September 21, 862 - Day of the beginning of the Russian state. 1155 years ago, the reign of the Rurik dynasty in Russia began. After the death of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, who came from an ancient princely Slavic Russian family, descended from the legendary princes of the Slavs Slaven, Vandal and Vladimir, who was left without direct heirs, the Slavic prince Rurik was called to reign by the decision of the Council of Elders. He was the son of Umila, the grandson of Gostomysl and ruled on the island of Ruyan (Rugen).
This date is conditional, since under one or another name the Russian state existed for at least 2-3 millennia. The theory of the Norman origin of Rurik was invented by Westerners to distort the true history of the Russian people (Rus) and Rus. Like, he was a Varangian Viking, a Swede, like his squad. As a result, the Russian state was created by the German-Scandinavians who acted as civilizers of the "wild" Slavic and Finno-Ugric lands. This is the origin of the myth about the "savagery" of the ancient Slavs, who allegedly did not have their own statehood, writing, high spiritual and material culture ("they prayed to stumps"). Allegedly, all the high principles of civilization, statehood and culture were brought to the Slavs-Rus by the Germans and Greek missionaries.
Rurik, on the other hand, came from the ancient clans of the Rus, known in history under different names - Rasen-Etruscans, Veneto-Venedi-Vandals, Prussians-Porussians. The date of the calling of Rurik is only a stage in the history of the Russian state, as well as the calling to the kingdom of the Romanov dynasty or the creation of the Soviet Union. However, this is not a start date, please be aware of this. The origins of Russia are in the depths of millennia, in the history of the Wends-Vandals, the Rasens-Etruscans in Europe, in the history of Great Scythia-Sarmatia, in the history of the Aryans and the legendary Hyperborea.
Gostomysl had four sons and three daughters. The daughters married neighboring princes. The sons died their own deaths or died in the war. Therefore, there was no one to inherit the power. But once in a dream Gostomysl saw how from the womb of his middle daughter Umila a large and prolific tree grew, which covered the entire Great City and from the fruits of which all the people of his land were satisfied. Gostomysl demanded to interpret his dream. The wise men said that the sons of Umila would be the heirs, who would lead to the prosperity of his land. Before his death, Gostomysl gathered the elders from the Slavs, Rus, Chud, Ves, Mary, Krivichi and Dregovichi, told them about his dream and sent selected people "overseas" - for their grandchildren.
Gostomysl was the last prince from the ancient dynasty that ruled in the Russian North. It is not surprising that it was Rurik who was summoned, since he was his grandson, the son of his daughter Umila. After the reign of Gostomysl, apparently, a period of turmoil began, and in order to end it, on the one hand, a legitimate heir, heir to the ancient, sacred family of Falcon was needed, on the other, an experienced warrior, which was Rurik, his brothers and their warriors - the Varangians -Rus.
According to the "Tale of Bygone Years": "In the year 6370 (862) they drove the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to dominate themselves, and there was no truth among them, and clan after clan, and they had a strife, and began to fight each other. And they said to themselves: "Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus, as others are called the Swedes, and some Normans and Angles, and still other Gotlandians - that's how these are. Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi and the whole of Russia said: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and rule over us. " And three brothers with their families were elected, and took all Russia with them, and came, and the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, - on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, - in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed ".
The origin of Prince Rurik is not exactly known. Rurik (Rarog) is a generic Slavic name meaning "falcon", which was also called rarog among the Slavs. Hence the coat of arms of Rurikovich - a falcon falling down, in a stylized form - a trident. All these are the most ancient symbols of the super-ethnos of the Rus and Aryan-Indo-Europeans. The falcon is a symbol of God the Father, Rod, the creator of the universe, gods and people. And the trident, which has now been appropriated by the "Ukrainians" - self-helpers, going deep into the history of the white race, Caucasian-Indo-Europeans, is a symbol of the Trinity of the universe: the Slavic Russian Triglav - Nav, Yav and Prav; Sanskrit. Trimurti is a triad that unites the three main deities of the Hindu pantheon (Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Guardian and Shiva the Destroyer) into a single whole, representing the spiritual principle - Brahman; and the Christian Trinity. Thus, in the signs of the Rurik-Falcon clan, we see the most ancient symbols of the superethnos of the Rus and Aryan-Indo-Europeans.

