This year the country will celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. But even so many years after the end of that terrible war, its history is full of blank spots. One of these white spots is the history of Soviet fighter aviation, or rather its main tactical formation - fighter aviation regiments. What have we known about them for over 60 years? At first, back in the days of the USSR, everywhere one could find only information about the regiments in which A. I. Pokryshkin and I. N. Kozhedub, sometimes without even mentioning the numbers of the regiments. Moreover, when it came to Kozhedub, for some reason everything was largely reduced to the 176 Guards IAP, in which he flew from the end of August 1944. although in it he won 3/4 of his victories, he took place as an ace. Sometimes information was given about 18 giaps that, after all, they still flew with the Normandy-Niemen.
Materials flashed and the regiment of Lev Shestakov, 9 GIAP, also often without a number and full name, and even then more often associated with the period of the defense of Odessa. Much has been written about the first Twice Hero fighter pilot of the Northern Fleet Air Force B. F. Safonov, but also, as a rule, the number and full name of the regiment were not mentioned. As a kind of breakthrough, I recall now the publication in 1972 of a book about the combat path of the 16th Air Army, where numbers of air regiments, their honorary names and awards were mentioned in large numbers. Over the past 20 years, of course, there have also been some improvements here: thanks, first of all, to aviation enthusiasts, and not to professional military historians, monographs have appeared on the history of a number of fighter regiments of the Great Patriotic War - 32 and 40 Guards IAPs, 402 and 812 iap, a number of other parts. But the fact is that this is a drop in the ocean. Few people know that, according to the lists of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, in the Army in the period from 22.06.41 to 9.05.45 and from 09.08.45 to 3.09.45 in different periods of hostilities there were 420 fighter regiments of the Air Force, Air Defense and Navy aviation … The figure is impressive, especially since little is known about most of them to many who are interested in both the history of aviation and the history of World War II, in particular. It was these considerations that back in the 80s forced me, first bit by bit, fetching out of the then poor for truthful and complete information from sources of that time, to start collecting and systematizing everything related to Soviet fighter aircraft, primarily with its main tactical combat formation - fighter regiments, and try someday to get sufficiently complete and truthful information. And over time, if God willing, then make all this available to everyone who is interested in the history of aviation, as well as military history and the history of the Second World War.
After meeting Mikhail Bykov, who later grew into friendship, the first in our country to collect and systematize a huge amount of information about the Soviet aces during the Great Patriotic War and, as a result, released a wonderful, I am not afraid of this word, work: "Soviet Aces 1941-1945. Victories. Stalin's falcons ", a creative union was born. The result of this alliance is many years of work with archival documents, primarily in the Central Asia Ministry of the Russian Federation (Podolsk), and, practically, 95-97 percent ready material for a reference book on fighter aviation regiments that were part of 1941-1945. the composition of the Army in the field. I want to say right away that there will not be a number of regiments that existed at that time, but were not mentioned in the lists of units that were part of the Army in the Field (for example, 167 IAP, which was in SAVO throughout the war). Moreover, in fact, this will be a brief history of each regiment from the moment of its formation to the moment of its disbandment, including a number of regiments that stopped their history just recently, in 2009, during the so-called military reforms. The emphasis, of course, will be on the period of the war, the full combat path of the regiment will be given, all its awards and honorary names with the numbers and dates of orders, the types of aircraft on which each regiment flew, the results of combat work (the number of sorties, air battles, the number aircraft shot down and destroyed on the ground, other equipment destroyed during ground attacks, their own losses of materiel and personnel). If any regiment participated in pre-war (Lake Khasan, Khalkhin-Gol, Soviet-Finnish war, etc.) or post-war conflicts (Korea), then information about this and the results of combat activities will also be given in full. This directory will not include the air regiments that were formed in the post-war period, starting from 1949 and up to the 80s of the 20th century. The book will provide brief historical information about 420 fighter air regiments. Why short? - Because the complete history of almost every regiment will lead to a full-fledged monograph of several hundred pages, namely: 172 fighter aviation regiments of the Space Force Air Force, which reached May 9, 1945; 92 regiment of the air defense IA that fought on the Soviet-German front; 74 fighter aviation regiments that took part in hostilities, but disbanded in 1941-1943; 45 regiments that fought with Japan in August 1945, but did not take part in the battles on the Soviet-German front; 37 regiments of the Naval Air Force IA, i.e. all four fleets that fought in different periods of the Second World War. Naturally, this work will finally make it possible, in a more or less complete form, to answer such a question, which has been of interest to everyone who, to one degree or another, is engaged in the history of aviation and military history in general, as about the