Remote caretaker

Remote caretaker
Remote caretaker

Warheads with artificial intelligence can be used for reconnaissance, guaranteed destruction of targets and rescue of people

Trends in the development of modern means of destruction indicate that wars lie ahead of us not only for motors, but also for robots. We will try to formulate the basic principles of construction and methods of using remote-cyber weapons (DKO).

DKO refers mainly to means of destruction (SP), the capabilities and level of characteristics of which are largely determined by the use of the latest technologies. At the same time, the key tasks remain to create a wide range of small-sized and highly sensitive sensors operating on various physical principles and using artificial intelligence elements in the processing and analysis of measurements along with mathematical methods.

Remote caretaker
Remote caretaker

In combat robots, intellectualized means and subsystems are added to the main components of traditional joint ventures, which provide a number of functions for adaptive behavior in the target area. These include additional reconnaissance and recognition of objects, the search for the most vulnerable parts, bypassing counteraction zones and obstacles, making a decision to detonate a charge, etc. All this is ultimately aimed at increasing the effectiveness and reliability of ammunition destruction (primarily in conventional equipment) less power. In the future, the design of the platforms of such robots should provide the latter with the ability, depending on the purpose, to fly, move on the surface of the earth, or float on the surface and underwater.

DKO is a weapon with new functional and combat qualities. The principles of its construction are based on the synergistic use of scientific and technical solutions, elements of artificial intelligence, measuring and information technologies of a wide range. JV DKO can be delivered to the required area by various types of carriers for short, medium and long distances, be multifunctional, and also highly effective in solving even difficult tasks.

Non-nuclear output

Warheads (BB) of a ballistic type, which are equipped with domestic strategic missiles, are capable of effectively striking mainly only stationary objects with precisely known coordinates (silo launchers, military bases, cities, etc.). On the flight path, such BB are always in the field of view of countermeasures systems, and when entering the range of fire weapons, they are hit with a very high probability. On the way to the target, ballistic-type BBs in general must overcome up to seven potential interception lines. In this regard, such BB will not completely disable the potential enemy's nuclear potential. The fact is that, for example, in the United States, more than 80 percent of this potential is mobile-based (submarines, aircraft, warships), and the coordinates of these targets will be known, at best, with an accuracy up to the deployment area. Many objects are located in areas closed along ballistic trajectories of approach (reverse slopes of mountains, canyons, etc.). Thus, depriving the enemy of nuclear potential can be extremely difficult. Even the missiles in silo launchers are unlikely to be hit, since they will go away in the first place. In essence, only large cities and stationary objects (military bases, arsenals, hydroelectric power stations, etc.) remain at gunpoint. Of course, even such a situation is unacceptable for the enemy, despite the fact that in case of his sudden aggression - a nuclear or disarming strike by conventional means, we will be deprived of the opportunity to inflict unacceptable retaliatory damage in full.

According to modern concepts, combat operations should make it possible to destroy the enemy's strategic weapons and its most important military and civilian objects remotely and using only non-nuclear weapons, and from their own territory. With the help of ballistic weapons, such tasks become impracticable if the number of domestic APs is drastically reduced (in accordance with the START-2 and START-3 Treaties) and the missile defense and air defense systems of potential adversaries are strengthened.

A way out of the situation can be the creation and use of winged warheads (KBB), which have extremely high hitting accuracy, are able to reconnoitre and strike strategic targets with coordinates unknown in advance, as well as bypass the view and reach of missile defense and air defense weapons and, in addition, destroy objects that are closed on ballistic trajectories of the approach. Of course, this does not exclude the possible opposition of the enemy.

Winged Watch

The KBB consists of a heat-shielding body (TZK), similar in shape to the traditional one, inside which there is a winged combat sub-unit (KBSB) with folded wings. KBB in the general case should be equipped with a nuclear or conventional charge; propulsion system (for example, an air-jet engine with a certain amount of fuel); an inertial control system in combination with GLONASS and subsystems for terrain correction, optical and radar maps of the area; a complex of terminal homing by radiation and a system for additional reconnaissance of targets by anomalies created against the background of the underlying surface. KBB can be made in a monoblock form or installed in a split head. There are different versions of the KBSB according to the functional purpose: autonomous-universal, shock, reconnaissance and information, etc.


