The North Korean army is impossible to count, which makes it even scarier
Despite the very weak economy and almost complete international isolation of the DPRK, its armed forces (KPA - Korean People's Army) remain one of the strongest in the world. The KPA is being built under the slogans "Juche" ("self-reliance") and "Songun" ("everything for the army").
During the Cold War, North Korea received military assistance from the USSR and the PRC. By now it has completely stopped. Moscow is not satisfied with Pyongyang's low solvency, and Beijing is extremely dissatisfied with its policy. The only partner of the DPRK in the military field is Iran, with which there is a constant exchange of technologies. At the same time, Pyongyang continues its nuclear missile program and contains huge conventional forces. The country has a developed military-industrial complex capable of producing almost all classes of military equipment: missiles, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces and MLRS, ships, boats and submarines - both on the basis of foreign projects and of our own design. Only airplanes and helicopters have not been created in the DPRK, although they can be assembled from foreign components if available.
Due to the extreme closeness of North Korea, information about its Armed Forces, especially about the number of equipment, are estimates.
The Missile Forces include a significant number of ballistic missiles of varying ranges. There are up to 16 divisions of Hwasong-7 missiles, they are also "Nodon-1" (3 launchers in each division, a total of 200 to 300 missiles, flight range - up to 1300 km), 1 regiment OTR R-17 (28 launchers flight range - 300 km), as well as the Hwasong-5 (up to 180 launchers, 300-400 missiles, range - 330 km) and Hwasong-6 (up to 100 launchers, 300- 400 missiles, range - 500 km), up to 8 divisions of TR KN-02, created on the basis of the Russian TR "Tochka" (4 launchers in each, at least 100 missiles, range - 70 km), 6 divisions of old TR " Luna "and" Luna-M "(4 PU, 70 km). IRBMs or even ICBMs of the Tephodon series are being developed.
The KPA Special Operations Forces are at least the fourth largest in the world (after the USA, China, Russia), and possibly even the second after the American ones - up to 90 thousand people. The North Korean MTR is led by the Bureau of Light Infantry Control and the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. CCOs include three components.
Special Forces of the Ground Forces: 9 light infantry brigades, 3 sniper brigades (17th, 60th, 61st), 17 reconnaissance and 8 "regular" battalions. Airborne Forces: 3 "regular" (38, 48, 58th) and 4 sniper (11, 16, 17, 21st) airborne brigades, a parachute battalion. Naval special forces: 2 naval sniper brigades (1 each in the Western and Eastern fleets).
The ground forces, numbering almost a million people, are divided into four strategic echelons. The first is located directly on the border with South Korea and consists of infantry and artillery formations. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to break through the South Korean border fortifications. If the first strike is made by South Korea and the United States, the task of this echelon is to prevent enemy troops from advancing inland. The first echelon includes four infantry corps and one artillery corps.
1st Infantry Corps: 2nd, 13th, 31st, 46th Infantry Divisions, four brigades - tank, light infantry, self-propelled guns, MLRS. 2nd: 3rd, 6th, 8th Infantry Divisions, 32nd Light Infantry Brigade, two more light infantry brigades, as well as tank brigades, self-propelled guns, MLRS, airborne. 4th: 26th, 28th, 33rd, 41st infantry divisions, four brigades - a tank, two light infantry, a ferry-landing. 5th: 5th, 12th, 25th, 45th infantry divisions, 103rd tank brigade, 75th and 80th light infantry brigades, self-propelled guns brigade, MLRS brigade, airborne brigade. The 620th Artillery Corps includes seven SPG brigades and six MLRS brigades.
The second echelon is located directly behind the first and consists of the most powerful tank and mechanized formations of the KPA ground forces. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to develop an offensive into the depths of the South Korean defense (including the capture of Seoul) after its breakthrough by the forces of the first echelon. If South Korea and the United States start the war, the second echelon of the KPA must eliminate possible enemy breakthroughs through the location of the first. The second echelon includes a tank and two mechanized corps. 806th MK: 4th, 7th, 47th and two more mechanized brigades, light infantry brigade, self-propelled guns brigade. 815th MK: 26th and four more mechanized brigades, light infantry brigade, self-propelled guns brigade. 820th TC: 105th armored division, three armored brigades, 15th mechanized brigade, self-propelled guns brigade, MLRS brigade.