effectiveness of fighter aviation regiments. since the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air is one of the main tasks of the IA. In the work, in addition to full information about the results of the combat work of each regiment, as an appendix will be placed, as they say now, the ratings of the fighter aviation regiments of the Air Force of the spacecraft and the air defense of the Soviet-German front by the number of destroyed enemy aircraft, primarily, of course, shot down in air. We are not talking about battles with Japan in August 1945, because to date, it is known about 7 Japanese fighter aircraft shot down, of which 2 were victories over naval fighters. If we talk about 5 victories of the Air Force and Air Defense, then 3 of them are behind the regiments that were transferred from the West in the summer of 1945. Now about the naval regiments: while there are some difficulties in a number of, first of all, the Baltic, and also the Black Sea air regiments, on the full picture of the results of their combat work in the war, which, in turn, does not allow drawing up the final rating with sufficient reliability. the rating list "will include 338 fighter air regiments of the Air Force and Air Defense (172 Air Force regiments of the spacecraft," surviving "until May 9, 45th; 92 air defense regiments and 74 regiments disbanded during the war). I want to mention right away that the list will not include 338, since a number of regiments, primarily air defense, as well as several disbanded ones, did not have victories. At least, to date, not a single operational and reporting document has been found indicating the victories of the pilots of these air regiments. and how these lists were compiled, I will tell in part 2. I will also publish the rating lists themselves with a number of comments (more detailed than will be given in the appendix, which is being prepared for work).
The main sources that make it possible to determine the results of the combat work of a particular regiment, both throughout the history of the Great Patriotic War in general, and in terms of victories in particular, can be divided into 3 groups.
1. The first group included 172 air force regiments of the spacecraft, which "survived" until May 9, 1945. In this group, everything is relatively simple and clear, tk. On 1945-31-05 Directive of the Air Force Headquarters of the spacecraft No. 639734 was issued, which obliged all air regiments and individual air squadrons of all types of spacecraft aviation by the end of June 1945 to submit to the Organization-Mobilization Directorate of the Air Force Headquarters of the spacecraft "Brief information about the formation and combat work in the war." Each regiment and separate air squadron had to provide complete information, already specified, because all the hostilities were over, all the results were summed up, and the counts of the combat work done for the whole war, with a breakdown for each year of the war, were provided. The document was only called "brief information", but in fact it was a multi-page report, which included several sections: participation on the fronts; combat work (the number of sorties divided by the types of missions performed); the number of enemy aircraft destroyed (in the air and on the ground); the number of destroyed other equipment and manpower of the enemy; its losses of aircraft (combat and non-combat) with division into types and brands; their losses of personnel; the number and types of ammunition consumed; number of remanufactured engines and aircraft; personnel awarded with orders and medals of the USSR (as of early June 1945). A document was drawn up in 4 copies, one copy, respectively, to the regiment, to the division, to the Air Army or the Air Force of the District, to the Air Force Headquarters of the spacecraft. But here, too, there are certain difficulties. The fact is that not all regimental and divisional funds of the Central Asian Ministry of Defense have these certificates, but they are fully available in the army funds, except, for some unknown reason, the 3rd, 4th and 7th air armies, as well as in the fund of the Air Force Headquarters of the spacecraft … But! The documents of the Air Force Headquarters of the SC have not been declassified to this day, and the label "Soviet secret" has not been removed from them to this day. As a result, for 21 regiments out of 172, which were part of the formations of the three air armies I indicated, I have not yet been able to see brief references, although I know where they are. The fact is that the documents of the funds of the Main and Central Directorates of the Ministry of Defense can only be declassified by representatives of these directorates (in this case, the General Staff of the RF Air Force). The last time it was in the summer of 2006. After the beginning of the so-called reform of the Armed Forces, in 2007 and beyond, there was simply no one to deal with this issue - they cut people off. And the archive itself has not yet received the right to declassify these documents, its powers end at the front-line level. Therefore, for twenty-one regiments, the data was formed on the basis of Historical Forms, although, as practice has shown, most regiments' forms, 75-80 percent, are still not entirely accurate, because information was entered in stages, even during the course of hostilities, when far from all the data was clarified. As an example, form 157 IAP: its step-by-step maintenance gives when summing up 320 victories, at the same time, at the conclusion of the section of the form "participation in battles and campaigns" without any reference to anything and without any other numbers, a record suddenly appears - for years war shot down 422 enemy aircraft !!! A brief summary of the regiment gives a completely different number of downed aircraft, nevertheless closer to the first indicator.
