The disease always starts suddenly. Most often, external forces are to blame for this. All sorts of viruses, bacilli, microbes. The body cannot cope with the attack of these reptiles. Disguise themselves as "theirs". Get used to antibiotics. In short, these same microbes take a long time to prepare an attack. They are waiting for the appropriate situation. Colds there or some other less dangerous disease.

This is roughly the same with the state. He seems to live normally, people are more or less happy. Young people have perspectives. There is a work. Have a family. Everything is. Even the freedom praised by the West exists. Who can go abroad to rest. And whoever cannot, well, his salary does not allow him, he goes to domestic resorts and rest homes. And these microbes just jump up with impatience. The attack is being prepared.
And then came 1985. The year germs gained power. The year that marked the beginning of the end of a great country. Gorbachev, perestroika, glasnost, freedom of speech and press, democratic elections, economic reforms that should create a market in the country … What beautiful words. And what a video sequence on TV screens. I remember a butcher shop somewhere in Europe. There are more than 20 types of meat … And sausages … And plastic bags with inscriptions … And jeans …
While we were enjoying the view of the shelves of Western stores, the cunning guys from those who are in the opposition today quickly seized ours. It was ours, it became for some reason private. And the people were sitting, scratching their heads. How did it happen? They sold my plant, sold it for some money, as they say, but I have a shish in my pocket?
They ripped apart the country quickly. But there was also an army. The very army that both NATO and the United States feared. How the destruction of our army took place, many readers have experienced the hard way. How they were fired by the hundreds. How hundreds of vehicles were stolen. How military camps were given for a pittance. Much can be remembered. But today we will focus on one aspect.
The USSR had probably the best attack warning system. We had "eyes" in space. We had good ears on land. We had "research" ships that covered practically the entire planet with our "senses." We had everything …
This system has become the main object of Western interest. More precisely, attacks. Space satellites were the first to be brought out as unnecessary. Why do we need these objects, if everyone around is just waiting for their turn to help us. Billionaires with bags of money are worth. And the US space industry is not like ours … The West … And everyone fell to their knees … Our "eyes" were covered with dark glasses.
But there were also "ears". And these "ears" were called "Darial". More precisely, a network of stations that provided control over almost the entire perimeter of the USSR. The Daryal radar is unique in its characteristics. Even modern stations do not match these "oldies" in some parameters.
"Daryals", by virtue of their tasks, were located in most cases outside the territory of Russia. And after the collapse of the USSR, they ended up, respectively, in other states. We did our best to preserve the radar station. They paid a lot of money for rent. For example, a radar station in Latvia (Skrund) cost us $ 5 million a year. The radar station in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia cost about the same.
In 1995, the Latvian radar station was blown up by the Americans … Independence of Latvia … Northern and Central Europe got rid of Russian "ears". In the early 2000s, a radar station in Western Ukraine was dismantled … Southern Europe thus also "left" control. But each station was built for more than one year. A decade for this kind of construction was almost the norm.
The same fate awaited the radar station in Azerbaijan. Gabala "Daryal" provided control over the Middle East, North Africa and the Indian Ocean. This station was destroyed in 2012.
In addition to the "foreign" "Daryals", there were also several of ours. At different stages of construction. But "the state has no money for this nonsense." The unfinished one was abandoned or dismantled. How it happened with "Daryal" in Yeniseisk. The station was 90% complete.
Now the most impressionable readers will snort. 2012 … So who was in power at that time? Gorbachev, Yeltsin? No. And then who is to blame for the fact that Russia got the "ears"? Correctly, by the way, snort. But also … wrong. By the early 2000s, the country, I recall, was devastated by the new Russians and their Western friends. We could no longer afford such costs for the construction of the radar.
And it was here that the Russian character manifested itself. More precisely, this is the character of Russian scientists. By this time, the Voronezh project had already been developed and successfully began to be implemented. Just for comparison. The construction of the Dnepr radar station (in 2005 prices) cost us 5 billion rubles. Radar station "Daryal" - 20 billion rubles. Radar station "Voronezh" - 1.5 billion rubles. At the same time, as I wrote above, the radars are comparable. But in terms of energy consumption "Voronezh" is simply "starving". Only 0.7 MW. For comparison: "Dnepr" - 2 MW, "Daryal" (Azerbaijan) - 50 MW.
Radar "Voronezh" refers to the stations of high factory readiness (VZG). That is why the construction of these stations does not take so much time. A year or two, and the station is ready to go. This means that one more link in the missile attack warning system (EWS) is included in the chain of our "ears".
Most recently, the Russian Defense Minister inspected the operation of the new Voronezh DM radar station in Yeniseisk. So far, the station has worked perfectly in experimental combat mode. The station detected all targets from specially created extremely complicated conditions of the radar situation! And the "enemy" did his best. "Hit" everyone that can "fly" in our direction.

What does this mean in terms of the defense capability of our country? Why is the opening of the next radar so important? Maybe you shouldn't pay so much attention to this event?
An extremely important event! For the first time, Russia will be completely covered by a radar station! Fully! Voronezh in the Kaliningrad region (Pionerskoe) has completely replaced the lost West Ukrainian Daryal. Now this station controls all of Europe and even part of the North Atlantic. Which was a big headache for the western admirals. After all, it is there that NATO submarines are "hidden".
There is also Armavir Voronezh. Mediterranean, northern Africa, southern Europe. And the second direction instead of the Gabala radar station "Daryal" …
Another radar station is monitoring our "friends" in the east. In the Irkutsk region (Mishelevka). There are both Koreas, the American THAAD missile defense system, and Japan … So we have Kim Jong-un under constant control. And the "Voronezh" in Barnaul also "helps" the Irkutsk radar station.
Northern Europe, the Norwegian Sea, the North Atlantic and, again, Europe are controlled by "Voronezh" in the border with Finland Lehtusi (Leningrad region). As local officers joke: "We know everything that is going on from Morocco to Svalbard."
The lost (almost completely burned down in 2004) "Daryal" in Kazakhstan was successfully replaced by the "Voronezh" radar station in Orsk. Now not only the western regions of China, but also the region up to Iran in the zone of responsibility of this particular station.
True, we have not yet given up the "Daryals" either. But this is for now. Daryal in Pechora controls the Arctic. But next year its functions will be taken over by the Vorkuta "Voronezh". And then "Voronezh" in Olenegorsk.
If you look closely at the map, then a natural question arises. And what will the Yenisei radar station cover? If we are in control, then? Alas, while “defending” against real threats that are in plain sight, we must not forget about those moments that are not visible to the average person.
In addition to the main territory of the United States, there is also Alaska. The area, which for some reason everyone forgets. But there are ballistic missile silos there. And they are aimed at us. And the "road" of these missiles lies to us through the northern seas. In particular, the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. By the end of this year, this road will be blocked by the radar station in Yeniseisk (Ust-Kem).
On the whole, the Voronezh family is not just the "ears" of our early warning system. Radars of this class, as well as submarines, aircraft, tanks and other military equipment, are an indicator of the development of military technologies. An indicator of the development of engineering and design ideas in our country. An indicator of the strength of the army.
By the way, there is one more surprise in the plans of the Ministry of Defense. Construction of another Voronezh is planned. This time in the Amur Region (Zeya). But these "ears" will directly "listen" to the Americans. The Pacific Ocean and the USA … The 6000 km range allows a lot …
In principle, the "otolaryngologist" Shoigu quite competently carries out the "treatment". And in the case of the Amur radar station, it fulfills the main principle of medicine. The main thing is to prevent the disease! I think Voronezh in Zeya is such a warning …