The third echelon provides the defense of Pyongyang, is a reserve and training base for the first two echelons. Includes five infantry and one artillery corps. 3rd PK: five infantry divisions (including two training and reserve), tank and artillery brigades. 6th PK: three infantry divisions (including two training reserves), an artillery brigade. 7th PK: 10th and 20th infantry divisions, four training reserve divisions, 87th light infantry brigade, artillery brigade. 12th PK: motorized infantry and infantry divisions, tank and artillery brigades. The 91st PK of the capital's defense: four motorized infantry brigades, a MLRS brigade. Kandong Artillery Corps - six artillery and MLRS brigades each.
The fourth echelon is located along the border of the DPRK with the PRC and the Russian Federation. It is, like the third, a training and reserve, as well as the "echelon of last resort." Includes two mechanized and four infantry corps. The 108th and 425th MK have the same structure - five mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, and an ACS brigade. The 10th and 11th PKs each include one infantry and one training reserve division, a MLRS brigade. 8th PK: three infantry divisions (including one training reserve), tank and artillery brigades.

9th PK: 24th and 42nd infantry divisions, training reserve infantry division, MLRS brigade. It is this building that has the border with the Russian Federation in its area of responsibility. The ground forces also have 4 border brigades and 22 engineering brigades.
The KPA tank fleet includes up to 4 thousand main and at least 250 light tanks. The oldest are the Soviet T-54 and T-55 (1000 each) and their Chinese counterparts Ture 59 (175). There are 500 Soviet T-62s. On their basis, the DPRK created a family of Chonma tanks (no less than 470 units). The most modern North Korean tank is the Songun-915, known in the West and in Russia as the Pokpun-ho. It was also created on the basis of the T-62, but using the technologies of the more modern T-72 and T-80. Carries a 125-mm cannon, a 14.5-mm KPVT machine gun, paired anti-tank missile systems "Balso-3" (a copy of the Soviet ATGM "Kornet") and MANPADS "Hwa Son Chon" (a copy of the "Needle-1"). No other tank in the world has such a set of weapons. To date, 200-400 Songun-915 units have been produced. Light tanks: 100 Soviet PT-76, 50 Chinese Tour 62, at least 100 own PT-85 "Shinhen" (amphibious tank with an 85-mm cannon).
There are 222 Soviet BMP-1s, as well as more than 1,500 armored personnel carriers. The oldest are BTR-40 and BTR-152 (about 600 in total). Slightly newer are the Soviet BTR-60 (250 units), BTR-50 (50) and their own Type-73, created on the basis of the Chinese Tour 531 and better known under the name VTT-323 (at least 500). The most modern are 32 Russian BTR-80A and up to 100 BTR Type-69 created on their basis in the DPRK.
The KPA artillery includes numerous towed guns of Soviet, Chinese and domestic production. These are 500 A-19 and M-30, 300 D-74, 188 D-30, 50 Ture 59-1, 160 M-46 and up to 1000 similar guns of our own production, 200 D-20 and 100 ML-20. A significant part of these guns was converted into self-propelled guns installed on the tracked conveyor ATS-59. There are at least 60 self-propelled guns M-1973 and M-1983 "Chuchkhe-po" with a firing range of up to 60 kilometers. Thus, the total number of self-propelled guns and towed guns exceeds 3000. Mortars (up to 7500) are mainly of our own production: M-1976 (82 mm), M-1978 (120 mm), M-1982 (140 mm). There are also 1,000 Soviet 120mm M-43 mortars. The number of MLRS exceeds 5000. This is at least 3,774 Chinese towed Tour 63, produced under license in the DPRK, 500 Soviet BM-21, own BM-11, M-1973, M-1990, 100 Chinese Tour 63, 50 Soviet towed RPU-14 and 100 BM-14, 200 own M-1968 and Soviet BMD-20 (200 mm), from 200 to 500 Soviet BM-24, own M-1984 and M-1990 (240 mm).
