Ilyushin Aviation Complex is going to certify the civil version of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. According to the chief director of the complex, Viktor Livanov, civil certification is a necessary condition for increasing the competitiveness of a military transport aircraft in the world market. At the same time, the Il-76 is well represented in the world. To date, 100 Il-76 aircraft are used abroad, which are officially operated; about 300 such aircraft fly unofficially. So, even if we manage to replace at least 200 aircraft in the fleet of commercial airlines, it will be good enough for us, said Viktor Livanov. In addition, the enterprise asks the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for civil certification, which carries out work around the globe.
The general director of the company clarified the fact that work on the certification of the civilian version of the aircraft will begin only after everyone is sure that the state defense order for the supply of military transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A will be completed in full. According to Viktor Livanov, the aviation complex has a lot of important work to do, which is necessary to improve the competitiveness of the Il-76MD-90A. The company has already made a technical assessment and figured out how difficult it is - nevertheless, the "transport" was designed more than 40 years ago, during which time the certification requirements have changed significantly. They figured out at the enterprise and how much it will cost. At the same time, a search for a circle of potential customers is underway. Negotiations have already been held with major world airlines that operate on the commercial transportation market (not only with Russian ones). Livanov believes that the company will be able to start certification of the aircraft no earlier than 2016.
At the conference "IL-76: yesterday, today, tomorrow", which took place at the Ulyanovsk aircraft plant "Aviastar-SP", a rather important issue was discussed - the strategy of working with suppliers. Certainty on this issue is needed in order to fulfill a fairly voluminous state defense order: the airline must assemble 39 Il-76MD-90A aircraft for the RF Ministry of Defense (and in the future - more than 100 aircraft by 2020). To date, this is the largest contract in the world in terms of the number of delivered heavy transport aircraft.

At the conference, Deputy Director for Procurement of JSC UAC - Transport Aircraft Alexander Konorev noted that today work is underway to create a pool of suppliers who would become partners of the enterprise for many years and understand the specifics of government contracts. Unlike other state defense orders, the price was set by the RF Ministry of Defense by directive, the military department does not compensate for the costs of preparation and resumption of production, the loan burden - in the amount of about 15%. Therefore, a situation has developed in which the contractor for this contract has a negative level of profitability.
The terms of the contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense are rather complicated: under the contract, the sale price of transport aircraft is 18% lower than their cost. UAC's direct loss from their sale will amount to about 600 million rubles per one delivered aircraft. On top of that, the military is going to pay for the aircraft 3 years after the delivery of the aircraft - that is, in 2017. This means that the corporation in any case will have to attract credit funds. In order to somehow mitigate this situation and make the car competitive in the market, suppliers were asked to “moderate their appetite” and instead of the traditional 15% profitability, lay down 1-2%. The losses were promised to be compensated by participation in other large projects of the UAC.
According to Konorev, suppliers who agree to these conditions of work on the Il-476 project will receive a large number of opportunities. They were promised great prospects, not commensurate with the amount of discount that the aircraft building corporation is now demanding. First of all, they will receive a long-term contract for 39 aircraft as part of the Russian state defense order. In the event that another contract is concluded with the Ministry of Defense, they will be able to receive an option to supply components for Il-76 transport aircraft and tankers based on them.