Coat of arms of Staraya Ladoga and Rurik - a falcon falling down
The 19th century historian S. Gedeonov even assumed that Rurik was not his own name, but the generic nickname Rerek (Rarog), which was worn by all representatives of the ruling dynasty of the Slavic union of tribes on the lands of present-day Germany. Previously, the Vendian Slavs were called falcons. Subsequently, "The Lay of Igor's Regiment" calls the adults of Rurik as falcons, and the princes as falcons. In the Mecklenburg folk legends (the land of the Germanized Slavs), it is reported that the tribe was ruled by a king named Godlav, the father of three young men, the first of whom was called Rurik the Peaceful, the second - Sivar the Victorious, the third - Truvar the Verny. The brothers decided to go in search of glory to the lands to the east. After many deeds and terrible battles, the brothers came to Russia. Having restored peace and order in the country, the brothers decided to return to their old father, but the grateful people begged them not to leave and take the place of kings. So Rurik received the Novgorod principality (Nowoghorod), Sivar - Pskov (Pleskow), Truvar - Belozersk (Bile-Jezoro). Medieval chroniclers Adam of Bremen and Helmold specifically noted that among the Western Slavs, only the Ruyans (Rus) from the Ruyan-Rügen island had “kings”.
The great Russian scientist MV Lomonosov deduced Rurik with the Varangians from the Slavs-Prussians, relying on toponyms and later chronicles, which replaced the lexeme “Varangians” with the pseudo-ethnonym “Germans”. Lomonosov accepted the Slavic origin of Rurik as an indisputable fact: “… the Varangians and Rurik with their kin, who came to Novgorod, were the tribes of Slavic, spoke the Slavic language, came from ancient Ross and were by no means from Scandinavia, but lived on the eastern-southern shores of the Varangian Sea, between the rivers Vistula and Dvina … the name Rus in Scandinavia and on the northern shores of the Varangian Sea is nowhere to be heard … In our chroniclers it is mentioned that Rurik with his Rod came from Nemets, and in some it is written that from Prussia … Between the rivers Vistula and Dvina it flows into The Varangian Sea from the east-south side of the river, which at the top, near the city of Grodna, is called Nemen, and Rusa is reputed to its mouth. Here it is clear that the Varangians-Rus lived on the eastern-southern coast of the Varangian Sea, near the Ruse River … And the very name of the Prussians or Poruss shows that the Prussians lived alongside the Russes or alongside the Russes "(MV Lomonosov." Objections to Miller's dissertation ").
Thus, it is obvious that the "Varangians-Rus" are the Baltic Rus, akin to the Danube, Dnieper and others (all together the super-ethnos of the Rus). So they could call the inhabitants of Ruyan-Rugen, and the groups of Rus-Rugs scattered along the eastern coast of the Baltic, and natives of various tribes of the cheer-ups, Rus-Poruss, Varin-Vagrs (Varangians), etc. The influence of the Baltic Pomerania even affected on the anthropological appearance of the population of Northern Russia. After analyzing materials related to the X-XIV centuries, the famous specialist VV Sedov established that “the closest analogies to the early medieval skulls of Novgorodians are found among craniological series originating from the Slavic burial grounds of the Lower Vistula and Oder. Such, in particular, are the Slavic skulls from the burial grounds of Mecklenburg, which belonged to the cheers. " The same population reached the Yaroslavl and Kostroma Volga regions, that is, the region to which the special attention of the Normanists is always drawn. Where did the "Norman civilizers" supposedly go?