Anti-tank weapons: Malyutka, Konkurs anti-tank missile systems, up to 1,100 Fagot anti-tank systems, as well as at least a thousand self-propelled anti-tank missile systems M-1974 (100 mm).
In terms of the number of almost all classes of equipment, the KPA ground forces occupy at least fourth place in the world. Such a huge amount largely compensates for its archaism. This is especially true for artillery, in the barrels of the KPA is in second place in the world after the PLA. North Korean artillery is capable of creating a real sea of fire in the front-line zone; it is physically impossible to suppress such a number of guns.
The DPRK Air Force organizationally consists of 6 air divisions and 3 anti-aircraft missile brigades. 1st Hell: 24th bomber ap (equipped with old Chinese H-5 bombers, created on the basis of Il-28), 35th fighter ap (Chinese J-6 fighters, copies of MiG-19), 55th assault ap (the most modern attack aircraft are the Su-25 attack aircraft), the 57th fighter aircraft (the most modern are the MiG-29), the 60th fighter aircraft (MiG-23ML / UB and MiG-21PFM fighters), two transport aircraft (An- 2 and their Chinese counterparts Y-5), a helicopter regiment. 2nd hell: bomber ap (N-5), 46th iap (J-6, MiG-21), 56th iap (MiG-21PFM / bis), 58th iap (MiG-23ML / UB), 72nd iap (MiG-21, J-7), as well as three more iap, transport ap (An-2 / Y-5), helicopter regiment. 3rd hell: 4th and 11th iap (armed with the oldest fighter J-5, a Chinese copy of the MiG-17), 86th iap (J-6, MiG-21), 303rd iap (J-6), helicopter regiment. The 5th Transport Hell includes five regiments. The 6th transport hell includes the Air Koryo airline, which includes passenger aircraft carrying senior officials of the DPRK and KPA, as well as seven helicopter regiments, including the only regiment of Mi-24 attack helicopters and the 64th regiment of American MD helicopters. 500 purchased in the 80s through resellers. The 8th training hell includes an aviation academy and four training aircraft regiments. Anti-aircraft missile brigades: 3rd, 66th, 116th.
Attack aviation of the KPA Air Force includes up to 86 extremely obsolete Chinese N-5 bombers, from 18 to 27 Su-7 attack aircraft, 34-35 relatively new Su-25 (including 4 UBC) and up to 40 intermediate-age Chinese Q-5 attack aircraft … Fighters: up to 107 extremely obsolete Chinese J-5 and Soviet MiG-17, up to 109 J-6 and MiG-19, up to 232 MiG-21 and J-7, up to 56 MiG-23, 16-35 MiG-29 (in including up to 6 combat training MiG-29UB). There are 2 electronic warfare aircraft based on the An-24 (one more, possibly in storage). The DPRK does not have transport aviation in the classical sense. Air Koryo includes 3 Il-76, 4 Il-62, up to 5 An-24, up to 14 Il-14, 2-3 Il-18, 2 Tu-134, 3 Tu-154 (1 more in storage). Two Tu-204s are designed to carry management and some critical cargo. Up to 300 An-2 and Y-5 are used by the MTR for the transfer of special forces. Training aircraft: up to 35 MiG-15bis, MiG-15UTI and JJ-2, up to 49 CJ-6, up to 97 CJ-5 and Yak-18, up to 135 JJ-5 (training version of J-5) and MiG-17U. Attack helicopters: 20–47 Mi-24D. Multipurpose helicopters: up to 68 Mi-8T and Mi-17, 4 Mi-26, up to 108 Mi-2, up to 23 Z-5 (Chinese copy of Mi-4) and Mi-4 (1 more in storage), 5-8 amphibians Mi-14, up to 87 MD-500.
All ground air defense is included in the Air Force. It includes 2 regiments (6 divisions) of S-200 air defense systems (36 launchers), 41 divisions of C-75 air defense systems (246 launchers), 32 divisions of C-125 air defense systems (128 launchers), at least a KN-06 air defense missile system (from 8 PU). KN-06 is a local version of the Soviet S-300PT / PS air defense system, or the Chinese HQ-9. In service with up to 6000 MANPADS (4500 "Strela-2" and their Chinese copies of the HN-5, 1500 "Igla-1" and their local counterparts NT-16PGJ), several thousand ZSU and anti-aircraft guns, including up to 250 ZSU-57 -2, 148 ZSU-23-4, 1500 ZU-23, 1000 61-K, 400 KS-12, 524 KS-19.