2. The second group included 92 air defense fighter air regiments. Here, too, at first glance, everything is quite simple: on July 4, 1945, the Directive of the Commander of Air Defense Fighter Aviation No. 1420956 "On the Results of Combat Activities during the Great Patriotic War" was issued. Each regiment and formation had to submit final reports to the headquarters of the air defense fighter aviation in the prescribed form. The form was significantly different from the brief information in the Air Force of the spacecraft, but it made it possible to fully judge the combat work done. But in this group of regiments, the problem is that not all regimental funds and funds of formations have these reports, but only about 60-65 percent. But the funds of the air defense associations of the times of the war, like the fund of the headquarters of the air defense IA, are not in the CA MO at all, there is only the post-war fund of the country's Air Defense Forces, starting in 1961 (of course, it is classified to this day). Therefore, in relation to the remaining 35-40 percent of the regiments, it was necessary to use data from historical forms, as well as operational documents and current reporting of the formations that included these regiments.
3. And, finally, the third group consisted of 74 regiments disbanded during the war. This is the most difficult group, primarily due to the fact that the funds of many regiments are absent altogether or contain only documents of party and Komsomol organizations. Also, for the period 1941-1942, it is also characteristic that not quite full funds of formations, which included regiments with an insufficiently developed system of monthly reporting on the results of combat work. Therefore, for the third group, many sources had to be used - these are operational reports and reports from various structures (formations, air forces of armies and fronts, air groups), submissions for transformation into guards or for awarding a unit with an order, documents of reserve air brigades and air regiments (due to the fact that that in 1941-1942, due to the practice of completing the regiments with untrained youth and throwing them into battle without appropriate training, where the regiments burned down literally like matches, within one to three weeks, after which the remaining 2-3 aircraft and 1-4 pilots transferred to another regiment, and the regiment's management and headquarters were again sent to the reserve regiment for re-equipment, as a rule, the command of these regiments made reports on a short stay at the front for the reserve regiment), as well as, in some cases, award documents for regimental commanders, as sometimes the only source of obtaining a more or less complete picture, for example, 627 iap. As a result, this group of regiments still has certain gaps in the completeness of information based on the results of combat work.
Now that the main sources have been identified, from which the final data were taken, which also served to compile the rating list of the performance of the regiments, we can proceed to the rating itself. It is composed according to the principle of decreasing the number of victories: the number of the regiment is given (if it is a guards regiment, then its number is given in parentheses before the transformation; as well as if the regiment's number was changed); followed by the number of downed enemy aircraft; the next figure, in brackets, is the total number of enemy aircraft destroyed, including those destroyed on the ground; and the last figures indicate the total number of sorties made by the pilots of this regiment. Additional comments follow if necessary.
1.5 giap (129 ip) - 657 (739), 15464
2.402 iap - 591 (810), 13511
3.16 giap (55 ip) - 587 (618), 13681
4.15 iap - 537 (580), 10360; approx. - in the "Winter War": 1 plane was shot down, 509 used / sorties
5.129 giap (27 ip) - 521 (546), 11296
6.32 giap (434 ip) - 519 (538), 9002
7.9 giap (69 ip) - 507 (558), 15237
8.4 IAP - 472 (547), 10774; approx. - in the "Winter War": there are no enemy aircraft shot down, 2590 used sorties.
9.728 iap - 466 (490), 11109
10.43 iap - 459 (509), 13251
11.66 giap (875/429/160 ip) - 451 (451), 9055
12.177 giap (193 ip) - 443 (463), 10418
13.866 iap - 440 (463), 9272
14.111 giap (13 ip) - 433 (448), 9651
15.40 giap (131 ip) - 431 (468), 14864
16.29 giap (154 ip) - 429 (458), 13061; approx. - a) in the spring of 1950 in the PRC: 2 aircraft were shot down, 80 aircraft were flown; b) the war in Korea: 37 aircraft were shot down, about 800 b / s were flown.
17.100 GIAP (45 IAP) - 429 (447), 8223
18.104 giap (298 ip) - 423 (437), 10676
19.274 iap - 423 (454), 9872
20.32 iap - 412 (412), 10242
21.18 giap (6 ip) - 407 (427), 12704; approx. - War in Korea: 96 aircraft were shot down, 4304 missiles were made).
