Who needs to be in their best physical shape to complete their assigned task? Who should use their full potential to complete the assignment? I'm not talking about professional bodybuilders, I'm talking about our elite units of the US Navy SEAL CATS. These brave guys care not about how they will look on the podium in front of the judges, but above all about how the unit commander will evaluate them. They live with the thought that they must reach their full potential and fulfill their every mission in the best possible way. That is why they are always accompanied by success and good luck!

But how do they get their amazing shape in such a short time, which is called basic training? Bodybuilders take years to shape their physique, but even after that, many of them remain unhappy with their results. CATS use other methods because they are dealing with strength and endurance, not with symmetry of proportions and not with dipellator cream for breast hair. In this article, I will describe the training program for the SEAL CATS of the US Navy.
This program consists of two cycles of nine weeks. If you can endure it to the end, you will acquire such stamina as you could not have imagined before. But, only one who has a truly iron will and fortitude will be able to withstand and complete the full course of basic training of Navy Seals.
First 9 weeks:
Run: 2 miles, pace 8:30, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 4 sets of 15 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Body Lifts: 4 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 3 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 15 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 2 miles, 8:30 pace, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 5 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Body Lifts: 5 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 3 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 15 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Running: No
Push-ups: 5 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Body Lifts: 5 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 4 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: continuously for 20 minutes. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 3 miles, 8:30 pace, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 5 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Body Lifts: 5 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 4 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: continuously for 20 minutes. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 2/3/4/2 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 6 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 6 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 2 sets of 8 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 25 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 4/4/5/3 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 6 sets of 30 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 6 sets of 30 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 2 sets of 10 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 30 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 4/4/5/3 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday
Push-ups: 6 sets of 30 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 6 sets of 30 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 35 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Next 9 weeks:
Run: 3/5/4/5/2 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday
Push-ups: 6 sets of 30 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 6 sets of 35 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Dips: 3 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 35 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 4/5/6/4/3 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday
Push-ups: 10 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Body Lifts: 10 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 4 sets of 10 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Dips: 10 sets of 15 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 45 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 5/5/6/4/4 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday
Push-ups: 15 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 15 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 4 sets of 12 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Dips: 15 sets of 15 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 60 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
Run: 5/6/6/6/4 miles, Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday
Push-ups: 20 sets of 20 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Press. Torso Raises: 20 sets of 25 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Pull-ups: 5 sets of 12 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Dips: 20 sets of 15 reps, Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Swimming: 75 minutes continuously. 4 - 5 days a week
As you can see, this program is aimed at developing strength and endurance. Please note that this is a very intense program, which means that you need to consume the appropriate amount of nutrients. Of course, the program is very effective, but it requires all your determination and perseverance. The exercises are simple, no complex movements, and no simulators. Challenge yourself, maybe you are suitable for service in SEA CATS. Anyway, you are guaranteed to lose fat and build muscle.
Airborne commando units of the US Army (Army Special Forces)
After the publication of my article about the SEALs, I received a huge number of letters with questions, thanks and simply with messages that someone was going to try this training program. I never thought that there would be so many people willing to knock the soul out of their body. But, as the philosopher said: "The grandees of fate kill lazy people." Driven by a natural desire to help people in their pursuit of physical perfection, I found another similar program. My friend, the one who provided me with the Navy SEALs program, sent me the "Program for the training of US airborne commando units." I asked him how he gets these military training programs, but he declined to answer. I just had to shrug my shoulders and sit down at the computer …