In addition, suppliers are offered to take part in another project of JSC UAC - the production of MTA (multifunctional transport aircraft), as well as in 2 more, so far, potential projects for the production of An-124 and Il-112. The corporation is also ready to cooperate on the Superjet-100 project and the localization of the production of foreign components in Russia. When the Russian passenger aircraft MS-21 is launched into series, they will also be able to receive orders “automatically”. By the way, one of the loyal suppliers of components for the Il-76MD-90A has already established a joint venture with a foreign partner that is a participant in the MS-21 project. This will be officially announced this summer at the Le Bourget air show.
At the moment, UAC-TS has already selected 42 suppliers (among them - 3 large holdings), with whom negotiations are underway. At the same time, there are those companies that did not enter into the position and refused the conditions proposed by the corporation. It is planned to conclude a contract with them for 1-2 years (this is the release of 3-5 sets of products); in parallel with this, the customer begins to offer their nomenclature to other suppliers. Partners who have refused the terms of the UAC will be included in the "black list": participation in other projects of the corporation will be impossible for them. As Alexander Konorev specified, it is planned to carry out an audit of all current projects: it is planned to replace disloyal suppliers with more loyal ones, those who are able to provide a competitive price level. There are already examples of implementing this solution in practice. The President of the UAC not so long ago signed an order to suspend all new projects and R&D works with one of the disloyal suppliers of components, which was engaged in the production of elements of the hydraulic system.
Competitive advantages of the Il-76MD-90A (Il-476)
The new Il-76MD-90 military transport aircraft was created on the basis of the serially produced Il-76MD military transport aircraft, which is designed for parachute and landing landing of military equipment, personnel and all kinds of cargo. This aircraft was equipped with more economical and powerful PS-90A-76 engines, which meet the ICAO (ICAO) requirements for the emission of harmful substances, as well as the noise level. Their use increases the thrust-to-weight ratio of the aircraft by 33%, and their reliability is 1.5-2 times higher at once. The installation of new Perm engines made it possible to significantly increase the economic efficiency of the machine due to:

-increased flight range by 18%;
-reduction of cruising specific fuel consumption by 12%;
-reduction of direct operating costs;
-increase in the transported payload during operation at elevated outdoor temperatures and in conditions of high-altitude aerodromes.
The Il-76MD-90A aircraft has the following advantages over its predecessor, the Il-76MD:
25% increase in maximum payload.
35% increase in the distance of transportation of 40 tons of payload (average weight of transported goods).
Increase fuel efficiency by 17%.
Flight operations (landing) according to ICAO category II and compliance with ICAO requirements for navigation accuracy and flight safety.
Certification for compliance with ICAO chapter 4 standards on noise and emissions.
The new PNPK ensured the introduction of KSEIS, a 5-fold increase in the productivity of the computing environment, an increase in the throughput of information exchange channels by 70 times, and a several-fold increase in the accuracy of air navigation.
A new digital programmable communication complex providing the organization and maintenance in automatic mode with guaranteed quality of telephone radio communications, automatic data exchange with aircraft, ground and air launchers and command posts in the theater of operations.
A new defense complex was applied, increasing the survivability and combat effectiveness of the aircraft in accordance with the customer's requirements.
The ergonomics of the cockpit has been improved and modern requirements for the environment and work of the crew have been met.
Measures have been introduced for continuous built-in information support of the product life cycle, which makes it possible to carry out maintenance of the entire aircraft in the system - "by state".

The main design differences from the Il-76MD
The new Il-76MD-90A aircraft, also known as the Il-476, received a new modified wing, PS-90A-76 engines, an upgraded chassis and new avionics. At the same time, the use of a new wing with the use of long caisson panels made it possible to increase the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft by 10.5%, and in the version of the tanker aircraft by 15.5%, while the maximum payload increased by 25%. At the same time, the use of new engines has a positive effect on increasing the reliability and fuel efficiency of the machine. Modernization of the Il-76 landing gear and braking system ensures the operation of the aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 210 tons, and new wheels with brakes of increased energy intensity ensure operation with a maximum landing weight of 170 tons.
The new fuel system of the aircraft provides more complete fuel production, and also improves flight safety by introducing an urgent fuel drain during emergency situations. The modernization of the aircraft power supply system made it possible to increase the general power supply capacity by 40% and combat survivability by 30%. The new auxiliary unit made it possible to increase the launch altitude by 1.5 times, the continuous operation time increased by 5 times, and the fuel consumption decreased.

At the moment, approximately 30% of the world market for ramp transport aircraft is made up of domestically produced aircraft, developed and delivered during the Soviet era. At the same time, over the past 20 years, deliveries of Russian transport aircraft have been sporadic. At the same time, according to experts, the world market for military transport aviation remains quite stable, and its volume is estimated at about 5-6 billion dollars annually - about 80-90 aircraft of various classes. The main competitors of the Il-76MD-90A in the international arena are Airbus A400M, Lockheed C-130 Hercules and C-17 (the aircraft of the American Boeing company, the production of which is planned to be stopped in 2014-15 due to the high price).