According to the British command, the existing Challenger Mk 2 main battle tanks have ceased to meet modern requirements for army armored vehicles. In this regard, several years ago, a tender was launched to create a promising modernization project, according to which existing tanks will be rebuilt in the future. A few days ago, one of the participants in this program presented his vision of the future modernization of armored vehicles. A consortium led by BAE Systems showed for the first time a prototype tank with the working designation Black Night.
In 2013, the British Army Command launched the CLEP (Challenger Mk 2 Life Extension Program), which aims to create a new project for the repair and modernization of existing armored vehicles. According to the plans of the military leaders, over the next few years, the industry had to create a set of measures to update the serial tank, which would allow the continued operation of technology in 2025-35. Without new modernization, Challenger Mk 2 tanks can only be used until the mid-twenties, while restoring technical readiness and updating instruments will significantly extend these periods.

Advertising poster of the CLEP project from BAE Systems /
In 2013, it was argued that in the foreseeable future it would be possible to launch a serial modernization of tanks and, within a reasonable time, update the entire existing fleet. However, it was soon established that not all tanks could be brought into line with the submitted technical specifications. In this regard, the requirements for CLEP have changed - several important points have been removed from them. Subsequently, the requirements were revised several times; their final version did not appear until 2016.
At the request of the British military, the improved "Challenger 2" should receive new sights for the commander and gunner, connected to a modern fire control system. Due to this equipment, it is proposed to increase the accuracy and efficiency of fire. It is also required to integrate the OMS with communication and control facilities that provide fast data exchange with other tanks and command. The customer wishes to equip the equipment with additional protection of several types. It is also necessary to finalize the power plant, introducing new components and operating principles. This will increase the mobility of the machine without the need for a completely new engine.
By 2016, the UK Department of Defense had received several applications to participate in the CLEP program. A number of British and foreign enterprises have shown their interest in modernizing tanks. After the first round of comparisons, the military selected the participants in the program. They were two groups, uniting several organizations. One of them was led by BAE Systems, the other was led by Rheinmetall Landsystem.
For some time, both consortia have been conducting development work and preparing the necessary documentation. In 2017, they received contracts to develop full-fledged CLEP projects suitable for immediate production. According to the terms of these contracts, the work will take two years. The finished prototypes should be presented to the customer in 2019, after which a more successful version of the modernization of the tank will be chosen. Funding for the current phase of the program is £ 53 million. The two consortia received 23 million each directly for the work. The rest of the funds are reserved and will be used if necessary.

Serial MBT Challenger Mk 2. Photo Wikimedia Commons
One of the modernization projects for Challengers 2 is being developed by a group of companies led by BAE Systems. She is responsible for defining the main features of the project, as well as for the overall coordination of work. Together with her, General Dynamics UK, QinetiQ, Leonardo, Moog and Safran work as creators and suppliers of the necessary components. Thus, BAE Systems' CLEP project, created in the interests of the British army, should be the result of international cooperation.
According to the terms of the contract, BAE Systems and its colleagues had to present an experienced tank, converted according to their project, no later than the first months of 2019. As it turned out, the necessary work was completed significantly ahead of schedule, and a prototype of the modernized Challenger Mk 2 already exists. A few days ago, a prototype was shown to Jane's journalists. In addition, the development company has revealed some of the technical details of its project.
The first Challenger Mk 2 LEP tank from BAE Systems received its own name Black Night and the corresponding color. Now it is in the workshop of the manufacturer, but in the very near future it should go to the test site for factory tests. Based on the results of these checks, the design will be fine-tuned. After the factory tests, the tank will be handed over to the customer, who will be able to compare the two modernized Challengers and choose the more successful one.
According to published data, the CLEP project does not provide for a major restructuring of the existing combat vehicle. The bulk of the main components and assemblies remain in place, although some of them can be modified in one way or another. First of all, the customer and the developer decided to keep the existing hull and turret with standard protection. The frontal projection of the Challenger Mk 2 tank is equipped with Chobham combined armor, which is characterized by fairly high performance. In the modernization project, it was left unchanged.

Experienced tank Black Night in the workshop of the manufacturer. Photo
At the same time, the military and designers no longer intend to rely only on their own tank armor. "Black Night" is equipped with several additional means of protection. For example, smoke grenade launcher packages are preserved on the frontal plates of the turret. Next to them are the devices of the MUSS optical-electronic suppression complex of German production. On the roof of the tower, near the sides, there are two Israeli-made IMI Iron Fist active protection launchers.
It is curious that the new prototype was demonstrated without any type of attachment modules, while linear armored vehicles are equipped with various additional protection equipment. Perhaps they simply did not begin to be mounted until the tank was taken out for testing. It can also be assumed that the absence of attachments is associated with the customer's requirements regarding the combat weight of the equipment.
In the aft engine compartment, a diesel engine of the CV12-6A type is kept, developing a power of 1200 hp. At the same time, according to the terms of reference, a new power plant control system is used, which optimizes fuel consumption and the load on the units. It is expected that this will slightly increase the mobility of the tank in different terrains, as well as lead to an increase in the range and turnaround time. The undercarriage with independent hydropneumatic suspension remains the same.
Initially, the British military wanted to equip the modernized Challenger Mk 2 with a new weapon, but the study of this issue led to negative results. It turned out that replacing the gun is not possible on all combat tanks. As a result, the Black Night project and its competitors provide for the preservation of the existing 120-mm L30A1 rifled gun with most of the accompanying systems. It is proposed to increase the firepower and effectiveness of shooting due to a more advanced MSA and new ammunition. The development of new shells started almost simultaneously with the CLEP program.

