Perhaps, no one dares to challenge the truth that a person lives in the world around him and learns it exclusively with the help of the senses. As you know, we have five of them. All information coming from our senses enters the “database” of our brain, where it is processed, and a person, on the basis of this, makes a conclusion about what kind of object is in front of him, what benefit can be derived from it. Or vice versa: having collected all the data about the "object", come to the conclusion that this object is dangerous and completely unusable. And this is all thanks to the work of our senses. And now the XXI century has come and people have mastered the art of controlling each other with the help of sounds and smells!

Music brings the video to life very well, doesn't it?
World science today does not just stride by leaps and bounds, it rushes at a gallop, giving out more and more discoveries almost every day.
For a long time, the human sense organs have been subjected to a comprehensive study: first of all, for the treatment of various diseases to which these same organs are exposed. And then someone was the first to come up with a crazy idea: “what happens if you make the brain work in the right direction with the help of smells, music, pictures?”. And it turned out …
And this is what happened. During the experiments, amazing things were revealed: if, for example, a certain smell is "imposed" on a certain visual image, then the brain issues the command: "I want!". Or, conversely, such a combination of components can cause persistent disgust. The same can be said for music and video. All these "tricks", which made a breakthrough in science, then came into service in everyday life.
One of these "tricks" is aroma marketing. Its founder is the American neuroscientist and psychiatrist Alan Hirsch. It was Hirsch who was the first to find out that almost two-thirds of buyers evaluate the quality of the product, its freshness and even sophistication precisely by its smell.
Scent marketing has rapidly burst into our lives. Distinctive aromas are now present not only in dining rooms. Special air flavors began to be installed at the entrances to coffee houses, so that, having heard a magical smell, a rare passer-by will not turn into a cafe in order to enjoy a cup of this wonderful hot drink. Vanilla flavors helped double the sales of desserts, and the subtle aroma of brandy, which subtly invites guests to look into the bar and taste this magical drink, also played an important role in promoting this product to the consumer market.
And the smells of leather, which are often used in the salons of footwear and leather goods?.. Such aromas are designed to lure the buyer, convince him of the high quality of the goods offered, and ultimately make him want to buy the goods.
Some famous people use fragrances, and more specifically, an exquisite perfume, at their concerts. Of course, the delicate aroma of an expensive perfume remains in the memory for a long time, coupled with the memories of a pleasant time spent at a concert. Our fellow countryman Sergei Penkin has repeatedly used this technique in his performances, who used subtle scents, sprinkling them in the hall, to create a "pleasant atmosphere" in the full sense of the word. And it turned out a kind of symbiosis of sounds and aromas that delight both hearing and smell.
Music, or rather its kind - background music, has long been widely used in stores. Well, before that, it was also used successfully on the battlefields. The Greek phalanx went into battle to the sound of flutes, singing a song: "Forward, sons of Hellas, the heroes do not know fear!" The Scots attacked under the vile howl of bagpipes, the "Kappels" from the movie "Chapaev" under the drumbeat!

But this "psychic" from the film about "Boy-Kibalchish", in fact, "tracing paper" with the attack of the Germans in 1918 shown in the film "Alexander Parkhomenko". And since the film was shot in 1942, then some stupidity of both the Germans in it and the "damned bourgeois" is understandable. And as soon as such … "fathers and brothers were smashed"? But for a fairy tale it was conceived just fine. Black and white and rhythmic music …
Chosen according to a special principle, it encourages people to make unplanned purchases. And here, too, has its own tricks. Rhythmic music makes people move faster in the trading floor, choose things faster and buy them for the delight of merchants. Savvy sellers go to different tricks, if only the buyer "piled up" in their store. A certain musical style is selected for a certain product. So in household appliances stores, it will most often be easypop music. But even here you need to be careful, otherwise the buyer will also be emotionally overloaded with the images that he sees on TV screens and monitors.
In ready-to-wear stores, the background music is chosen differently. Music should be light, fun, rhythmic. After all, the buyer is unlikely to want to walk in complete silence around the sales area, hearing only the creak of metal carts and the sound of his own footsteps. Another thing is when a dance melody sounds: the time spent in the store flies by unnoticed. A customer satisfied with the purchase, remembering the pleasant, rhythmic music, to which he made a good purchase, will certainly go to this market again and again. Auditory associations will return him again and again to those minutes of pleasure that he received while shopping in this particular store.
On New Year's Eve, a different scale is selected for visitors, and other aromas are in the air. Everything is connected with the anticipation of the New Year. And these are the aromas of pine needles, tangerines, cinnamon - everything that evokes pleasant memories in our minds, and makes our heart beat more often in anticipation of the holiday, and therefore buy gifts for family and friends.

By the way, pay attention to the weapons of bad bourgeois … Interesting, isn't it?
Put a brass band at the new store and make it play the march "Farewell to the Slav," and the feet will carry a lot of people to this melody. Checked. It's almost impossible to resist! And here you are offered to take part in a free drawing of prizes, they give you a coupon, a coupon, a card … and sooner or later, but you will buy at least something. And the "reason" for the purchase will end up being music.
Music has found its application in television programs, for example, in the Test Purchase program. The music is recognizable (and this is also one of the moves of TV people!), Pleasant to the ear and unobtrusively encourages program participants to make purchases.
In addition, music is able to heal the human soul, and this is well known to many. Combining music with slideshows or videos has a beneficial (and healing!) Effect on a person.
Well, video plus music - here's a commercial for you! His task is still the same: to lure the buyer, to convince him of the necessity of purchasing this or that product. Another interesting point. See how pharmaceutical companies use sound and color. Advertising drugs, they use non-aggressive music, calm plots, all the actors smile sweetly at you and delicately claim that the advertised drug is exactly what you need. That this is your medicine, and it will certainly help you.
This is exactly how the presentations of some companies are held. You are invited to an event. Here you have tea, coffee (aroma marketing!), And music (yes!) - you are simply … adored! Everything is for you. And now you have already relaxed and believed … Well, then everything depends either on the firmness of the buyer, or on the decency of the company …
I would like to recall one more active "promoters" of their services with the help of all kinds of images - this is a restaurant service.
Surely everyone who has visited this kind of institution knows how strong the competition is in this area. And to attract visitors to your side, any ideas are used. Remember how colorful the wine lists have become. And what about the menu, which has now become more like an institution's portfolio? That's the same! You open this photo album and you realize how professionally restaurateurs have begun to work. Colorful photographs of dishes, printed on excellent paper, are designed to convince the visitor of the prestige of the institution, the quality of the work of the chefs and the excellent taste of dishes that must be tasted.
By the way, the so-called "musical manipulation" is also widely used here. For example, it turned out that the disco of the 1970-1980s. perfectly increases the sales of light alcohol and cocktails, and with the musical "vibes" of French chansonniers they willingly buy dry wines.
This is how music, color and smells came to the service not only of traditional sciences, but also of business people!