Almost all the equipment of the KPA Air Force and Air Defense is extremely outdated, even the Su-25, MiG-29 and KN-06 can be considered new only relatively. To a certain extent, this is offset by quantity, but in this case, this factor is much less important than for the ground forces. However, the actions of the aviation of any enemy of the DPRK at low altitudes will be extremely difficult for the mountainous terrain and a huge number of MANPADS and anti-aircraft guns in the North Korean air defense. Old aircraft may well be used as kamikaze, including with nuclear weapons.
The Navy is divided into the Western Fleet (includes 5 naval regions, 6 squadrons) and the Eastern (7 VMR, 10 squadrons). Due to geopolitical reasons, the exchange of ships between fleets is impossible even in peacetime, so each fleet relies on its own shipbuilding base.
In terms of the number of combat units, the DPRK Navy is perhaps the largest in the world, but almost all ships are extremely primitive. In particular, they do not have an air defense system at all. However, for operations in coastal waters, the DPRK Navy has a very significant potential. Their strongest side is a large number of small submarines capable of both landing spetsnaz groups on the enemy coast and acting against enemy ships in shallow water. In regular border skirmishes between North Korean and South Korean combat boats, the advantage is usually on the side of the former.
The core of the submarine fleet consists of 22 old submarines of project 633/033 (Soviet, Chinese and own construction). Perhaps, up to 4 very old Soviet submarines of project 613 have survived. There are 30-40 small submarines "Sang-O" (built according to their own design), 23 midget submarines "Yugo" of Yugoslav development (another 10 in reserve) and up to 10 "Yono" (Iranian "Gadir").
In service with at least 2 patrol ships (frigates) of the Najin type, 1 Soho catamaran (possibly decommissioned), up to 30 corvettes (including 2–3 of the newest Nampo type). Missile boats: up to 8 old Soviet project 205, 4 of their Chinese counterparts of the 021 project, up to 10 of their local counterparts of the Soju type, up to 6 very old Soviet project 183R, up to 6 of their local counterparts of the Sohung type, up to 6 of their newest proprietary types "Nongo" (with local analogs of Russian anti-ship missiles X-35 "Uran").
The DPRK Navy is practically the only fleet in the world that continues to en masse to operate torpedo boats (mainly of its own projects). This is up to 100 "Sing Hoon" hydrofoils, 42 "Kuson" type, up to 3 Soviet projects 206M, up to 13 Soviet projects 183. Patrol boats: 54 "Chongjin" type, 18-33 "Shinpo" type, 59 " Chaho ", 6 type" Jeonju ", 13-23 Chinese projects 062" Shanghai-2 ", 19 Soviet projects 201M. Minesweepers: 19 of the Yukto-1 type, 5 of the Yukto-2 type, up to 6 boats of the Pipa-go type.
Landing ships and boats are focused on conducting operations only within the boundaries of the Korean Peninsula itself, so they are small, but there are a lot of them. These are 10 Hunto-class TDK, 18 Hunnam-type TDK, 15 Hanchon-class TDK, 51 Chongzhin-class landing craft, 96 Nampo DK, 140 Konban-type air cushion dive boats.
Coastal defense covers the entire coast of the DPRK. It includes 6 brigades (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21). Includes a significant number of Chinese HY-1 and HY-2 SCRCs, Soviet Sopka SCRCs, SM-4-1, M-1992, M-46, ML-20 guns.
On the whole, the noticeable technical backwardness of the KPA is largely compensated for by a huge amount of weapons, equipment and personnel, a good level of combat training and fanaticism of servicemen. In addition, the KPA is very well adapted to operations in mountainous terrain. This makes it a dangerous enemy even for the three strongest armies in the world (American, Chinese, Russian) and completely invincible to everyone else.