In July, information appeared in the media that a model of the weapon of the future was created in China - the ZKZM-500 laser assault rifle, which they have already dubbed the "laser AK-47". The new development of Chinese designers weighs less than a Kalashnikov assault rifle - about three kilograms and is capable of effectively hitting targets at a distance of up to 800 meters.
The fact that a portable compact laser weapon, which can set fire to a target from a long distance, has ceased to be a subject from science fiction books and films, having turned into a weapon from the real world, journalists of the South China Morning Post wrote. New portable laser weapons are capable of hitting targets from a long distance. At the same time, the presented ZKZM-500 laser rifle is declared as a non-lethal weapon. It is assumed that the first samples of the new weapon will be able to get the Chinese law enforcement officers.
The novelty was designed at the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XIOPM). The ZKZM Laser Company was engaged in the manufacture of prototypes of the new weapon. This Chinese technology company is part of the XIOPM Institute. At the moment, the company is looking for a partner for the production of a ZKZM-500 laser rifle under a license or a partner in the defense industry to organize a full-fledged large-scale production of weapons. The estimated price of the novelty is quite high - about 100 thousand yuan (about 15 thousand US dollars per set). If you believe the publications of the Chinese media, the new weapon is ready to be launched into mass production and may enter service with the anti-terrorist units of the People's Armed Militia of China (part of the country's armed forces acting as internal troops). Taking into account the specifics of the novelty, the ZKZM-500 rifle is not intended for export supplies, it is a product exclusively for the power and military structures of the PRC.

The creators of the laser rifle speak of its non-lethality. At the same time, the novelty works in a range that is inaccessible to the human eye. The laser beam cannot be seen, which ensures the stealth of the use of new weapons. The developers note that the laser beam will be able to penetrate the windows, causing "instant carbonization" of human skin and tissues. According to one of the developers, in a split second, a laser beam can penetrate the victim's clothing and, if the latter is capable of ignition, it will simply ignite. A researcher who took part in the development and conduct of field tests of the laser rifle noted that for a person "the pain will be unbearable."
It is quite obvious that this rifle can blind a person, depriving him of sight and damaging the retina of the eye. It should be noted here that the UN prohibits the use of this type of weapon. This is an additional protocol (Protocol IV) to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects. This protocol prohibits the use of laser weapons that are specifically designed for use in hostilities solely or inter alia in order to cause permanent blindness to the organs of vision of a person who does not use optical devices, that is, to unprotected organs of vision. This convention and protocol have been signed by more than 100 states, including Russia. In our country, the protocol was ratified in 1999.
The media listed the main technical characteristics of the ZKZM-500 laser rifle: weight about 3 kg, maximum firing range - 800 meters, weapon caliber - 15 mm. True, what exactly should be understood by the caliber of a laser rifle is not entirely clear (the diameter of the mirror of the optical resonator, the diameter of the working medium, or something else?). It is known that a laser rifle is powered by a replaceable, rechargeable lithium battery, the capacity of which is sufficient to fire more than 1000 rounds of no more than two seconds each. It is possible to install weapons on various vehicles: cars, helicopters, boats.

ZKZM-500 laser rifle prototype
Work on the creation of a compact laser rifle ZKZM-500 was carried out in high secrecy. For this reason, all technical details or design features of the novelty are not disclosed. According to Wang Jimin of the Laser Physics and Technology Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, technological advances in the past few years have made it possible to create compact yet powerful laser devices. The leap that has taken place in this area is comparable to the development of modern mobile communication devices. Previously developed similar laser rifles required either long-term irradiation of the target to be hit, or the production of several shots, while only very large laser installations requiring powerful and bulky power sources could carry out the defeat of the target with one short "shot". In this regard, the ZKZM-500 rifle, if it really meets the voiced characteristics, can be considered a real breakthrough in the field of creating laser weapons.
At present, it is already known in which cases and situations the Chinese expect to use their novelty. For example, a laser rifle can be used in anti-terrorist operations, hostage release. It will be possible to fire at targets located outside the windows, the weapon will temporarily neutralize opponents in order to allow assault groups to come closer. In addition, the "laser AK-47" can be used in covert military operations that require secrecy. The laser beam is powerful enough to set fire to a gas tank or fuel storage at a military airfield. Since the laser used is not visible to the human eye, and the weapon itself does not make any noise, the protection of the object will not be able to determine where the attack is coming from, and the sabotage that occurred can be regarded as an accident. At the same time, Chinese scientists fear that their development, due to its qualities, in particular the secrecy of use, may become a tasty prey for terrorists and criminals of all stripes, which is why the weapon is planned to be used inside the PRC, the export of this development is not considered.
In China, the new development is positioned as a non-lethal weapon, that is, a weapon that is not capable of causing fatal damage when it hits a person. For this reason, allegations in the press that the ZKZM-500 laser rifle can literally turn a person into "coal" seem untenable. At least, the Chinese themselves are focusing on non-lethal scenarios for the use of new items, for example, when dispersing demonstrations and unauthorized rallies. Among other things, it is noted that with the help of a laser rifle it will be possible to set fire to banners and flags of protesters from a sufficiently large distance, and the laser will also be able to ignite the clothes or hair of the instigators of the riots. However, this use of laser weapons raises doubts in the Chinese security forces themselves. One of the officers of the Chinese People's Militia noted that with this use of the rifle, a fairly high increase in the occurrence of panic and the transformation of a peaceful protest into large-scale street riots is possible. It is for this reason that it is preferable to use other non-flying means, which are more traditional: rubber bullets, stun guns, irritating gas, etc.

Laser rifle WJG-2002, which is already used by Chinese security forces
It is worth noting that the ZKZM-500 laser rifle is not the only Chinese development in the field of creating a compact laser weapon. Earlier, the press also reported that the Chinese company Chengdu Hengan Police Equipment Manufacturing, which is a major supplier of various equipment for the PRC law enforcement agencies, announced the release of laser machine guns. Then it was announced that the novelty could be effectively used at a distance of up to 500 meters and could make several hundred shots on a single battery charge.
In China, as in the United States and in Russia, work is consistently carried out on various models of laser weapons. In 2015, China sent about two billion yuan to create a compact but powerful laser weapon. This amount has become unprecedented in this area of research, the amount of funding has caused concern in Washington and Western states. In recent years, the US military, which is stationed at military installations in strategically important areas in the South China Sea and Indian Ocean, has increasingly complained about cases of unknown laser exposure from Chinese vessels that sometimes look like simple fishing boats or military bases.
In June 2018, the Pentagon reported 20 cases where lasers were used against American pilots during Pacific flights. According to representatives of the American defense department, the last such case was recorded in early June this year. In the United States, the Chinese military was suspected of wanting to blind the American military. In response to this statement, Geng Shuang, representing the Chinese Foreign Ministry, called such statements "fabricated and completely unfounded."