British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 2

British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 2
British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 2
British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 2
British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 2

In 1973, the British Navy entered service with a long-range air defense system (Sea Dart), developed by Hawker Siddeley Dynamics. It was intended to replace the not-so-successful Sea Slug.

The first ship armed with this complex was the Type 82 destroyer Bristol. A launcher with two beam-type guides was mounted on the destroyer. Ammunition consisted of 18 missiles. Reloading is carried out from the underdeck rocket cellar.


HMS Bristol (D23) off the Falkled Islands

Anti-aircraft missile complex "Sea Dart" had an original and rarely used at the moment scheme. It used two stages - accelerating and marching. The accelerating engine runs on solid fuel, its task is to give the rocket the speed necessary for the stable operation of the ramjet engine.

The main engine is integrated into the rocket body, in the bow there is an air intake with a central body. The missile carried a rod or high-explosive fragmentation warhead, the detonation of which was carried out at the command of the target's infrared sensor.


SAM "Sea Dart"

The rocket turned out to be quite "clean" in aerodynamic terms, it is made according to the normal aerodynamic design. The rocket diameter is 420 mm, the length is 4400 mm, the wingspan is 910 mm.

The propulsion engine, powered by kerosene, accelerated 500 kg of the Sea Dart missile defense system to a speed of 2.5M. Providing a target destruction range of 75 km with an altitude reach of 18 km, which was very good for the mid-60s.

In the "Sea Dart" air defense system, a sufficiently advanced guidance method for the 60s was used - a semi-active seeker. On the carrier ships of this complex, as a rule, there were two guidance radars operating in the 3.3-cm range, located in radio-transparent domes, which made it possible to use two missiles simultaneously for different purposes, this also increased the combat stability of the complex. Ships with radar in large white domed fairings with a diameter of 2.4 m became the hallmark of the British fleet in the 70s and 80s.


HMS Sheffield (D80)

Unlike the Sea Slug air defense system, the Sea Dart anti-aircraft missiles could be used against low-altitude targets, which was demonstrated in the course of real hostilities.

The long-range Sea Dart, which had quite good characteristics, was not widely used, unlike the Sea Cat short-range defense complex, and was used only on the British destroyers Type 82 and Type 42 (destroyers of the Sheffield class), as well as on the aircraft carriers Invincible. Two Type 42 destroyers with Sea Dart air defense missile systems were built under license for the Argentine Navy in the mid-70s.

In the mid-80s, following the results of the Falklands conflict, the complex was modernized. Anti-jamming missiles began to be installed on the missile defense system, in which the capabilities were increased to combat low-flying air targets.


The most "advanced" modification, Mod 2, appeared in the early 90s. On this SAM complex "Sea Dart" the firing range was increased to 140 km. In addition to using lighter and more compact electronics, the rocket received a programmable autopilot. Now, most of the path, the missile defense system flew on autopilot, and semi-active homing was turned on only when approaching the target. This made it possible to increase the noise immunity and fire performance of the complex.


The Sea Dart naval anti-aircraft system was actively used by the warships of the British fleet during the Falklands Company. A total of 26 anti-aircraft missiles of this type were spent. Some of them were launched non-sighting in an attempt to scare away Argentine aircraft.

During the hostilities, the Sea Dart air defense missile system shot down five Argentine aircraft: a Lirjet-35A reconnaissance aircraft, a Canberra bomber V. Mk 62, two A-4C Skyhawk attack aircraft and a Puma helicopter. Also missile "Sea Dart" was mistakenly hit by a British helicopter "Gazelle".

Of the nineteen missiles fired at Argentine aircraft, only five hit the target. If, when firing at high-altitude targets, the probability of defeat was almost 100%, then one out of ten missiles hit aircraft flying at low altitude.

The next time the Sea Dart air defense system was used in a combat situation during the Gulf War in February 1991. Then the British destroyer HMS Gloucester (D96) shot down an Iraqi Chinese-made anti-ship missile SY-1 Silk Warm aimed at the American battleship USS Missouri (BB-63).

At present, the Sea Dart air defense system, having served for more than 40 years, has been removed from service with the British fleet along with the Type 42 destroyers.