22.28 giap (153 ip) - 406 (511), 14303; approx. - a) "Winter War": no downed planes, 1064 b / sors were made; b) the war in Korea: 36 planes were shot down, more than 700 aircrafts were flown.
23.21 giap (38 ip) - 398 (402), 10549; approx. - "Winter War": 12 aircraft were shot down, 1869 used sorties.
24.86 giap (744 ip) - 393 (433), 10865
25.115 giap (146 ip) - 391 (445), 8895
26.176 giap (19 ip) - 389 (445), 8522; approx. - a) "Winter War": shot down 3 (5), made 3646 b / sorties; b) the war in Korea: 107 aircraft were shot down, more than 3000 airborne sorties were made.
27.812 iap - 389 (505), 7562
28.159 iap - 387 (387), 8681
29.3 giap (155 ip) - 384 (384), 19825
30.63 giap (169 ip) - 382 (382), 5871; approx. - all publications indicate 392 downed aircraft, but neither a brief summary, nor ist. this is not confirmed by the form.
31.30 giap (180 ip) - 381 (385), 9661
32.150 giap (183 ip) - 379 (396), 6487
33.291 iap - 376 (425), 7894
34.85 giap (2 ip) - 375 (398), 13683
35.178 giap (240 ip) - 372 (375), 5883
36.156 giap (247 ip) - 371 (385), 13021
37.73 giap (296 ip) - 369 (387), 13781
38.163 iap - 366 (366), 7960
39.67 giap (436 ip) - 359 (359), 8836
40.42 giap (8 ip) - 357 (370), 10109; approx. - brief information is missing in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; the data from the Flight Combat Operations Log was taken as a basis.
41.897 iap - 356 (356), 9103
42.31 iap - 350 (381), 11725
43.1 giap (29 ip) - 347 (364), 11641
44.164 iap - 346 (382), 11418
45.116 iap - 340 (342), 7866
46.179 giap (297 ip) - 339 (341), 5067
47.659 iap - 337 (342), 10405
48.65 giap (653 ip) - 329 (331), 7690
49.157 iap - 326 (382), 9885
50.14 giap (7 ip) - 325 (371), 12976; approx. - "Winter War": 64 (82) aircraft were shot down, 4885 aircraft sorties were made.
51.152 giap (270 ip) - 319 (319), 9736
52.191 iap - 318 (339), 7311
53.151 giap (427 ip) - 315 (317), 6471
54.293 iap - 315 (315), 5453
55.233 iap - 313 (313), 6870
56.213 giap (508 ip) - 311 (311), 5306
57.116 giap (563 ip) - 306 (306), 10174; approx. - The mention of 316 downed aircraft found in all publications does not correspond to the brief summary; in the historical form, the total value of downed aircraft by periods is also 307.
58.2 giap (526/23 ip) - 303 (327), 7739; approx. - "Winter War": 2 (2) aircraft were shot down, 529 used sorties.
59.64 giap (271 ip) - 302 (333), 7374
60.72 giap (485 ip) - 302 (362), 8347; approx. - War in Korea: 15 aircraft were shot down, more than 200 aircraft sorties were made.
61.181 giap (239 ip) - 301 (346), 10187
62.41 giap (40 ip) - 299 (340), 14140
63.88 giap (166 ip) - 296 (357), 8037
64.106 giap (814 ip) - 296 (314), 8730
65.263 iap - 288 (398), 7542; approx. - brief information is not available in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; data from ist. form, in which the summary data for the war are separately given on the basis of a brief note taking into account and the activities of 401 IAP OH, which was reformed in 263 IAP on 16.08.41.
66.112 giap (236 ip) - 284 (284), 11692
67.163 giap (249 ip) - 282 (287), 21026
68.91 iap - 281 (300), 7674
69.21 ip - 279 (293), 13478; approx. - brief information is not available in the funds of the regiment, division and 3VA; the results are compiled on the basis of the interim results of the combat work of the 259th IAD.
70.92 iap - 279 (286), 11285
71.89 giap (12 ip) - 278 (289), 7279
72.66 iap - 274 (278), 5828
73.148 iap - 272 (306), 7088; approx. - "Winter War": 3 (3) aircraft were shot down, 1120 aircraft sorties were made.
