Today, many admire Brezhnev and his era. They say that Brezhnev was good for everyone, only he did not reach the level of Stalin. In fact, Brezhnev was a product of the system, and the post-Stalinist system excluded the figure of a leader - a leader and a thinker (priest-king).

Stalin set up and implemented a truly titanic, conceptual project of the future - supercivilization, a society of knowledge, creation and service. The Soviet Union was making a leap into the future. In the USSR, a just society was created, living on the basis of the ethics of conscience, creating an alternative to the Western project, which is carried out on the basis of an immoral, vicious (satanic) concept of life contrary to the laws of the Universe and God's Providence, where a few "chosen" dominate the masses.
As a result, Joseph Vissarionovich created a rather peculiar management model. It had a strong vertical of power, characteristic of Russian civilization, into which Stalin planned to transfer the center of control, taking it away from the ruling party. Itself the party was supposed to become a kind of "order of the sword-bearers" - the ideological and political power, which gave conceptual and ideological content to all government and representative (Councils) structures. And above this power towered the figure of the "priest-tsar" who embodied the Russian autocratic (autocratic-monarchical) archetype. The society itself was built according to the ancient scheme (Hyperborea - the state of the Aryans - Great Scythia-Sarmatia - the Old Russian Empire of the Rurikids): 1) thinkers - Brahmans - priests (one of them became a leader); warriors - managers - kshatriyas; the working people are the vaisyas. At the same time, there was a powerful system of social lifts, when any person from a peasant or working family, with the appropriate spiritual-strong-willed, intellectual and physical potential, could realize it and become a general, marshal, minister, professor, designer, pilot or astronaut. We remember the epic about Ilya Muromets: the peasant's son became a hero-warrior, and by old age he became a priest-brahmana. This is the ideal: the system is open, mobile, constantly updated, the best become the real elite of the people, the state.
However, this The Russian project was opposed by the Westernized one, which relied on the Westernized intelligentsia (cosmopolitans), the party apparatus and hidden Trotskyists oriented towards the West. A significant part of the party elite believed that, having received power, it has the right to enrichment, property, "a beautiful life." That is, psychologically a significant part of the Soviet elite was not ready for a new society. Stalin fought against this, cleaned up the "fifth column", renewed the party and the state apparatus.
After Stalin was eliminated, the partocrats took over. Leadership, the "cult of personality" was resolutely rejected, and the collective leadership characteristic of the West was established. In the West, a parliamentary-type democracy hides a hierarchical system of secret power of order, Masonic and paramasonic structures. In the USSR, the party replaced the people's power of the Soviets. The formal leader of the party existed as a symbol of power and an arbiter-“lawyer” among various groups, clans and departments. The first such leader was Khrushchev, but he turned out to be poorly controlled, a voluntarist who "rocked the boat."Although he did not like Stalin, he arranged de-Stalinization, but along the way he almost destroyed the USSR, for which the party elite was not ready and arranged his own cult of personality (but without personality, since Khrushchev was not a “priest-king”). This aroused the fears of the nomenklatura that the actions of the "maize" would lead to complete destabilization. Therefore, the top of the USSR amicably removed Khrushchev.
After Nikita Sergeevich was removed from power, his former comrades-in-arms made his protege Brezhnev the first secretary of the Central Committee. And in the future, all attempts to nominate a strong leader were harshly suppressed. Brezhnev did not try to become a real leader. I even wanted to escape from the post of general secretary. But, he, already a sick and elderly man, was forced to imitate the leader of the country until his death. They even created a caricature cult of the leader, which only contributed to the future collapse of Soviet civilization. They did this because Brezhnev himself did not pose a threat to the party elite, and the people wanted to see a real king-leader on the throne. It is now customary to admire Brezhnev, especially against the backdrop of the subsequent collapse and degradation, the plundering and extinction of Great Russia (USSR). But, in fact, the positive processes under Brezhnev (the development of the economy, the growth of the well-being of the people, the power of the armed forces, successes in space, advanced technologies, etc.), proceeded by inertia, and not due to his managerial qualities. The Soviet project was already sick and the Soviet elite was decomposing and poisoning the great power with its poisons, killing the USSR. Under Brezhnev and his pale followers, preparations were under way for "perestroika" and "reforms." And when the country and the people were prepared, socialism was curtailed, people's property and wealth were "privatized" - plundered and plundered. Russia was made a "pipe", a cultural and economic periphery, a raw material appendage and a semi-colony of the West and the East.