British air defense system "Sea Cat" short-range was unable to effectively deal with modern combat aircraft and anti-ship missiles. It did not satisfy the sailors in terms of range and firing accuracy, and the missile defense system of this complex, created on the basis of an ATGM, was too slow. In addition, the effectiveness of the use of the “Sea Cat” pointing at the target according to the commands of the joystick strongly depended on the skill and psychoemotional state of the targeting operator.

In the mid-60s, the British Aircraft Corporation began developing a new naval anti-aircraft complex, which was supposed to replace the Sea Cat air defense system on the ships of the British fleet.

The new near-zone air defense missile system, named "Sea Wolf" (English Sea Wolf - sea wolf), entered service in 1979.


SAM complexes "Sea Cat" and "Sea Wolf"

As in the Sea Cat air defense system, the Sea Wolf missile guidance system was carried out using radio commands along the line of sight. Only in this case, the guidance process was fully automated, reducing the "human factor" to a minimum.

Tracking the target after receiving target designation from the detection radar is carried out by the tracking radar, which is coupled with a television tracking system for missiles, and a target that is used when firing low-altitude targets or in the presence of interference. The position of the missile is determined by the signal from the onboard transponder.

The detection radar provides detection of a fighter-type target at a distance of up to 70 km. The central processor automatically selects air targets according to their degree of danger and selects the order of fire. The number of missiles in a salvo depends on the speed and maneuverability of the target. The carrier ship "Sea Wolf" usually has two escort radars, which provide simultaneous firing of two air targets.


The firing range of the first version of the Sea Wolf GWS-25 SAM system corresponded to the firing range of the Sea Cat. But the probability of hitting a target with one missile in a simple jamming environment was much higher - 0.85. The height of hitting targets was 5-3000 m.

The Sea Wolf missile was heavier than the Sea Cat missile and weighed 80 kg. Thanks to a more powerful solid-propellant engine and a more perfect aerodynamic shape compared to the Sea Cat, the Sea Wolf missile accelerated to twice the speed - 2M.

SAM "Sea Wolf" modification GWS-25 has a length of 1910 mm, rocket diameter - 180 mm, wingspan - 560 mm. The weight of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 13.4 kg. There are four antennas on the wing consoles of the SAM. Two of them are used to transmit information to the radar, the other two are used to receive radio guidance commands.

SAM "Sea Wolf" modification GWS-25 have a container version of a six-shot launcher, which is automatically guided to the target by control equipment (weight with missiles - 3500 kg).


The first version of the GWS-25 mod 0 complex turned out to be quite cumbersome and heavy. It could be installed on ships with a displacement of more than 2500 tons. In the GWS-25 mod 3 modification, the weight and dimensions of the complex were significantly reduced, and it could already be mounted on ships with a displacement of 1000 tons.

On two launchers there were 12 ready-to-use missiles. On frigates of type 22 of the first series, the total ammunition was 60 missiles, and on the second and third series - 72 missiles.


Even at the design stage of the Sea Wulf air defense system, a vertical launch option was considered. Taking into account the experience of combat use, this was implemented in the modification of the GWS-26, where instead of a container-type launcher, a vertical launch unit for 32 cells was used. That significantly increased the fire efficiency of the complex.

The firing range of the SAM version of the GWS-26 increased to 10 km. The control and guidance equipment also underwent modernization. The complex received a more powerful processor and a new radar. The reaction time of the complex was reduced from 10 to 5-6 seconds. In the version with a vertical launch, the weight of the missile defense system increased to 140 kg, and the length to 3000 mm.

Due to progress in the field of electronics, it was possible to significantly reduce the volume and weight of electronic components. This modification was intended to arm combat boats and ships of small displacement. The rockets are housed in metal reusable or plastic disposable containers and reloaded manually.

The Sea Wolf air defense system was armed with Type 22 frigates (14 units), as well as Type 23 frigates (13 units) with a vertical launcher. Three more Type 23 frigates are in the Chilean Navy.


Brazilian frigate type 22 BNS Rademaker ex-HMS Battleaxe (F89)


British frigate type 23 HMS Lancaster (F229)

In addition to the version with a vertical launch of missiles, a lightweight modification complex VM40 with a four-charging launcher was created. Quadruple missile launchers "Sea Wolf" are installed on three frigates of the "Nakhoda Ragam" type of the Brunei Navy and two frigates of the "Leku" type of the Malaysian Navy.


