In one of the "Sunday Hypnotoads" episodes on REN-TV, in the "Military Secret" section, I was surprised to learn that the US Army is rapidly losing its strength and power due to the fact that it is actively using various computer training complexes for soldiers. As for me, it’s not about training complexes, but that’s not the point. The bottom line is that at the ARMY-2016 forum there was just a huge hall dedicated to just such complexes.
And all the officers who worked at these complexes unanimously spoke in unison about the need for such simulators. Especially for conscripts. For whom is the secret that today's youth come to the army not from the plow, but from the computer? Yes, for no one. Accordingly, the result is as follows. It's one thing "Contra" or "Battlefield", another thing - a real weapon.
The training complex is just such a bridge for an ignoramus from OBZH instead of the lost CWP. Observed, by the way, this is a disgrace.
Despite the fact that the forum was held for the third day, only a few made it to the exhibition of simulators. We were the first of the press representatives. You can imagine how we were met there … As relatives.
Since I was slightly delayed, filming what was on the street, the responsibilities were distributed by themselves. My partner conscientiously went through almost all training complexes, and I filmed this case. As the saying goes, the one who got up earlier is the one with the automatic machines. Although there were not only machines. And I didn't just shoot.
Simultaneously with us, there were three VIP guests at the exhibition, judging by their badges. Clearly effective managers, because they all looked the same: about 30 years old, a blue suit with a shine, black shoes and an unshaven face in the style of Ivan Urgant. Understandable type.
So, cheerfully and fervently, these gentlemen went through three complexes and on none of them even got close to where they needed to. Significantly, but obviously, their strength is not in the ability to shoot. And such, presumably, computer fighters, we have more than enough.
What is a training complex? It's simple. This is a bridge for someone who knows how to poke a mouse between a computer and a real weapon. As the training experts say, if you first teach the basics with the help of a computer, then the savings are obvious.
So let's go.
The first complex was from the oldest and most honored enterprise in the country, TsNIITOCHMASH, which is located in the city of Klimovsk, Moscow Region. Born as the Research Institute of Small Arms for Aviation (NIISPVA), the institute today is one of the centers for the development and testing of weapons.
The complex is a two-stage shooter training system. First, on the computer screen, they teach elementary things: how to correctly combine the rear sight with the front sight, how to take a lead in the wind, and so on. In accordance with the "Manual on shooting".

Everything is quite simple and accessible.
The simulator, as you can see, allows you to take into account such parameters as wind, its strength and direction, humidity. And output a list of mistakes made by the shooter. Next comes the practice with MMG.

This is a shooting stand. The "fire" is conducted at scaled targets that appear on the screens. The screens can move in both directions at different speeds.

The used MMG is not even really MMG. The pneumatic actuator allows you to perfectly simulate recoil, distorts the bolt carrier and tosses the machine gun. Very realistic.
And after the end of the "shooting" you can make out every shot in detail.
PTV-24, MiG-29 simulator from St. Petersburg. Allows you to simulate all the tasks of aerobatic, navigation and combat use of the MiG-29.

Then there were tanks.
UDS-166, manufactured by the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering. Nizhny Tagil.

The simulator allows you to study all the components and mechanisms of the machine.

I-172. Allows you to study and learn how to eliminate all possible breakdowns and malfunctions associated with the operation of the automatic loader. And also carry out maintenance and routine maintenance.

I-676 from Kurganmashzavod.

The same as for the tank, only for the BMP.

For the training of drivers of armored vehicles.

On the left screen, what the driver sees, on the right, the operator.

"Bridge-2000". Production of the Kronstadt group of companies.
The simulator is intended for training and practice of calculating GKP-Shturman. Simulates the movement of a ship in a changing environment, is aimed at solving navigation problems, maneuvering, collision avoidance and everything that the ship's personnel encounter while sailing.

This is the only complex for which you need to know navigation and other navigational troubles. We could not even raise the anchor, we did not find how. And the calculation of the simulator went to lunch, apparently …

Can someone from the readers, who understands, explain in the comments what to pull for?
Not having mastered the sea, we returned to the ground again. The next was a complex with a very long name: "Electronic simulator for fire training of a reinforced motorized rifle squad" from NPO RusBITech.
This complex is in full use at the center for the training of MSV in Mulino, near Nizhny Novgorod. Very impressive in terms of color and understanding.

On the simulator, you can use all weapons in service with the MSO. Grenade launchers, machine guns, sniper rifles. Even the AGS.
The complex allows you to conduct exercises not just in an abstract area, but to simulate a specific area. Any of those loaded into the memory of the simulator. And create there a battle of a very different nature. My partner, for example, fought a motorized rifle squad reinforced with two tanks. So that it does not seem a little.

To begin with, Roman was armed with a grenade launcher and a short course on how to use it. And then they commanded "Fire!" Two tanks took 5 grenades (one misfired). Not bad for a first try.

The infantry was dealt with using the AGS-30.

There was also a brief instruction on how to properly organize the "fork", a zeroing was carried out, after which the command "Let's runaway!" Was given.

After the end of the shooting, you can play the whole battle and sort out the mistakes. However, the video will show it better.

And I will finish the topic of simulators with a product of the Dinamika company. Ka-52 helicopter simulator.

This is how the control panel of the complex looks like, which is located outside the simulator. The simulator itself is a huge cylinder, five meters high, inside which there is a helicopter cockpit.

This is how the operator of the complex observes the trainees.

And he sees all the evolution of the helicopter.
Now inside.

Several video projectors provide the environment.
View of the simulator cabin.

I don't know how believable it is, but it looks cool.

When the sky suddenly begins to turn, obeying the control, even a little dizzy begins, everything is so believable.

A certain result. Simulators are necessary and useful for any army. Especially when combined with practical exercises.