On the eve of the next anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, liberal historians and journalists crawled out like devils from a snuffbox on television screens and newspaper pages. Still: there was a good reason to remind the Russian man in the street about who is to blame for all mortal sins. Of course, we are talking about Stalin. All the years of his reign, he did nothing but shoot, starve, weaken the army, lead ineptly and make friends with the bad misanthropist Adolf Hitler.
The only thing that remains unclear is how, with such a ruler and supreme commander-in-chief, our country managed to get out of the chaos and devastation after the civil war, in the shortest possible time to make a gigantic economic breakthrough, to win the war against a superior enemy, in a few years to restore what was destroyed German fascist invaders and create a nuclear Power, which did not allow the West to realize its plans for world domination.
Apparently, this is Stalin's main “fault”. It is for this that mountains of garbage are carried to his grave to this day, but they still cannot do anything about the greatness of this historical figure.
One of the most common myths about Stalin claims that he was not ready for war, because of which our army suffered heavy losses and was forced to retreat as far as Moscow. Blogger Country Studies writes the following about this:
“Some slander Stalin, saying that he did nothing and was not ready for war. Some slandered to the point that they accused Stalin of not knowing anything about the war at all, and in its first days he hid in his dacha.
I climbed into the archives and delved into the facts. Here they are:
Stalin warned the country about the inevitability of war with Germany 11 years before its start - in June 1930 at the 16th Congress of the CPSU (b).
Hitler entered the war with Poland and England in 1939, when the USSR was just emerging from hunger and devastation. Then, inside and outside the Soviet power they tried to destroy. Then there was a fierce political struggle between the Trotskyite and other clans.
Stalin prepared the country for war in two five-year plans. Marshal KA Meretskov wrote that “Stalin asked the military leaders in the most detailed way about the situation on the ground, about requests, demands, wishes, shortcomings, and therefore was always aware of the whole army life”. Stalin parried the military threat of the White Finns, prevented the provocations of the “Baltic Entente” and, in pursuance of the agreements on mutual assistance, Soviet troops were legally quartered in the Baltic republics. The purpose of these measures is to move the border line to the West. Stalin organized a barrier along the border with operational groupings of troops put on alert in their near and far rear. The count was on the fact that it would be possible to restrain Hitler's attack on the USSR, to delay the start of the war by all measures: political (non-aggression pact), economic (trade agreement), military (not to give a reason for border clashes and accusations of concentration of troops). It was necessary to gain time to prepare the industry. Stalin's diplomacy is doing everything possible to force Hitler to fight on other azimuths.
Stalin's strategic gift and efficiency as a leader, head of government, diplomat, commander-in-chief is irrefutably confirmed by documents on the activities of the Soviet state on the eve of the war.
On September 1, 1939, universal conscription was introduced in the Soviet Union, the draft age was set at 19-18 years, which opened up the possibility of deploying an army strength of over 5 million.
On September 21, 1939, by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1524-353s, the initial and pre-conscription military training of the population was organized; the circulation of textbooks sent to schools amounted to 3.5 million copies, 35 thousand training rifles, 60 million small-caliber cartridges and about 3 million were allocated. educational topographic maps. (See Izvestia of the Central Committee of the CPSU, 1990, No. 5). The population actively and everywhere underwent massive military training. Defense-sports societies OSOAVIAKHIM were created. The entire population is involved in the competition for passing the standards of the TRP and PVHO, for the title of "Voroshilov shooter". There was a massive propaganda of the people's defense consciousness in the industries.

(Further broken down by day)
May 20, 1941 The plans of covering and defense of the State Border in the West and North-West, a detailed plan of air defense (CA MO RF. F. 16. Op.2951. D.248. L.36-54) were put into effect. A collection of personnel in the rifle divisions was carried out - a total of 465 thousand people were built in (Central Military District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. F.16. Op.2951. D7242. L.195-201).
On May 31, 1941, the Directive on KOVO introduced the organization of wartime communications (Central Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. F. 16. Op.2951. D.262. LL.413-417).
June 16, 1941 Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) No. 1626-686ss "On accelerating the deployment of fortified areas".
On June 21, 1941, according to the journal of records of visits from 6 p.m., J. V. Stalin received 13 top leaders of the country (Molotov, Safonov, Vorontsov, Timoshenko, Beria, Zhukov, Voznesensky, Budyonny, Malenkov, Mekhlis, Kuznetsov, etc.), the latter came out at 23.00 …
June 22, 1941. The war began at 5.47 in the morning, Stalin received Molotov, after him, until 16.00 he received 29 more leaders …
And this is only a small part of the hundreds of thousands of available documents that irrefutably confirm the outstanding talent and prohibitive efficiency of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Victory J. V. Stalin
So the myth that Stalin was not ready for war was completely destroyed completely and forever."