This article describes a program specifically designed to train recruits at the Ranger School. Many argue that it is even heavier than the SEALs program. Just like the previous one, this program is designed for general development, an increase in strength and endurance. For those looking for a purely bodybuilding program, this article is unlikely to be of interest. Here you will find only simple, basic exercises, and you will also smell the barracks and the spirit of a field camp …
Well, why are we standing, perfume? Forward!!!
Week 1
A. Swimming 100 meters (without a break, in any style, do not roll over on your back, do not touch the bottom and walls).
B. March-throw with a backpack (1/4 body weight); 3 miles in 45 minutes on a flat road or 1 hour on rough terrain.
A. Exercise bike; 20 minutes 70% of the maximum load.
B. Side jumps over a low bench or jumping rope for 10 minutes (without interruption).
A. Push-ups. The maximum number of repetitions in 30 seconds. 3 sets.
B. Run 3 miles (at a moderate pace, for 8-9 minutes).
C. Rope climbing or 3 sets of pull-ups on the bar (to failure); March-throw with a backpack (1/4 body weight); 5 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes on a flat road or in 1 hour 40 minutes on rough terrain.
A. Exercise bike; 20 minutes, 70% of maximum load.
B. Sprint 40 yards (10 times, 30 second pauses).
C. Swimming 15 meters.
A. March with a backpack (1/4 body weight), 5 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes on a flat road or in 1 hour 40 minutes on rough terrain.
A. Push-ups 3 sets and lifts of the trunk (press), in 30 seconds the maximum number of repetitions.
B. Pull-ups on the bar 3 sets (to failure).
C. Swimming 200 meters.
Week 2
A. March-throw with a backpack (1/3 body weight); 8 miles in 2 hours on a flat road or in 2 hours 40 minutes on rough terrain.
A. Exercise bike; 20 minutes, 70% of maximum load.
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 35 seconds. 3 sets.
B. Run 5 miles (at a moderate pace, for 8-9 minutes).
C. Backpack Squat (1/4 body weight), 3 sets of 30-50 reps. Perform "cleanly" to the end, bend your legs at the knees to an angle of at least 90 degrees.
A. Swimming 300 meters, without interruption; any style, but not on the back.
A. March-throw with a backpack (1/3 of body weight); 10 miles in 3 hours on a flat road, or 4 hours on rough terrain.
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 35 seconds. 3 sets.
B. Exercise bike; 20 minutes, 80% of maximum load.
C. Swimming 15 meters.
Week 3
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
B. Run 4 miles (at a moderate pace, for 7-8 minutes).
C. Backpack Squat (1/3 body weight), 4 sets of 50 reps. Perform "cleanly" to the end, bend your legs at the knees to an angle of at least 90 degrees.
A. Exercise bike; 20 minutes, 70% of maximum load.
B. Side jumps over a low bench or jumping rope 12 minutes (without interruption).
A. March with a backpack (1/3 body weight, or at least 60 pounds); 12 miles in 3 hours on a flat road or 4 hours in rough terrain.
A. Swimming 400 meters.
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
B. Run 6 miles (fast-moderate pace for 7-8 minutes).
A. Exercise bike; 20 minutes, 70% of maximum load.
B. Side jumps over a low bench or jumping rope for 10 minutes (without interruption).
C. Swimming 15 meters.

Week 4
A. March with a backpack (1/3 body weight, or at least 60 pounds); 8 miles in 2 hours on a flat road or in 2 hours 40 minutes on rough terrain.
A. Swimming 400 meters.
B. Dips on the uneven bars 4 sets (to failure).
C. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
A. Run 6 miles (fast-moderate for 7-8 minutes).
B. Leg Press, Calf Raises, Leg Curl, Leg Extension 3 sets (8-12 reps).
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
B. Exercise bike; 25 minutes 85% of maximum load.
A. March with a backpack (1/3 body weight, or at least 75 pounds); 12 miles in 3 hours on a flat road or 4 hours in rough terrain.
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
B. Jumping rope; 15 minutes without a break.
Week 5
A. Run 3 miles (at a fast pace, in 6-7 minutes).
B. Swimming 500 meters (without interruption, in any style, but not on the back).
C. Leg Press, Calf Raises, Leg Curl, Leg Extension 3 sets (8-12 reps).
A. Side jumps over a low bench or jumping rope 12 minutes (without interruption).
A. Swimming 400 meters
B. Dips on the uneven bars 4 sets (to failure).
A. March with a backpack (1/3 body weight, or at least 75 pounds); 18 miles in 4 hours 30 minutes on a flat road or 6 hours on rough terrain.
A. Push-ups, pull-ups, trunk lifts. The maximum number of repetitions in 40 seconds. 4 sets.
U-f-f-f… Yes, a tough program. Working on it, it would be useful to record your daily progress: the number of approaches, repetitions, execution time, etc. If you do not have an army backpack, you can replace it with an ordinary one. The main thing is that it is heavy enough. Also, as mentioned in the previous article (on Fur Seals), you need enough nutrients and water. If you are going to use this program as an addition to basic training, then in order to maintain muscle mass, it is advisable to take additional glutamine on the days of marches and swimming.
Good luck to you! If, of course, you decide …