74.159 giap (88 ip) - 268 (342), 18193
75.774 iap - 267 (268), 5819
76.845 iap - 267 (282), 7116; approx. - brief information is missing in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operational documents and historical documents. form.
77.212 giap (438 ip) - 265 (274), 6754
78.133 iap - 262 (267), 6233
79.347 iap - 262 (268), 8316
80.107 giap (867/268 ip) - 257 (257), 6753; approx. - the summary takes into account the results of the regiment's work from December 1942 - 221 shot down and 6297 b / sorties, after reorganization, but there is no data on the work in the 220 IAD in September 1942 and on the work of 286 IAP in the Crimea in May 1942.
81.482 iap - 257 (289), 7748
82.27 giap (123 ip) - 254 (273), 7659
83.68 giap (46 ip) - 252 (307), 8737
84.162 iap - 251 (251), 11822; approx. - a brief summary was drawn up based on the results of combat work, starting from 02.22.43, after re-forming from glanders to ip; at the same time, the historical form of the regiment covers the entire period, incl. and May 1942-February 1943, when the regiment was mixed
Hence, data on combat work for 1941-1942 were added to the data of the certificate - 201 shot down and 8549 b / sorties.
85.515 iap - 249 (258), 6717
86.176 iap - 247 (251), 8938
87.161 iap (2nd form.) - 246 (256), 5920
88.69 giap (10 ip) - 245 (268), 7085
89.103 giap (158 ip) - 245 (245), 6852
90.53 giap (512 ip) - 244 (272), 9129
91.56 giap (520 ip) - 242 (258), 5988
92.486 iap - 242 (264), 8346
93.265 iap - 242 (242), 6711
94.137 giap (160 ip) - 241 (288), 7627
95.287 iap - 234 (235), 6223; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operational documents.
96.248 iap - 230 (241), 4826; approx. - since The regiment was reorganized into the 9th Polish IAP in October 1944, the data was compiled on the basis of operational documents.
97.133 giap (42 ip) - 228 (242), 9226
98.19 giap (145 ip) - 226 (233), 9941; approx. - a) "Winter War": 5 (5) aircraft were shot down, 1125 b / sorties were made; b) there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 7VA; compiled on the basis of a very detailed historical form.
99.211 giap (9 ip) - 226 (229), 8387
100.269 iap - 226 (243), 8118
101.139 giap (20 ip) - 224 (249), 10688; approx. - War in Korea: 14 planes were shot down, 138 w / sorties were made
102.171 iap - 223 (262), 7600
103.149 giap (6 ip) - 221 (233), 7434
104.519 iap - 217 (227), 7872
105.127 iap - 216 (241), 10879; approx. - War in Korea: 33 aircraft were shot down, there is no exact data on used sorties.
106.149 iap - 215 (249), more than 8650; approx. - a) there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operational documents and historical form; b) "Winter War": 26 (26) aircraft were shot down, 425 sorties were made.
107.113 giap (437 ip) - 214 (214), 7128
108.976 iap - 214 (222), 9700; approx. - brief information is not in the funds of the regiment, division and 3BA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents 259 IAD and historical form of the regiment.
109.31 giap (273 ip) - 213 (219), 16677
110.180 giap (181 ip) - 213 (244), 7695
111.49 iap - 209 (218), 8173; approx. - a) there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form; b) "Winter War": 28 (28) aircraft were shot down, 4466 used sorties.
112.267 iap - 209 (218), 8631
113.172 iap - 206 (206), 10793
114.611 iap - 204 (248), 7842
115.721 iap - 204 (208), 7207
116.54 giap (237 ip) - 200 (200), 7166
117.518 iap - 200 (216), 5260; approx. - War in Korea: 38 planes were shot down, there is no exact data on used sorties
118.20 giap (147 ip) - 197 (216), 8768; approx. - a) "Winter War": no shot down, 2030 b / w sorties were made; b) there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 7VA, compiled on the basis of a very detailed historical form.
119.937 iap - 193 (238), 2629
120.57 giap (36 ip) - 190 (216), 10633
121.156 iap - 190 (235), 6470; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; data from the historical form, which gives separately the final data for the war based on a brief reference.
122.813 iap - 184 (234), 3950; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents.
123.254 iap - 181 (199), 9800; approx. - there is no brief comparison in the funds of the regiment and the air force of the KhVO; the data is taken from the characteristics of the regiment when it was admitted to the 178 IAD of the air force of the KhVO on 1945-26-05.
