Ukrainian Armed Forces against the Dobrobats: "Wallet and Life"

Ukrainian Armed Forces against the Dobrobats: "Wallet and Life"
Ukrainian Armed Forces against the Dobrobats: "Wallet and Life"
APU against volunteers
APU against volunteers

War always goes for money. "For money" in every sense. For very, very many, the war in Donbass has turned into a successful income in three and a half years. It is no secret, and an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wrote about this: "… the gesheft of our fathers-commanders is everything! Moreover, payment from the DPR in rubles and performers with Donetsk vodka. And they say - even with grass."

The squabble between Avakov and Poroshenko is no secret. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today possesses the most combat-ready units and openly "protects" not only the police, but also the subdivisions of various "pravoseks" that are not formally part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is thanks to him and to deputies like Semenchenko, Belitsky, Yarosh and others like them that the process of re-subordination of the "dobrobats" to the army and / or the police stalled.

Poroshenko understands very well that it is precisely the so-called "good soldiers" that are much more dangerous for him than all the corps of both Republics. And if before the Debaltseve boiler the volunteers were engaged in the "utilization" of the volunteers, today it is already a headache for the "Leader of the Nation" personally. At the very least, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are still carrying out the orders of their Supreme Commander-in-Chief. In contrast to the “dobrobats”, who only coordinate their actions with the army team. The difference is so obvious that even the former Russian actor Pashinin sees it:

"The Ukrainian Armed Forces are slipping into the Soviet serf army every year. And it's not a matter of uniform, even if you dress them in gold braids and jackboots. Look at our command. Who was responsible for surrendering Crimea without a single shot?"

And he earlier justified his decision to stay away from the army: "I am a delicate flower, I need certain conditions so that I can enjoy life, and this is definitely not the APU. These must be volunteers."

It is not surprising that the army is diligently getting rid of those who are too ideological. The privates are shoved into different parts, the officers are removed away from the front line, the remaining volunteers are trying to simply squeeze them out of the zone of the so-called anti-terrorist operation. And so all this policy eventually removes the "ideological" from smuggling and making money at checkpoints, they do not even hide the rift with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Another "cry from the heart" came from "a separate volunteer company" Carpathian Sich. "The commander of this really half company, a certain Oleg Kutsin, directly accuses the army command together with Poroshenko of treason:" Combat commander, commander of the 3rd battalion (93 brigade), Delta is mean, unexpectedly transferred to some kind of staff work, and in his place a lieutenant colonel of pre-retirement age, unknown to anyone, is appointed. The trend is not accidental. After cleansing the front line from patriots, the volunteers gradually cleared the APU of them. Now they get to the military officers who differ in their own position, do not mindlessly bend under any, even stupid order, but have the courage to express their thoughts "(translated from Ukrainian).

Further, Kutsin gives several more similar examples, emphasizing that this is a systematic work to cleanse the security forces of convinced nationalists. Finishing with the traditional promise "… it won't be long. Our time will come soon."

This is not the first year of such promises - the same Yarosh has been "sharpening the knife" for three years, promising the criminal authorities another Maidan. Himself while sitting in a deputy chair.

But the "ideological nationalist" Kutsin correctly noticed the trend. Poroshenko is diligently strengthening his position. Realizing that people like Kutsin are really dangerous for him. Mythical tank wedges on Kiev and Lvov are good at scary stories of the media controlled by the Kiev regime. In real life, those who have drank blood and are accustomed to killing organized gangs of "volunteers" will kick Poroshenko out much faster than they put him in a chair.

"Chota" Carpathian Sich ":
