Some people ask questions: what did you get there and what did you lose? Here are the most common and reliable answers.
1. If a person has some quality - the army is able to strengthen it a hundredfold, it doesn't matter what sign this quality is. In Christianity it is said that "the poor will be taken away, and the rich will be attached", in Buddhism - "if you have a stick, I will give you a stick, if there is no stick, I will take it away from you," and in an old Russian proverb - "They will put butter in the porridge for the rich and against their will, but for the poor and by chance we will … ut in the water." Yes, that's all. And if you are a “brake”, then in the army your inhibition will open up to immense horizons, and if you are a leader, you will have every chance to strengthen and develop this skill. It's the same, alas, with health …
2. Life in the army is very concentrated, therefore you can always learn something good - would see the point in this. Drive an armored personnel carrier (aka - a car) for free, perform repair, finishing and construction work, master the skills of skillful Confucian treatment of elders and bosses, and much more. You begin to understand the vanity of high technologies (computers, mobile communications, etc.).
3. Neatness and punctuality - this is truly a school of life for those who appreciate it and doubly for those who have not yet learned it.
4. Creativity - there is more than enough of her in the army. And this is not only the ability to cook porridge from an ax, but also the ability to plausibly lie (not just tell a lie, but also distort the context, and keep silent, and just keep silent), and hide unlawful things, and find a non-trivial solution in literally seconds. The price for this can be not only reputation, but also human life.
5. Ability to value time in a broad sense - and just wait and endure, and at the same time make the most of every free minute.
6. Ability to pay attention to little things (and life consists of 80% of them) - the beauty of nature, a mug of hot tea, a letter received, shoes taken off in the evening, spring grass and much more.
7. Ability to see wisdom behind banality. A simple example: how are special forces units beaten in modern wars? That's right, on the march. And the infantry is not beaten like that, because, not possessing excessively special skills, its representatives master the Charter well (at first glance, a blockhead thing). Where it is very clearly spelled out who and where occupies a place in the car. And if the unforeseen happened - they not only fight back, they also counterattack. But it is better not to instruct these people to purge and other diplomacy, as well as to meddle in a modern city on horseback without preliminary processing by aviation and artillery (alas, this has happened).
8. A sense of proportion. Remember the movie with S. Sigal, where he served as a cook on a battleship captured by terrorists? And who were those terrorists? That's right, the same guys. But, as one of the generals there said, "They were too creative, so we decided to eliminate them." In most cases, it is not the strongest that survive, but the average representatives of the species …
9. Finally, only in the conditions of a forced same-sex community did not you start to really appreciate the fair sex and you understand that without them life is not really life. And just a service.
10. Impenetrability and impudence. in any case, life in a harsh male community is tantamount to life practically in the jungle, if it were not for the watchful eye of an officer, sergeant and regulations, only the weak physically or mentally would work in the army.