124.483 iap - 178 (180), 4438
125.168 giap (737 ip) - 164 (254), 9461
126.148 giap (910 ip) - 162 (180), 4460; approx. - War in Korea: 40 aircraft were shot down, 2418 used sorties.
127.122 iap - 161 (164), 7730
128.11 giap (44 ip) - 160 (189), 8477; approx. - "Winter War": 3 (3) aircraft were shot down, 3477 sorties were made.
129.192 iap - 159 (186), 4307
130.182 iap - 156 (173), more than 4457
131.101 giap (84-a iap) - 155 (260), 5834
132.431 iap - 155 (211), 7840
133.790 iap - 149 (152), 6095
134.17 iap - 147 (161), 8054; approx. - a) Soviet-Japanese war: 1 plane was shot down, 78 sorties were made; b) the war in Korea: 108 aircraft were shot down, 4226 b / s were flown.
135.272 iap - 147 (156), 3421; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment and the BVO Air Force; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form.
136.165 iap - 146 (169), 7650
137.195 iap - 146 (173), 5861
138.761 iap - 142 (147), 7139; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 3VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents 259 IAD
139.979 iap - 141 (141), 8501; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operational documents and historical form.
140.760 iap - 137 (138), 5890
141.484 iap - 135 (135), 5164; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 4VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form
142.609 iap - 135 (194), 5673
143.55 giap (581 ip) - 134 (138), 3217
144.832 iap - 132 (139), 3850; approx. - in October 1944 the regiment was reorganized into the 11th Polish IAP, compiled on the basis of operational documents and historical form
145.126 iap - 131 (226), 3610
146.517 iap - 128 (138), 5299; approx. - war in Korea: 38 planes shot down, b / sorties, no exact data
147.179 iap - 126 (128), 8124
148.494 iap - 122 (133), 6808; approx. - war in Korea: 25 planes shot down, b / sorties, no exact data
149.146 giap (487 iap) - 118 (122), 13844 (here the total number of all sorties during the war)
150.41 iap - 118 (145), 4459; approx. - compiled on the basis of the submission to the rank of the Guards in June 1942 and the political reports of the regiment.
151.53 iap - 118 (148), 3021
152.739 iap - 118 (155), 5633
153.907 iap - 118 (118), 2680
154.11 iap - 117 (117), 7288
155.38 giap (629 ip) - 116 (116), 4754
156.117 giap (975 ip) - 116 (139), 8198
157.168 iap - 114 (151), 12080
158.523 iap - 114 (115), 8325; approx. - War in Korea: 102 aircraft were shot down, 3821 airborne sorties were made.
159.927 iap - 113 (113), 3061
160.196 iap - 112 (112), 5022; approx. - War in Korea: 108 planes were shot down, b / sorties, no exact data.
161.145 giap (253 ip) - 111 (136), 5600
162.428 iap - 110 (135), 3598
163.28 iap - 109 (137), 7957
164.34 iap - 109 (109), 7811
165.147 giap (630 ip) - 108 (108), 4475; approx. - War in Korea: 18 planes were shot down, b / sorties, no exact data.
166.513 iap - 108 (108), 7274
167.522 iap - 105 (+6 presumably), 2127; approx. - compiled on the basis of operational documents.
168.900 iap - 101 (113) - 5601
169.185 iap - 100 (100), 2684
170.39 giap (731 ip) - 96 (96), 3643
171.821 iap - 92 (129), 6281; approx. - war in Korea: 45 planes shot down, b / sorties, no exact data
172.926 iap - 89 (89), 1659; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment and the air force of the KhVO; compiled on the basis of operational documents and a historical form.
173.84 giap (788/282 ip) - 88 (88), 3025
174.306 iap - 88 (123), 3123
175.805 iap - 88 (92), 5952
176.896 iap - 88 (88), 1261; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment and the air force of the KhVO; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form.
177.234 iap - 85 (85), 3241
178.16 iap - 84 (84), 4198; approx. - a) compiled on the basis of the regiment's submission to the rank of Guards in April 1945; b) the war in Korea: 26 planes were shot down, 1762 b / sorties were made
179.26 giap (26 ip) - 80 (107), 8648; approx. - "Winter War": shot down 3 (3) aircraft, committed 3477
180.67 iap - 80 (80), 4002
181.355 iap - 79 (89), 2438
182.521 iap - 79 (79), 2261
183.33 iap - 78 (132), 5188
184.177 iap - 78 (78), 4708; approx. - a) compiled on the basis of the regiment's submission to the rank of Guards in April 1945; b) the war in Korea: 24 aircraft were shot down, about 400 b / s were flown
185.197 iap - 77 (77), over 1994; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment and the air force of the KhVO; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form.