A strategic missile is launched, for example, from a stationary or mobile launcher in the direction of a given object with an aiming point unknown to the enemy, located before the approach to the zones of reach of countermeasures or away from them. With the help of the steering flaps, the BB is transferred to horizontal flight at an altitude of two to three kilometers, after the speed drops to subsonic, the bottom of the refueling complex is separated and with the help of pyro pushers, the KBSB is brought out, the wings are opened, the engine is started and all parts of the control system are turned on. The KBSB leaves the refueling complex cold and flies at a subsonic speed, so anything that corrects the inertial structure can work. The mentioned correction subsystems use external information in the target area (optical and radar maps of terrain and relief, magnetic, radiation, chemical and other anomalies). The KBSB is capable of flying at low altitude (20-30 meters) with high-precision rounding of the terrain, as well as approaching the object from any direction and out of the field of view of the viewing means. GLONASS, optical and radar correction systems make it possible to achieve control with an accuracy of 10–20 meters, of course, in the presence of prepared reference maps in advance, and terminal homing complexes by radiation or by the image of a target will provide a direct hit (with an error of no more than three to five meters). Additional reconnaissance of the target, the coordinates of which are known with an accuracy to the basing area, is carried out by flight along the search trajectory. Strategic objects, even hidden ones, including submarines, give out a large number of unmasking signs against the background of the environment. For example, one or more KBBs can scatter acoustic beacons, and then the submarine will be hit by a waiting (loitering) KBSB with a charge.

In addition, detecting the submarine is facilitated by sensors of its magnetic fields and parasitic radio emissions from electrical equipment, as well as electromagnetic reconnaissance devices, which make it possible to detect large metal masses. They can be located on board the KBSB reconnaissance aircraft and be part of the beacon equipment. The functions of the subunit are much broader, as is the set of control subsystems, including those engaged in additional reconnaissance of targets, recognition and decision-making to defeat them using elements of artificial intelligence.

KBBs are delivered to a predetermined pre-empted descent area both in the described manner and with the help of gliding supersonic aircraft with low aerodynamic drag, overcoming the main part of the route at significant altitudes (20-25 or 70-80 kilometers). According to the concept, such aircraft will be detected by ground-based missile defense stations at a closer distance from the target, although on such routes they are susceptible to light damage by missile defense and air defense systems.

Successors to the lunar rovers

Winged armored vehicles have very wide functional capabilities both in the types of flight trajectories and in the types of tasks to be solved. This is ensured, on the one hand, due to the aerodynamic characteristics of the airframe scheme, and on the other hand, as a result of the use of a highly intelligent control system that is capable of processing information of various physical nature both on the approach to the target and in the immediate vicinity of it. When creating the KBB, all technological advances in ensuring low visibility on the radar screens of countermeasures can be applied in full. With additional equipment, KBB will be able to perform other functions, such as the creation of lines on the distant approaches to our borders to intercept attacking cruise missiles, aircraft and surface ships. It is not excluded that when the KBB is equipped with appropriate means of destruction, for example, missiles with thermal homing heads, it is possible to ensure high-precision defeat on the march of armored, artillery and motorized rifle equipment at a great distance from the starting point. In addition, KBB with homing radio heads can disable radar systems for reviewing enemy missile defense and air defense object systems using conventional charges. As the analysis of the KBB's capabilities shows, they are also capable of serving as reconnaissance means at long distances, provided they are equipped with various kinds of sensors and a data transmission system that delivers information, for example, via a satellite. Remote control of the KBB along corrected trajectories from a certain center is not excluded. However, this is a more distant prospect.


Winged BB, apparently, are the prototype of future weapons. They will solve combat missions of a strategic level at intercontinental distances from the starting point and are essentially flying robots. High-precision delivery of the charge to the target along the adaptive aeroballistic flight trajectories is provided using a highly intelligent control system.

With the conversion refinement, KBB will also cope well with the delivery of rescue equipment to people in distress in remote, hard-to-reach regions of the world, when the survival resource is much less than the time of the aircraft's arrival or the approach of the ship.

In the future, the principles of building KBB and subunits can become the basis for the formation of weapons of a new class, that is, distance-cyber weapons. Its creation, as the analysis of military conflicts of recent decades shows, is very relevant, because with the help of DKO, various types and branches of troops are able to more effectively solve tasks using conventional (non-nuclear) charges at long distances and from their own territory without combat contact with the enemy of our troops and technology controlled by people, if the pricelessness of human life is at the forefront. For a humane social system, such a position has indisputable grounds, especially since in this case an extremely undesirable nuclear conflict is excluded.

The most important distinctive features and properties of the ATP include, first of all, the extremely fast and high-precision (up to direct hit) delivery of charges using supersonic carriers (ballistic or aerodynamic type).

