The Sovremenny-class destroyer is more of a shock destroyer, and its upgraded Project 1155 “replacer” is classified as a large anti-submarine ship. Based on its mission and features, the French destroyer Georges Leguy is most suitable for comparison with it. This is mainly an anti-submarine ship, corresponding to our BOD in terms of design and construction time.
Deep modernization of project 1155 - "Admiral Chabanenko". There is only one in the navy. The order for two destroyers of this type was canceled in 1993. However, it makes sense to include Project 1155.1 in the review as the pinnacle of Soviet shipbuilding in the BOD class. So let's compare. According to the concept, both ours and the "Frenchman" are the last in the first post-war generation. They do not yet have UVP, other technical means and weapons characteristic of the next generation destroyers, like the Orly Burke, but they are the crown for their time.
When comparing, as usual, we will not only analyze their weapons and other TTD, but also look at their compliance with the criteria for combat use, relying on the already proven methodology.
The first post-war
Today, the Russian Navy has eight Project 1155 BODs. By 1991, 12 of them were built, four have already been utilized. Full displacement - about 7,500 tons. The power plant is a gas turbine mixed with two cruising GTEs of nine thousand horsepower each and two afterburners of 25,250 horsepower each, which provides a maximum speed of 32 knots. The cruising range at 14 knots is about five thousand miles. Powerful weapons against submarines. The main anti-submarine complex - "Rastrub-B" with eight PLUR 85-RU in two four-container launchers located in the middle of the ship along the sides, firing range - up to 90 kilometers. The warhead is represented by the UMGT-1 anti-submarine torpedo with a range of up to eight kilometers and a speed of 41 knots. The missile is remotely controlled until the torpedo is dropped. The speed is 290 meters per second at an altitude of flight to the submarine - about 400 meters. This is a universal anti-submarine system, it can also be used to destroy surface targets, the flight to which takes place at an altitude of about 15 meters. However, we recognize these capabilities as modest - the torpedo has a small warhead, relatively large missile dimensions and low flight speed with a limited firing range. In addition to the Rastrub-B PLUR, the BPK 1155 has the Vodopad anti-submarine missile system with two four-tube 533-mm TA with 83-RN PLUR instead of SET-65 torpedoes. The ship has two twelve-barreled RBU-6000 and two Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopters located in the stern hangar, which can issue target designations for the Rastrub.
To search for submarines, the ship was equipped with a subtle SJC "Polynom", which is approximately equal to the American AN / SQS-53 SJC of the first modifications, which provides detection of submarines in active mode under favorable hydroacoustic conditions at a distance of up to 30 kilometers. There is a towed GAS that allows you to search for submarines under the jump layer. The BOD is armed with two multi-channel short-range air defense systems "Dagger" with 64 missiles in two air defense missile systems in the bow and stern of the ship, hitting up to 12 kilometers. Each complex can simultaneously fire at four targets, each targeting two missiles.
For defense against air attack on the sides, two batteries of two six-barreled AU MZA AK-630 caliber 30 millimeters. The air view is provided by the three-dimensional radar MR-145 "Fregat". To suppress the operation of the SVN RES (in particular the GOS of the anti-ship missiles), the RTR MP-401 and SAP MP-407 stations, as well as the PK-2M and PK-10 systems for passive jamming, are installed on the BOD. Artillery - two 100-mm AK-100 guns with the "Lev-114" fire control system. The maximum firing range is up to 22 kilometers with a speed of up to 60 rounds per minute from each gun.
In the BOD project 1155.1, the total displacement has increased by almost 1400 tons - up to 8900. The power plant is the same, which reduced the maximum speed to 30 knots and the cruising range in economic mode - to 3300 miles.
The Rastrub-B anti-submarine missile system was replaced by the Moskit anti-ship missile system, which transferred the BOD to multipurpose ships. It has eight (two inclined launchers, four cells each side by side) supersonic anti-ship missiles Moskit with a firing range at extremely low altitudes (20-30 meters) of about 170 kilometers (for the Moskit-M modification). The rocket is dimensional: the launch weight is 3930 kilograms, the speed at all stages is about 1000 meters per second, which makes the ammunition invulnerable to the vast majority of modern air defense systems (even the American air defense system of ships with the Aegis BIUS is not effective enough in this case), warhead - about 300 kilograms. Target designation outside the radio horizon is issued from the Mineral complex and according to external sources of information.