186.102 giap (124 ip) - 73 (73), 5497
187.769 iap - 73 (73), 2885
188.863 iap - 72 (83), 4822
189.283 iap - 71 (80), 3982
190.152 iap - 69 (80), 4106; approx. - a) "Winter War": no downed planes, 1435 b / w sorties were made; b) there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 7VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form.
191.530 iap - 69 (69), 1205
192.268 iap - 66 (66), more than 3515; approx. - there is no exact data on the artillery sorties in the 310 air defense IAD, at the same time 9 planes shot down in its composition are confirmed by all documents, up to the headquarters of the air defense IA of the TS.
193.768 iap - 62 (62), 3124
194.83 giap (572 iap) - 59 (59), b / departures, no exact data.
195.170 iap - 59 (72), 2789
196.50 iap - 58 (111), 7599
197.445 iap - 56 (56), 4664
198.580 iap - 53 (66), 511
199.628 iap - 53 (55), 4730
200.12 giap (120 ip) - 51 (74), 8014
201.25 iap - 51 (51), 2503; approx. - "Winter War": 45 (45) aircraft were shot down, 3860 aircraft sorties were made.
202.352 iap - 51 (64), 3569
203.573 iap - 50 (50), more than 2959
204.848 iap - 50 (50), 1940
205.562 iap - 49 (54), 3163
206.415 iap - 48 (50), 5274; approx. - war in Korea: 28 planes shot down, b / sorties, no exact data
207.24 iap - 46 (at least), more than 528; approx. - there are no documents in the regiment's fund, there is only data about the regiment's BR for 1942 in the reports of the 2nd UAG of the NWF Air Force; by 1941, no documents on the BR have yet been found.
208.238 iap - 46 (46), 1952
209.266 iap - 45 (45), more than 2000
210.56 iap - 43 (47), 1671; approx. - battles on Khalkhin Gol: 153 aircraft were shot down, 4737 sorties were made
211.426 iap - 41 (41), 549
212.767 iap - 41 (54), 2222
213.144 iap (740/283 iap) - 40 (40), 2326
214.591 iap - 40 (up to 60), 5164
215.827 iap - 39 (39), b / departures, no exact data
216.178 iap - 38 (38), 4183
217.246 iap - 38 (38), 323
218.286 iap - 37 (37), 5048
219.743 iap - 36 (36), 2491
220.787 iap (423 iap) - 36 (36), b / departures, no exact data
221.440 iap - 35 (44), b / departures, no exact data
222.745 iap (425/161 iap) - 35 (35), 1389
223.35 iap - 34 (34), 3686
224.651 iap - 33 (33), 996
225.960 iap - 32 (32), 1848
226.163 iap (1 form) - 31 (declared), 310
227.417 iap (926 iap air defense) - 30 (30), 1857
228.184 iap - 29 (31), 3641
229.89 iap - 28 (28), 1550
230.188 iap - 28 (35), 1492
231.194 iap - 27 (59), 1503
232.909 iap - 27 (41), 2769
233.383 iap - 26 (26), 2077
234.409 iap - 26 (26), 2674
235.792 iap - 26 (26), 314
236.441 iap - 25 (25), b / departures - no exact data
237.773 iap - 25 (31), 2375; approx. - there is no brief information in the funds of the regiment, division and 7VA; compiled on the basis of operas. documents and historical form.
238.894 iap - 25 (25), 1554
239.966 iap - 25 (25), 721
240.435 iap - 24 (27), 3202
241.495 iap - 24 (24), 5731
242.509 iap - 24 (24), 556
243.929 iap - 24 (24), 3401
244.23 iap - 23 (41), 2255
245.524 iap - 23 (29), 2454
246.895 iap - 23 (23), 577
247.439 iap - 22 (22), 1004
248.862 iap - 21 (23), 1029
249.961 iap - 21 (21), b / departures - no exact data
250.295 iap - 20 (20), 586
251.401 iap air defense - 18 (18), 434
252.404 iap - 18 (18), 695; approx. - Soviet-Japanese war: 2 planes were shot down, 73 missiles were performed
253.586 iap - 18 (20), 2073; approx. - in all publications on this regiment, the figure of 38 shot down "wanders", it is also indicated in the IF, although it is not confirmed by previous records in the same place. Moreover, it is not confirmed by operational and reporting documents of higher headquarters.