Thus, after the death of Stalin, the Communist Party renounced its role as a "spiritual order" in the development of Soviet society and all mankind. She did not become the spiritual and intellectual leader of Soviet civilization and humanity. She abandoned her fate and brought the power to a collapse, simultaneously corrupting and betraying her own people, and then robbing them, trying to become part of the global "elite" - the mafia
In the 1950s, the moment came when the people believed in the correctness of the chosen path. Fear as a tool of persuasion faded into the background. The socialist system was gaining momentum (all the achievements of the Brezhnev era are the inertia of this move), Soviet society and civilization took place. They passed the tests of a terrible war, they became hardened. People sincerely believed that they live in the fairest, most powerful, kind country in the world. Young people have grown up, new generations who have already been brought up and educated in the USSR. She was ready for unprecedented accomplishments. "Young Guard" during the Great War showed excellent examples of stamina and heroism, faith in a bright future. Never in history in any country in the world has there been such massive, folk art as in the USSR of the 1930-1960s. Creativity, invention and innovation have reached hundreds of thousands of people, children and youth. It was then that the USSR made breakthroughs that still boggle the imagination. The society was filled with hopes and expectations. People for the first time believed in the closeness of the complete victory of the universal Good, Creation and Justice. Victory in the terrible Great Patriotic War was a powerful argument that the millennial dream of the best people about the "Kingdom of Truth", "God-power" on Earth is about to come true.
It is not surprising that Komsomol shock construction projects were unfolding in the Union in Siberia and the Far East. Blue cities rose - cities of the young and energetic (and not the current perverts). In those years, blue meant happiness and hope, it was perverted later. Hundreds of thousands of young people traveled to the other end of the world "behind the fog and the smell of the taiga." Now it is impossible to imagine. In modern Russia, everything is ruled by the "golden calf", but there are not enough Russian builders, we have to bring in Koreans, Chinese, Tajiks, etc. Then people were led by the belief that a few years would pass, and "our traces would appear on the distant paths of distant planets." Soviet people mastered Siberia, Central Asia, the Far East and the North, the World Ocean and space were next in line.
National enthusiasm, energy could not be played, organized "from above". He was a manifestation of spirituality, the domination of the moral concept of development in the USSR, a society of knowledge, service and creation, a society of the future. In Russia-USSR, the connection of the people with Heaven, the Almighty was restored. The development of Great Russia (USSR) was in line with Divine Providence. Hence, Russia’s amazing leap forward, its Great sacred victory, its transformation into a superpower, a civilization of the future. It seemed that a little more and Russia-USSR would win a thousand-year confrontation with the West, an ideological dispute about the superiority of the light side of man (strength) over his dark side. Good over evil. Spirit over matter. This was not a competition between socialism and capitalism, but between Good and Evil, between a just moral concept and evil-Satanism, between collegiality and individualism, mutual assistance and predatory competition, between collectivism and unrestrained, bestial egoism. And the Soviet civilization had every reason and opportunity for another great victory. It is no coincidence that the best minds of the West were arguing then not about whether the USSR would surpass the United States in military, political and economic might, but about when this would happen. The historic victory was unconditionally given to the Soviet project.
Today, during the reign of the world of the "golden calf", materialism, a society of degeneration and extermination, it is difficult to believe in such a thing. But it's true. The Russians have not just approached the threshold of a beautiful new, just world, a supercivilization of the future, they have already opened the door to this sparkling solar world. But the Russians were not allowed to enter the "beautiful far away". The party, the Soviet elite were frightened of this future, of its people, of its potential for creativity, creation, aspiration for the future and passion for change! Instead of development, the post-Stalinist party chose stability, "stagnation." May tomorrow be the same as today. Degeneration and degeneration of the top of the USSR into new owners, capitalists and feudal lords began immediately. Which naturally ended in the catastrophe of 1985-1993. Figuratively, this process of degeneration can be seen in Brezhnev himself: from a young front-line soldier to a sick old man. The legacy and the grave of Stalin were poured with concrete, filled with information garbage, killing the noble impulse of the people to the stars.