According to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, a group of Russian scientists working under the leadership of Academician A. N. Platonov completed the development of an artificial intelligence system that will be used in the military industry, in particular, in the armored forces.
The system, dubbed "IIBMS", is currently compatible with the T-80U-M1 tank (pictured) and is intended for use in vehicles both in combat conditions and in a forced march, and is responsible for controlling the tank, firing from guns, and is able, by means of communication through computer networks, to coordinate its actions with other equipment and receive direct instructions from the control center.
When creating this technology, which has no analogues in the world, the developments of the leading developers in the industry of creating artificial intelligence, GPS / GLONASS systems, as well as the most modern electronic components resistant to hard radiation were used. This, according to the creators of the system, will allow the use of tanks, if necessary, in the hottest spots up to the zone of application of nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons, where conventional technology controlled by humans or with the help of modern automation is powerless.
The plans of the working group, as noted in the Ministry of Defense, are the creation of aircraft equipped with an artificial intelligence module, warships and equipment for working in the hearth of a natural disaster. In the future, the possibility of creating similar systems for the field of cargo and passenger transport and agriculture is not excluded.
Earlier, THG reported that GlobusGPS announced the launch of its own GPS monitoring service. The service is available free of charge for all owners of GPS navigators and trackers of the GlobusGPS brand.