The colonization flow from the southern coast of the Baltic to the east began actively from the end of the 8th century, when the Frankish state, breaking the resistance of the Saxons, began to advance on the lands of the Baltic Slavs-Rus. The "onslaught on the East and North" began - the destruction, violent Christianization, Germanization and assimilation of the local Slavic Russian population. This process took more than one century: some Slavs-Rus died in the most severe confrontation, others were Christianized, assimilated, turned into various "Germans", some - moved, fled to more eastern lands. In Porussia-Prussia, the Baltic States, Poland - they also underwent Christianization, Germanization, but later, therefore, they retained part of their identity and culture. Part of the Rus, among them were the clans of Rurik, Truvor and Sineus, settled in Eastern Russia.
Here they built statehood in the northern center of Rus - Ladoga, Novgorod, Pskov, and then united the two largest centers of Rus - Novgorod and Kiev (under Oleg Veshche). As a result, two passionary cores of the super-ethnos of the Rus were united - the northern (Slovenia, Rus-Varangians) and the southern - the Dnieper Rus-glades, the heirs of Great Scythia.
Thus, statehood in Russia was formed earlier than the reign of the Rurikovichs. However, Rurik and the first princes-falcons (Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav) began their work on the creation of the Russian empire from various state, proto-state centers, lands and tribal unions and clans at a very necessary moment for a super-ethnos. The superethnos of the Rus in the west underwent a creeping expansion of Western civilization with a "command post" in Rome. The parasitic western project destroyed the identity, language, faith and culture of the Rus-Slavs, turning them into slaves and destroying the recalcitrant with fire and sword. In the south, Russian civilization came under pressure from the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire, the Islamic world and Khazaria. The Slavs were considered as booty, their lands were ruined, sold into slavery, turned into a dependent (serf), slave population.
The scattered Slavic-Russian civilization, the super-ethnos of the Rus, which did not have strong state formations at that time, and consisted of many alliances of tribes, lands with their princely dynasties, could not resist other people's projects and great powers. It was necessary to have unity, a single control center and concentration of forces in order to successfully resist other people's projects and civilizations that brought death, destruction and enslavement to the free Slavs-Rus.
An example of what the entire super-ethnos of the Rus could end up with is the western branch (core) of the super-ethnos in Central Europe (present-day Germany, Austria, Northern Italy, etc.). Powerful Slavic tribal unions, such as lyutichi and obodrici-vigorous, capable of fielding tens of thousands of fighters, which had dozens of fortresses, ports, flotilla (on their basis the famous Hansa would later arise), ancient sacred centers (for example, in Arkona), etc. etc., could not withstand the "crusades". The masters of the then West skillfully pitted the Slavic lands, used the ancient strategy - divide, play and rule. While the lutichi and the encouragement fought with each other, bleeding their lands and tribes, the Westernizers seized and assimilated region after region, city after city. As a result, the "Slavic Atlantis" in the center of Europe disappeared, and only some historians who deal with this time remember about it. The Slavic Rus in Western Europe are reminded only of the Slavic origin of the names of cities, rivers, islands, etc. In particular, the current capitals of Germany and Austria are ancient Slavic castles.
The clan of Rurik-Sokol acted as an external unifying force called upon by the wise men (Gostomysl's dream) - the then representatives of conceptual power in Russia. This force rallied the north of Russia, threw back those Varangians who acted as find-and-robbers. Then it united the North and South of Russia (Novgorod and Kiev), which made it possible to resist the Khazar "miracle Yuda", who robbed and parasitized on parts of the Slavic tribal associations. The Varangians-Rus created the empire of Rurik, which was able to successfully resist the threat from the West and the South. Prince Svyatoslav will expel from Russia Western missionaries who planned to turn Russia into the flax of the Roman throne, destroy the parasitic Khazar state formation and repulse the expansion of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium). The falcon princes will allow the Russian super-ethnos to survive in our cruel world, to create the basis for the greatest empire.

Ilya Glazunov. Gostomysl's grandchildren: Rurik, Truvor, Sineus