I finished publishing a series of reviews about military equipment (BMDR-s) and decided to return to my traditional topic for a while ("Individual weapons"), but I could not pass by such an event.
On November 12, the US government donated to the National Army of Moldova a batch of military vehicles of the "Humvee" type. As a result, the 22nd peacekeeping battalion participating in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo received 43 multipurpose HMMWV vehicles and 10 trailers.
Undoubtedly, this is the coolest technique in the entire National Army!
The National Army of Moldova has been receiving equipment and military equipment from the US Government for 15 years. Over the years, the US government has provided over US $ 31 million in defense assistance to Moldova.
(US Ambassador to Moldova William Moser.)
The Ambassador thanked Defense Minister Valeriu Troenko for ambitious plans to reform the Moldovan army.
The project for the transfer of military vehicles was launched back in 2013.
This is the first batch of transferred vehicles. The project is expected to transfer about a hundred such vehicles.
There is only one mission - to maintain peace in the region and protect the interests of the Republic of Moldova from possible intervention. The danger exists, we see what is happening in the neighboring country.
(President of Moldova Nikolai Timofti.)
The Minister of Defense believes that the gift from the US government arrived on time, as the equipment of the Moldovan army has long been outdated.
Do not compare with the Soviet technology that we have in stock.
These are transport, armored fighting vehicles, and infantry vehicles. Moreover, it makes no sense to compare fuel consumption indicators: the cars are very economical.
(Minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova Valeriu Troenko.)
In turn, US Ambassador William Moser said that the American authorities will continue to support Moldova.
We stand for cooperation from two points of view: Moldova will be able to participate more effectively in peacekeeping missions, and besides, your country will be able to defend itself better.
(US Ambassador William Moser.)
The donated military equipment costs about 700 thousand dollars.

The President of Moldova, surrounded by the Minister of Defense and the General, are examining overseas equipment.

Who is there? There is no one here! The drone, probably …

The President of Moldova is not overjoyed at the generous offering. As the saying goes: "I entered successfully!"

Why the US government "donated" practically new and "very economical" vehicles to the Moldovan army is easy to guess.
You look, in a year or two Moldova will receive "as a gift" from the US government already elements of a missile defense system.
At least that was the case in Romania.
They do not look at a given horse's teeth. But the question of WHO will supply the Moldovan army with components for these wonderful war chariots and AT WHAT PRICES remains open.