The transfer of four Su-34 front-line bombers to representatives of the Russian Air Force will take place at the Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association (NAPO) at the end of December. This is the final batch of production vehicles that the country's Air Force was supposed to receive in 2010. In the future, the rate of their deliveries will grow. New aircraft from Novosibirsk will be transferred to Lipetsk, to the Air Force base.
The state contract for the supply of the next batch of Su-34s to the Russian Air Force was signed between the Ministry of Defense and the Sukhoi company, which includes NAPO, in 2008. Such aircraft have been in service with the Russian Air Force since 2006. In the future, they will replace the Su-24M front-line bombers.

In terms of combat capabilities, the Su-34 belongs to the "4+" generation of aircraft. Regardless of the time of day and weather conditions, the vehicle is capable of effectively hitting ground, sea and air targets in any geographical area using the entire range of aviation ammunition, including high-precision ones. The presence of an active safety system on the aircraft along with the latest computers provided additional opportunities for the pilot and navigator to conduct targeted bombing, maneuver under enemy fire.
The equipment installed on the Su-34 allows the use of weapons on several targets simultaneously. Excellent aerodynamics, large capacity of internal fuel tanks, highly efficient by-pass engines with digital control system, air refueling system, as well as suspension of additional fuel tanks ensure the Su-34's flight over long distances, approaching the flight ranges of strategic bombers.
The Su-34 confirmed its high combat capabilities and flight qualities during the Vostok-2010 military exercises that took place in July this year. When performing a combat mission, the aircraft for the first time made a non-stop flight with refueling in the air from the European part of Russia to the Far East, followed by strikes. In the near future, it is planned to increase the combat potential of the vehicles with new aviation weapons.