He is, front view. Photo
The CLEP tank retains the standard auxiliary armament of the base armored vehicle. The gun mount still carries the L94A1 coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. An open mount for one of the serial machine guns remains on the roof. For some reason, the developers of "Black Night" decided not to use a remotely controlled weapon station that could increase the safety of the crew.
BAE Systems, together with its subcontractors, has seriously redesigned the fire control system. Now it uses modern devices of domestic and foreign production. The main elements of the OMS are coupled with sights, computers, sets of sensors, etc. It is argued that such an MSA will provide an increase in the main combat characteristics.
A new panoramic commander's sight of the PASEO type from Safran is installed on the roof of the upgraded tank. Its body with all the necessary optical devices is placed inside an armored casing with a viewing window. The gunner is now asked to use a complex of optical-electronic equipment from the Leonardo company, which includes all the necessary devices for working day and night. The authors of the new project have not forgotten about the driver either. For work in the dark, he has a Leonardo DNVS 4 device.
The fire control system is associated with communication facilities that ensure the reception and transmission of target designation. Thanks to this, the updated tank will be able to interact more effectively with other combat vehicles and the command.
BAE Systems came up with an original proposal. Its Challenger Mk 2 Black Night tank is partially unified in its electronic equipment with the promising Ajax family of armored combat vehicles currently being created for the British army. It is argued that such a unification will give a number of obvious advantages of a production and operational nature, and in addition, it will simplify the training of army crews.

Safran PASEO optoelectronic equipment unit mounted on an armored vehicle. Photo Safran Electronics & Defense /
The CLEP and Ajax projects provide for the maximum similarity of workplaces and principles of work of the commander of a combat vehicle. Thus, a tank commander, after a minor and short-term retraining, will be able to master the position of commander of an infantry fighting vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle or other model on the Agex platform. The "reverse" transfer of specialists will also be possible - from infantry fighting vehicles to tanks. It is expected that all this will simplify and speed up the training of crews for armored forces, equipped with equipment of several types.
The inhabited volumes of the tank and their equipment have been improved towards improving ergonomics. According to the goals of the development organizations, this should facilitate the long-term combat work of the crew in certain conditions. The possibility of carrying out a mission of the "hunter-killer" type within 24 hours without having to leave the tank has been declared. For this, all-weather all-day optics, climate systems, ergonomic workplaces, a supply of provisions, etc. are used.
According to the results of the proposed modernization, the main battle tank Challenger Mk 2 LEP has a mass and dimensions approximately at the level of the basic model. After the necessary changes, there is a slight increase in height associated with the commander's sight, and the mass also changes. The serial “Challenger-2” with additional armor modules and other equipment installed on it weighs about 75 tons. The Black Night tank in the presented configuration weighs no more than 63-65 tons. However, the installation of attachments is able to equalize the weight of two armored vehicles.
Currently, a prototype from a consortium led by BAE Systems is undergoing the necessary checks and is being prepared for testing at the proving ground. Next year, the UK Department of Defense will have to compare this machine with an alternative model, which is to be prepared by a group of companies led by Rheinmetall. Which of the presented modernization options will suit the customer to a greater extent is anyone's guess.

Experienced tank with headlights on. Photo
At the same time, forecasting is still difficult. The Rheinmetall consortium has already announced the approximate appearance of its modernized tank, but has not yet presented a finished prototype. Obviously, this armored vehicle is already under construction and will be presented in the very near future. However, it is not yet ready, as a result of which it is extremely difficult to assess it.
In 2019, the Department of Defense intends to conduct comparative tests and determine which of the proposed projects should be brought to production. Already next year, it is planned to conclude a contract for the massive modernization of equipment from combat units. According to the terms of this contract, the contractor enterprise will carry out overhaul of tanks, after which they can be equipped with new devices of one kind or another.
According to previously published data, most of the tanks in service will have to undergo repairs and upgrades by 2025. It is during this period that the service life of the equipment will expire, and according to the results of the repair, they will be able to be seriously extended. The command assumes that Challenger Mk 2 tanks will remain in service until the mid-thirties, and future upgrades under the CLEP project will allow them to maintain high performance until the end of service.
At present, 227 Challenger 2 tanks are in operation in British ground forces in their original role. Several dozen more of these machines are used as training machines or are in storage. Apparently, only linear armored vehicles will be upgraded under the CLEP program. After that, they will be able to continue serving until 2035, when a new rearmament program will have to start.
The UK has not produced new main battle tanks since the beginning of the last decade. However, such equipment remains in service and needs regular updating, due to which it is possible to ensure compliance with current requirements. The current project for the modernization of Challenger Mk 2 Life Extension Program tanks is completing one of the most important stages and is approaching the start of work with combat equipment. One of the options for updating the tank has already been presented, and a new one should appear soon. Which of them the military will consider more successful and suitable for adoption will be announced next year.