The ship's air defense has changed, six AK-630 air defense systems were replaced with two more effective Kortik air defense systems (with 128 SAMs and 24,000 rounds for 30-mm AU). Accordingly, the main anti-submarine missile system was the "Waterfall" with PLUR 83-RN or 84-RN with a firing range of up to 50 kilometers. The warhead of the PLUR is the same - UMGT-1. The PLUR is fired from two four-pipe 533-mm TA, which is the same as on the Project 1155 BOD. The total ammunition load of the PLUR "Waterfall" and SET-65 torpedoes is 24 units. Instead of two RBU-6000, the ship received two ten-barreled RBU-12000, mainly for protection from torpedoes. The means of searching for submarines have been strengthened - instead of the Polynom, the SJSC Zvezda-2 has been installed. Aircraft weapons are the same.
Artillery - 130-mm AK-130 gun with MR-184 Lev-184 fire control system instead of two AK-100 guns. The maximum firing range is up to 24 kilometers with a firing capacity of up to 90 rounds per minute from the installation, that is, about three tons per minute. For comparison: the cruiser "Ticonderoga" produces about two tons, and the destroyer "Orly Burke" - just over a ton. Therefore, the BOD of Project 1155.1 is in the status of the most powerful artillery ships in the world, second only to the destroyers of Project 956.
Seven Georges Leguy-class destroyers of smaller displacement: total - 4580 tons. They have a mixed power plant of two low-noise diesel engines for economic operation and two gas turbine engines for maximum. The total power is 52 thousand horsepower, which provides a maximum speed of 30 knots. The destroyer will travel 8500 nautical miles in economic speed (18 knots).

Anti-submarine armament complex - two 550-mm torpedo tubes with ammunition load of 10 torpedoes. This is significantly less than the destroyer of Project 1155. Two anti-submarine helicopters of the Lynx type in the stern hangar are the main means of destroying submarines. To search for submarines, the ship has a subtle GAS DUBV 23D or DUBV 24C, which corresponds to the American GAS AN / SQS-26, which is significantly inferior in the detection range of underwater targets to the SJSC Polynom and even more so to Zvezda-2.
The Frenchman has a towed GAS DUBV 43B (the first three ships are equipped with it) or DUBV 43C (the next ones in the series). The antenna sinks to 700 meters at a carrier speed of up to 18 knots, which makes it possible to search for submarines under the jump layer at any depths of its probable occurrence. The only ship of this type equipped with a GAS with a flexible extended towed antenna DUBV 61В is Primauquet. The rest do not have such hydroacoustic stations. We believe that the French have not brought this GAS to the level when it can be equipped with ships of at least this type. Therefore, for the analysis, we will take the most massive version of hydroacoustic weapons - a telescopic and towed GAS. Anti-torpedo protection is represented by the American AN / SLQ-25 active hydroacoustic jamming system and four floating decoy targets. We admit that in anti-submarine weapons, French destroyers are significantly inferior to our BOD.
And the air defense cannot be called strong. On the first four destroyers of the series, after modernization, the main air defense system was the Sadral air defense system with a six-container launcher for Mistral missiles and an ammunition load of 36 missiles with an infrared seeker with a firing range of up to six kilometers with an altitude reach of only three kilometers. The infrared homing system is ineffective in adverse weather conditions. This also significantly reduces its ability to defeat anti-ship missiles attacking the ship: firing will be conducted into the front hemisphere of the target, where infrared radiation is minimal.
Two 30-mm Breda / Mauser submachine guns are used by destroyers to destroy air and air forces in the defense zone. The main air defense weapon on other ships is the Naval Krotal air defense missile system, the eight-container launcher of which is located above the aft helicopter hangar. Ammunition - only 24 missiles with radio command guidance with a firing range of 10 kilometers with an altitude reach of about six thousand meters. There are paired Simbad launchers for Mistral missiles with an ammunition load of 12 missiles. According to open data, there is no MZA for the destruction of airborne weapons in the self-defense zone. Initially, there were no anti-ship missile weapons. However, after the modernization, two twin launchers appeared for the Exoset MM-40 anti-ship missile system. Its most advanced modification with a firing range of about 180 kilometers with a warhead of 165 kilograms. Flies to the target at low and extremely low altitudes. But it is possible to shoot outside the radio horizon only with external target designation from standard Lynx helicopters. To defeat surface and coastal targets - a single-barreled 100-mm AU CADAM Mk 68-II with a firing range of up to 20 kilometers. There is a SUAO with a radar and an optoelectronic sight, as well as an infrared sensor.