Frigates of the "Nakhoda Ragam" type of the Brunei Navy

The Sea Wolf shipborne anti-aircraft complex showed itself very well during the Falklands conflict. As part of the British naval squadron, there were three URO frigates armed with air defense systems of this type.

The first case of the Sea Wolf being used in a combat situation occurred on May 12, 1982, when the URO frigate HMS Brilliant (F90) repulsed an attack by four Argentine A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft. Two Skyhawks were hit by anti-aircraft missiles, and another fell into the sea during an anti-missile maneuver.

The data on the number of Argentine aircraft shot down by the Sea Wolf ship complex varies from one source to another, but apparently there were no more than five of them. At the same time, all experts agree that the Sea Wolf air defense system turned out to be a very effective means of short-range air defense, and if at that time there were more frigates armed with this complex in the British squadron, the losses of the British from the actions of the Argentine aviation could be much less.

The most long-range and high-tech naval air defense system in service with the British Navy is the PAAMS (Principle Anti-Air Missile System) air defense system.

This air defense missile system is used by the destroyers URO Type 45 - the most modern surface warships in the Royal Navy of Great Britain.


Destroyer URO HMS Daring (D32)

The first Type 45 destroyer, Daring, formally entered service on 23 July 2009, when its main anti-aircraft weapon, the PAAMS air defense system, had not yet been brought into service.

The development of the PAAMS air defense system formally began in 1989 by the EUROSAM consortium, which was formed by the firms Aerospatiale, Alenia and Thomson-CSF.

In the late 90s, a simplified version of the SAAM short-range air defense system with the Aster 15 missile was developed, which did not satisfy the British who had the Sea Wolf complex at that time in service.

In September 2000, the construction of three sets of PAAMS air defense systems began, which were planned to be installed on British, French and Italian lead ships of new projects. At the same time, the production of 200 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles began.


The Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles are in many ways similar to each other, they have a single aerodynamic configuration, are equipped with the same combined gas-aerodynamic control system, an active Doppler seeker, an inertial guidance system on the cruising section, with radio command course correction based on radar signals. The main difference is the upper stage of the first stage, which determines the difference in weight and dimensions, as well as in the firing range.


The high maneuverability of the Aster air defense missile system was obtained thanks to the use of a combined gas-aerodynamic control system, which is a solid-fuel gas generator with four slotted nozzles equipped with control valves with drives. The nozzles are located inside the cruciform rocket wings. According to the manufacturers, Aster missiles are capable of maneuvering with an overload of up to 60 G.


The high maneuverability and accuracy of the Aster SAM family have made it possible to reduce the mass of the warhead to 15-20 kg. Due to the presence of active homing, missiles are effective in hitting targets flying at low altitude and hidden behind the radio horizon.


Both types of missiles are launched from a vertical launcher. On type 45 destroyers, the SYLVER UVP can accommodate 48 Aster-15 or Aster-30 missiles



Despite the fact that the flight design tests of the Aster air defense missile system were completed in 1999, the adaptation of the complex on the carrier ships was delayed.

Two tests carried out on British ships in 2009 were unsuccessful. Only in October 2010, the Aster 15 anti-aircraft missile was launched from the Dauntless destroyer and hit the Mirak-100 remotely controlled air target.

In May 2011, the lead destroyer Daring in the Type 45 series was successfully shot. In December 2011, an Aster 30 anti-aircraft missile of the PAAMS complex hit a target that imitated a medium-range ballistic missile. Confirming the anti-missile potential of the ship's air defense system. In May and July, the British destroyers Diamond and Dragon successfully launched missiles at the Hebrides range in the Atlantic.

At present, according to the statement of a representative of the British fleet, the PAAMS air defense system has reached "the level of operational readiness", which, translated into Russian, obviously means the ability of the complex to carry out full service on warships.

In addition to the destroyers of the British fleet, the Aster missiles are part of the armament of French and Italian frigates of the Horizon type, Saudi frigates of the F-3000S project and the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.

Currently, the British fleet has six Type 45 destroyers, which are carriers of the PAAMS air defense missile system with the Aster missile defense system. Taking into account the fact that the PAAMS complex is fully automated from the moment of target detection to its interception and has an over-the-horizon launch range of highly maneuverable anti-aircraft missiles, these ships can turn out to be serious opponents for combat aircraft and anti-ship missiles.

Another post in this series:

British naval anti-aircraft missile systems. Part 1
