transports and 8 ships. The fleet landed 24 troops. The aviation of the fleet made more than 158 thousand sorties, including sorties under heavy enemy fire. About 82 thousand Baltic sailors were awarded orders and medals, of which 173 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including four twice.
The Baltic Fleet became the ancestor of Russian round-the-world research expeditions. On the world map, you can see the names of admirals and officers of the Baltic Fleet, who made 432 (!) Geographical discoveries. In modern textbooks of geography and history, this outstanding achievement not only separately for the Baltic, but also for the entire naval school of the country, is actually not reflected in any way today.
For outstanding services to the Motherland, the Baltic Fleet was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner in 1928 and 1965.
Now the Baltic Fleet's combat strength includes modern ships, the latest weapons and technical means of the latest generation. Almost every year, new or modernized ships and warships come out to sea.
In December 2016, the Andreevsky flag was raised on the Alexander Obukhov ship, created for the main base of the Baltic Fleet. This lead ship of Project 12700 is unique in the world's largest fiberglass hull.

This is the first time the blowing shipbuilding technology is used in the Russian fleet. It allows, while increasing the strength of the ship, to reduce its mass, increase the service life and significantly reduce the magnetic field, which provides additional safety when sweeping mines.
The length of the ship is 70 meters, a displacement of 800 tons, a maximum speed of 15 knots, a cruising range of up to 1,500 miles. Thanks to the thrusters, the minesweeper maneuvers well; a lot of attention is paid to the comfort of the crew during its creation.
Currently, three more ships of Project 12700 (Georgy Kurbatov, Ivan Antonov and Vladimir Emelyanov) are under construction, and in the coming years it is planned to create another 20 minesweepers of this type.
As for the geography of the Baltic Fleet's activities, it is currently very extensive. Ships and vessels of the Baltic Fleet solve the problems of the safety of international navigation and the fight against terrorism in the regions of the World Ocean remote from the shores of the Russian Federation, including the Eastern Mediterranean.
The Baltic Fleet is Russia's outpost in the western region and ensures the stability of the military-political situation and the state interests of the country.
Voennoye Obozreniye congratulates the Baltic sailors on the holiday!