Once again, plunging into the problems of our space industry, once again I am convinced that a broom is needed. From steel wire, in order to drive "effective" to hell.
The storms died down, Rogozin once again showed the world the face of a populist, and everything remained the same. “Uh-huh,” said the men and went to cut the forest with two-handed saws.
This is probably my last story about one of the most significant enterprises in the space industry, about KBHA. The latter is because my last informant could not bear the "hardships and hardships" of the life of an engineer and preferred the position of an engineer at an enterprise with a simpler name, but with a pay level 2.5 times higher than his last salary at KBKhA.
Of course, mall air conditioners are not rocket engine tests. But an empty refrigerator can completely freeze any patriotism. Proven.
What caused this reaction is contained in two documents, copies of which are in my possession.
The first document is an appeal of the trade union (the last, apparently, a call, after which the chairman of the trade union committee also resigned) to the executive director of the KBKhA Kamyshev.
The text was compiled by competent people, I will not comment on anything, everything can be seen from the text. The document was drawn up on March 15 this year and filed on the same day at the instance.

Now one more question. What do you think happened next?
But nothing. This appeal was simply returned to the performer without any marks. True, the sheets with the signatures of the employees were not returned. Apparently, they were left to find out who exactly is not satisfied with the situation.
And on March 20, everyone was blessed with the Order. Signed by the aforementioned executive director.
"On the approval of corporate values."

Nothing so documentary. I am glad that there was time for its signing. However, the comic and idiocy of the situation is not in the order. And in the appendix to the order, in which the employees were informed, which, in fact, was meant by the executive director. More precisely, what he signed.

The masterpiece, obviously, belongs to the pen (more precisely, fingers) of one of those beauties of model appearance, whom Mr. Kamyshev brought along with him. And each of them receives (according to employees) not 18-20 thousand engineering, but 4-5 times more.
The fact that all this writing was simply copied from the internal organs of some site preaching the ideas of NLP, anyone who thinks can see with the naked eye. And the person who copied all this "friendliness and professionalism" did not strain too much, frankly speaking.
I wonder for being "Mentor and coach" will they pay extra separately, or should both specialties be combined in the corporate spirit? "Free of charge, that is, for free"?
In general, you can flirt for a long time. Only I don't see the point.
Today, we can still state the fact that the test complex (IC), which was engaged (as can be seen from the letter), a whole series of different tests for the products of KBKhA and VMZ (Voronezh Mechanical Plant, a participant in the recent scandal with the recall of rocket engines), in fact, remains without experienced personnel. …
It is worth noting that the KBKhA consists of two parts: the "main site" where engines are developed and assembled and the "test complex". Where, of course, they are experiencing.

On the main site, everything is more or less normal. Relatively, again. The test complex is purposefully killed, surviving from there the most important thing - trained and experienced workers.
Although they themselves leave, because, on the one hand, "thanks to our professional experience, we are leading in space exploration … the competence and performance of our employees are an example for Russian and foreign companies," and on the other hand, go to the page "hh.ru "And see for yourself.
This is just an illustration for the program "Are you weak?" How about becoming an effective professional and setting an example for the world in rocket engine testing? For 16,500 rubles a month? I don’t know how in other cities, but in Voronezh it’s the salary of a salesman-cashier or a conductor on a bus.
It would be funny to show this link to Mr. Rogozin. I wonder what he would say?
Yes, he somehow said in relation to salaries at VSW that it was a crime. And what are the “effective” people doing in KBKhA - what is this?
And how many more missiles should be screwed up due to the fact that they were assembled anyhow as "professional rocket designers" and tested by no less professional testers who are ready to work for the pennies that "effective managers" offer them?
One gets the impression that neither Mr. Kamyshev, who signs the creations of his beauties, nor the beauties themselves brought to the enterprise, do not understand by anyone, but clearly not from the announcement on the "headhunter", do not understand this.
They have their own toys. Into corporate philosophy.
But how this philosophy will still make the engines work without accidents is not clear to me. From the word "absolutely".
Probably, it is really vital that a few more accidents and disasters occur when satellites are launched. I would not like for something to happen when the crews to the ISS and the supply trucks are launched.
And then, perhaps, when the prestige of the Russian space industry will be at the level of the launch pad, then, perhaps, Mr. Rogozin will not rush around the country with loud speeches, but will do exactly what he should. Putting things in order.
And order is not girls in development departments with salaries of 60,000 rubles and above, copying "masterpieces" from the Internet, and not an executive director who has never worked in production, but competent professionals. From the factory, not from the bank.
That's when we will consider an accident when launching a launch vehicle as an emergency and a catastrophe.
In the meantime, this is a normal reality, based on the fact that people who do not understand who, but not specialists, often get into leadership positions. But specialists "leave", as Rachuk, who actually saved the plant in the 90s, "left", and those who are still able to benefit the country survive, because the space industry is not cake baking after all.
Probably, Kamyshev and his henchmen have a blue dream - to expose all the "old grumblers" (although some of them are not yet 40) and recruit new ones. Who will understand nothing about the engines, but will be adherents of "corporate philosophy". And they will clearly follow all the points of the nonsense that the "effective" gentlemen preach in this way.
Then we will definitely "make" both the Americans and the Chinese. Let's master the moon and fly to Mars.
After all, the corporate spirit is the main thing for such a plant as KBKhA. Probably, it should be introduced in our entire space industry.
And forward to the stars.
Postscript: I understand perfectly well that the documents I have cited here as evidence may cause both surprise and distrust. Well, there can be no such blatant idiocy. Alas, maybe. Taking pictures of this nonsense, I deliberately cut off the signatures "familiarized" and the rest. Just so as not to expose those through whom these papers reached me. Ethics. Unfortunately, these copies are from valid documents.
By publishing these creations, I still hope that in some places where we are read and taken seriously, they will at least give a little thought to the situation, and, perhaps, will take measures to stop the entertainment of the company, in the leadership of one of the most important enterprises in the space industry.