As part of the creation and development of equipment for the airborne troops, a new modification of the Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun was developed. By now, the updated machine called "Sprut-SDM1" has entered trials and is undergoing all the necessary checks. In the foreseeable future, this self-propelled gun can be put into service with subsequent serial construction and supply of equipment by troops.
The existing armored vehicle 2S25 "Sprut-SD" has been developed since the mid-eighties, but for various reasons it was adopted only in 2006. The project involved the use of the existing tracked chassis "Object 934", on which a new fighting compartment was to be mounted. ACS / SPTP "Sprut-SD" is equipped with a smoothbore gun 2A75 caliber 125 mm, which allows you to use the same ammunition as in the case of existing tanks. Relatively small dimensions and weight allow for parachute landing of equipment.
Serial production of Sprut-SD machines was carried out from 2005 to 2010. After that, it was decided to suspend the assembly of new equipment until a new project of a modernized self-propelled gun appears. The new project of the updated self-propelled gun received the symbol 2S25M "Sprut-SDM1". Its development was carried out by specialists from several enterprises from the Tractor Plants concern. The objective of this project was to increase the main combat characteristics through the use of a number of new equipment, primarily other sighting devices and fire control devices. In addition, it was proposed to refine the existing chassis with the widespread use of existing components and assemblies, aimed at maximum unification with other equipment of the airborne troops.

SPTP "Sprut-SDM1" at the "Army-2015" exhibition. Photo
As part of the modernization of self-propelled guns, it was decided to keep the existing armored units. The hull and turret of the original and the modernized vehicle have almost no differences. The improvements applied have touched only some details and are associated only with the need to use new units. The general architecture, layout and other features of the machine, however, have not changed.
The most noticeable external difference between SPTP "Sprut-SDM1" from the base "Sprut-SD" is the use of a new chassis. In order to simplify and reduce the cost of the simultaneous production of several models of equipment for the Airborne Forces, it was decided to equip the self-propelled gun with a chassis based on the units of the BMD-4M airborne assault vehicle. It is noteworthy that such a unification does not have a significant effect on the general parameters of the chassis of the new car. After the upgrade, the self-propelled gun receives seven small-diameter road wheels with individual torsion bar suspension and hydraulic shock absorbers on each side. The ability to change the ground clearance is retained by adjusting the suspension parameters.
Also in the undercarriage there are stern drive wheels with pinned engagement, front guides with a tensioning mechanism and several small diameter support rollers designed to hold the upper track in the correct position.
The unification of the latest technology for the airborne troops also affected the power plant and transmission of the new self-propelled anti-tank gun. The Sprut-SDM1 machine receives a new diesel engine of the UTD-29 type with a capacity of 500 hp. instead of the original 450-strong 2B-06-2. The self-propelled gun also receives a transmission borrowed from the existing airborne combat vehicle. Such modifications to some extent increase the specific power of the self-propelled gun and, as a result, should have a positive effect on its mobility.
The fighting compartment underwent noticeable improvements as part of the modernization project. According to available data, the Sprut-SDM1 ACS / SPTP receives an updated fire control system with a number of new systems and sighting equipment with improved characteristics. Now the vehicle has combined sights with television and thermal imaging channels, allowing the use of weapons at any time of the day. It also provides for an automatic target tracking, which increases the overall combat characteristics.
The new electronic equipment of the updated vehicle includes communications integrated into a single tactical control system, which allows the crew to transmit data on various targets to other vehicles, as well as receive target designation and other information. Such equipment is designed to increase the efficiency of the joint combat work of several self-propelled guns.
Due to the updated fire control system, "Sprut-SDM1" retains the ability to use the already existing range of ammunition. In addition, compatibility with programmable fuses for remote firing on the specified section of the trajectory is ensured. The self-propelled gun can also use guided missiles of several types, launched from the main gun barrel.
The "main caliber" of the vehicle remained the same - the 125-mm 2A75 gun, which is a development of the 2A46 tank system. A gun with a barrel length of 48 calibers is mounted on a stabilized system and can be guided horizontally in any direction. The elevation angles range from -5 ° to + 15 °. The gun is equipped with an automatic loader, which independently feeds separate loading ammunition of the required type into the chamber. Ammunition "Sprut-SDM1", like its predecessor, consists of 40 rounds of various types.

Updated self-propelled tower. Photo
The new project involves strengthening additional machine gun armament. To the 7.62 mm PKT cannon, another similar weapon is added, mounted on a remotely controlled combat module. The module is proposed to be mounted in the aft part of the tower; it should be controlled from the control panels of the fighting compartment. The ammunition boxes of the combat module can hold 1000 rounds. The presence of an additional machine gun makes it possible to improve the capabilities of the equipment in self-defense against infantry and unprotected enemy vehicles, and the placement of such weapons on a remotely controlled combat module, in turn, sharply reduces the risks for the crew.
The modernized Sprut-SDM1 self-propelled gun has a combat weight of 18 tons. The vehicle's dimensions have not changed in comparison with the basic version. Mobility also remained at the current level. The maximum speed on the highway is 70 km / h. With the help of stern water cannons, the self-propelled gun can cross water obstacles by swimming at a speed of up to 7 km / h. The vehicle must be operated by a crew of three: the driver, the commander and the gunner-operator.
The first prototype of the new ACS / SPTP 2S25M "Sprut-SDM1" was built last year. The Tractor Plants Concern presented this machine to the general public for the first time at the Army-2015 exhibition. At the same time, the main features of the new project were announced and some characteristics of the updated machine were named. At that time, modernized armored vehicles were considered as a replacement for existing equipment.
A few days ago, at the Strugi Krasnye training ground (Pskov region), a meeting of the leadership of the airborne artillery took place. The military leaders of the Airborne Forces were able to exchange experiences and find out the latest news in the field of artillery. In addition, during the training camp, a demonstration of the new SPTP "Sprut-SDM1" with firing was held. The press service of the ministry reports that during the demonstration firing, not only a new self-propelled gun was used, but also some auxiliary equipment. Thus, unmanned aerial vehicles "Orlan", as well as radar stations "Aistenok" and "Sobolyatnik" took part in providing firing with the help of target designation and adjustment of fire.
According to reports, the new type of self-propelled anti-tank gun is still being tested and is not yet ready to start mass production in the interests of the airborne troops. Nevertheless, the authors of the project are already making appropriate plans. According to the domestic press, Sprut-SDM1 machines should go into production in 2018. Soon after that, the troops will be able to receive new armored vehicles with increased combat characteristics. According to the latest reports, representatives of the Airborne Forces have already familiarized themselves with the new self-propelled gun. This event, as well as the continuation of work on a new project, to one degree or another, accelerate the adoption of new technology into service.