Scientific and technical analysis proves that extremely high speed and accuracy of delivery of charges are essentially incompatible. Accuracy can only be achieved at relatively low speeds of subunits in the target area. This means that after flying at extremely high speeds, it is necessary to switch to lower ones, in particular, subsonic ones.

It should also be specially noted that although remote-cyber weapons should be equipped, as a rule, with non-nuclear charges, due to the provision of high accuracy and increased capabilities to overcome countermeasures systems, it successfully solves both strategic and operational-tactical tasks. That is, it is advisable to look for ways to effectively perform all combat missions using only conventional charges. But it should be emphasized that non-nuclear weapons, which do not have an extremely high hitting accuracy, are strategically ineffective. This also applies to the operational-tactical unit. Therefore, one of the key requirements for DKO tools is to ensure high hitting accuracy.

The operations performed by winged subunits as prototypes of remote cybernetic weapons have far-reaching analogies with the actions of a pilot piloting a maneuverable aircraft in the target area at low altitude at subsonic speed. Therefore, it is legitimate to assume that ATP means are essentially combat flying robots. In this case, the actions of the pilot are automated. There is reason to believe that at present such scientific and technical capabilities of automation of means are available both in design, algorithmic, instrumental, and in hardware and software. Examples of solving such particular problems are known. It is enough to refer to the latest achievements in aviation, astronautics and robotics. In the future, winged subunits can be controlled remotely by analogy with how it was with the lunar rovers and rovers.

For the target area, digital topographic, optical and radar maps of the terrain must be available in advance, which will be used in the preparation of flight missions. In this regard, it should be emphasized that the issues of map support of target environs in the expected operational areas and preparation of flight missions are the most difficult when creating an ATP. The GLONASS system is a good help, but this is not enough.

Delivery of DKO assets to the target area is provided by ballistic or winged supersonic carriers, both in a monoblock version, and in several pieces by one carrier. Although carriers are a separate issue, we note that the scientific and technical possibilities of their creation are beyond doubt. Depending on the purpose of the subunits, for their movement in the air, in particular, helicopter or parachute schemes, as well as airships, can be involved. For the aquatic environment and the earth's surface, traditional schemes are acceptable.

Charge for the constructor

The main advantages of means of destruction of DKO include:

- extremely fast delivery of charges to targets combined with the highest possible accuracy (up to a direct hit);

- rational use of the properties of supersonic missiles (ballistic or aerodynamic types) and subsonic cruise aircraft;

-increasing and ensuring the ability to overcome the systems of counteraction and additional reconnaissance and recognition of targets;

-delivery of charges to hard-to-hit objects, to targets with inaccurate coordinates;

-providing interested consumers with information about the facility situation in a given area of the Earth;

-provision of ways to bypass the view zones and the reach of fire weapons of enemy countermeasures systems;

- guarantees of stationary and mobile basing, receipt by combat subunits of reconnaissance and navigation information in the target area from space and other sources;

- Urgent delivery of relatively light ammunition, weapons or rescue equipment to people who find themselves in difficult situations at considerable distances and in hard-to-reach areas.

As military-technical analysis shows, the expected effect is multidimensional and has a unique combat potential. Its level is determined by such components as:

-high accuracy, up to a direct hit, while ensuring the minimum possible time for the delivery of the KBB to the target area;

-use of non-nuclear charges for effective destruction of strategically important objects;

- reconnaissance and destruction of stationary and mobile targets, the coordinates of which are known with an accuracy to the basing area;

-defeat targets, closed on ballistic trajectories of the approach;

-providing the functioning of the KBB subunits outside the coverage area and reach of the fire weapons of the countermeasures systems;

-defeat objects at any range by means of various nomenclature.

DKO is an effective, primarily nuclear-free weapon of warning, preemption, deterrence and retaliation, which our country needs at the present time and even more so in the future. Even more effective is the ATP in the nuclear version, but the power of the charge will be required at least by many orders of magnitude less compared to the charges of standard BB of strategic missiles. However, it is obvious that in modern conditions the button of nuclear weapons cannot be pressed due to unpredictable and undesirable consequences, for such a conflict is the beginning of the path to self-destruction of mankind. The self-preservation instinct of even the most rabid aggressor country must stop the chain reaction of the use of nuclear weapons. But in critical situations, no one guarantees the exclusion of the likelihood of its use. We can only hope that the human mind will prevail in the actions of the warring parties.

Along with an increase in the combat potential of the Armed Forces, the development of ATP means will push the development of design ideas, the preparation of digital maps of the Earth's physical fields for strategically important areas, etc. the introduction of the latest scientific advances in military equipment.