254.68 iap - 17 (17), more than 768; approx. - "Winter War": 36 (42) aircraft were shot down, 5124 sorties were made.
255.736 iap - 17 (17), 1756
256.753 iap - 17 (17), 207
257.762 iap - 16 (16), 1506
258.211 iap - 15 (15), 617
259.252 iap - 15 (15), over 856
260.423 iap air defense - 15 (25), b / sorties, no exact data; approx. - it is possible that 16 (26)
261.425 iap - 15 (15), 607
262.292 iap - 14 (14), 99
263.754 iap - 14 (14), 499
264.822 iap - 14 (14), more than 725
265.121 iap - 13 (15), more than 239
266.564 iap - 13 (13), 2316
267.791 iap - 13 (13), 67
268.826 iap - 13 (13), more than 2114
269.959 iap - 12 (12), 677
270.309 iap - 11 (11), 1917
271.368 iap - 11 (11), 547; approx. - taking into account the fact that the regiment is formed from the headquarters, management and IAE 395 glanders (shot down 16 aircraft and made 849 airborne sorties), the final data can be combined, which will give
27 (27) downed and 1396 without sorties
272.488 iap - 11 (11), 629
273.738 iap - 11 (11), b / departures - no exact data
274.795 iap - 11 (11), 214
275.186 iap - 10 (35), more than 377
276.416 iap - 10 (10), 275
277.605 iap - 9 (9), 355
278.32-a iap - 7 (7), b / departures - no data; approx. - possibly more
279.627 iap - 7 (7), 1173; approx. - data from the award list for the regiment commander
280.652 iap - 7 (7), 1728
281.87 iap - 6 (6), b / departures - no exact data; approx. - there are no documents in the regiment's fund about the BR, there may be more victories, tk. connection documents are also incomplete
282.446 iap - 6 (6), 1542
283.590 iap - 6 (29), about 2900; approx. - until 1942-22-05, when the regiment was reorganized into 590 shap
284.730 iap - 6 (6), 1339
285.785 iap - 6 (6), 4446
286.831 iap - 6 (6), 211
287.977 iap - 6 (8), 612
288.565 iap - 5 (5), 2120
289.770 iap (439 iap 1st form) - 5 (5), 37; approx. - data for 1942, after the reforming of 439 iap of the 1st form into 770 iap; data for 1941 has not yet been found.
290.187 iap - 4 (4), more than 368
291.403 iap - 4 (4), 111
292.429 iap - 4 (4), 1644
293.824 iap - 4 (4), b / departures - no exact data
294.864 iap - 4 (4), b / departures - no exact data
295.28 IAP SZF - 3 (3), 817
296.42 IAP 1st form - 3 (3), 234
297.199 iap - 3 (3), 781
298.248 IAP 1st form - 3 (8), 625
299.722 iap - 3 (3), 595
300.833 iap - 3 (3), 707
301.876 iap - 3 (3), 306
302.908 iap - 3 (3), b / departures - no exact data
303.348 iap - 2 (2), b / departures - no exact data
304.481 iap - 2 (2), b / departures - no exact data
305.931 iap - 2 (2), 391
306.963 iap - 2 (2), 673
307.11 iap (iap NKVD) - 1 (1), 1910
308.82 iap - 1 (1), b / departures - no exact data
309.400 iap - 1 (1), 227
310.405 iap - 1 (1), b / departures - no exact data
311.510 iap - 1 (1), 328
312.631 iap - 1 (1), more than 116
313.632 iap - 1 (1), b / departures - no exact data
314.729 iap - 1 (1), b / departures - no exact data
315.786 iap - 1 (1), 110
316.802 iap - 1 (1), b / departures - no exact data
317.837 iap - 1 (1), 101
318.282 iap 1st form - 55, 3800 were destroyed in total; approx. - there is no fund for this regiment, the data was taken from the award list for the regiment commander, where there is no division into aircraft shot down in the air and destroyed at airfields; it is known that at least 6 of this number were destroyed on the ground.
Another 20 fighter regiments out of a total of 338 that fought on the Soviet-German front did not have victories.
In the sequel, I will try to systematize everything that is available in terms of the effectiveness of the naval fighter aviation regiments of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet and Northern Fleet today.