Note that the "Frenchman" is superior to the BOD of Project 1155 only in anti-ship weapons. In all other respects, it is inferior, especially the BOD of project 1155.1 in the field of air defense and anti-submarine weapons. "Georges Leguy" has no PLUR at all, and the ammunition load of anti-submarine torpedoes is small. In terms of the range of the GAK, both of our ships are superior to the "Frenchman". Its air defense systems have four times fewer target air defense missile systems than the BOD. At the same time, the ammunition load of the missile defense system is half that of the project 1155 ship, and five times that of the project 1155.1. With an approximately equal firing range of the Moskit anti-ship missile system, the Project 1155.1 BOD can overcome air defense much more efficiently. Our ship has its own means of over-the-horizon target designation, which the "Frenchman" does not have.
However, the conditions of combat use differ, and it may turn out that the "Frenchman" is more consistent with them than the Russian BODs. Let us evaluate the capabilities of ships in a local war against a weak enemy and in a large-scale war against a strong state.
Who wins what

In conflicts, ships will be busy destroying groups of surface ships (KUG and KPUG) and submarines, repelling air attacks, and striking ground targets. Note that the Russian BOD project 1155.1, on occasion, can hit the US aircraft carrier. Although in an oncoming battle, he has almost no chances to reach the position of a salvo. But the opportunity to hit the "American" from the position of tracking with a weapon is real. As for the Frenchman, he is unlikely to have a meeting - the only Russian aircraft carrier will hardly operate where the Georges Leguy can operate.
The distribution of the task significance coefficients is determined by the nature of the conflict and the peculiarities of the struggle in the course of its resolution by the probable composition of the naval groupings involved in hostilities, their operational and tactical tasks, as well as the specifics of the combat mission of this class of ships.
Therefore, the distribution of the weight coefficients of tasks in a local war against a weak enemy can be estimated for the Russian and French destroyers approximately the same: the destruction of groups of surface ships and boats - 0, 1, submarines - 0, 05, reflection of the air attack - 0, 3, strikes against ground targets in the operational depth - 0, 4, on the objects of anti-amphibious defense - 0, 15.
In a large-scale war, the weighting coefficients will be distributed differently. Coefficients of tasks for the BOD project 1155.1: destruction of aircraft carriers - 0, 15 (including from the position of tracking with weapons - 0, 03, in an oncoming battle - 0, 12), KUG and KPUG - 0, 15 and submarines - 0, 35; SVN reflection - 0, 2; strikes against ground targets in the operational depth - 0.05, against PDO objects - 0.01., KUG and KPUG - 0, 1 and submarines - 0, 53; SVN reflection - 0, 2; strikes against ground targets in the operational depth - 0, 05, on PDO targets - 0, 1. For the "Frenchman" the distribution of the significance of the tasks is as follows: destruction of aircraft carriers - 0, 0; destruction of KUG and KPUG - 0, 1 and submarines - 0, 35; reflection SVN - 0, 45; strikes against ground targets in the operational depth - 0.05, against PDO objects - 0.05.
Let's evaluate the capabilities of the BOD and destroyers in solving typical tasks. Destruction of aircraft carriers is relevant only for Russian BODs. In a meeting engagement with a combat-ready aircraft carrier group, they have no chance of firing a volley. The ability of the Project 1155 BOD to hit an aircraft carrier from the position of tracking with weapons is also insignificant - a strike of several missiles with a warhead of a small anti-submarine torpedo at a low speed will not be able to cause damage, since the AUG air defense system will destroy all attacking targets almost guaranteed. The probability of hitting an aircraft carrier with a volley of 85-RU with a Project 1155 BOD is zero. But the defeat of an aircraft carrier with a salvo of eight "Mosquitoes" from the position of tracking with weapons is very real. After all, this missile, from the moment it appeared above the radio horizon, leaves air defense means less than 15 seconds to repel a strike. The Aegis reaction time from the moment the air attack is detected to the missile launch is more than 12 seconds (Aegis reacts 7–8 seconds and at least 5 seconds more - the missile system's operating time, moreover, from readiness number 1). Thus, in the most favorable case, the defense will be able to release one missile defense system from each launcher and, at best, hit one Moskit anti-ship missile system. Part of the pack may be led away by interference. An average of three to five missiles will reach an aircraft carrier - this is enough to disable it, which corresponds to the probability of solving the problem of 0, 6–0, 7.

Another task is the destruction of groups of surface ships. Consider the same composition as when comparing US and Chinese destroyers. Let's take a typical KPUG (KUG) of three or four units of the frigate class. At the same time, the object of attack by Russian ships will, of course, be NATO members, for example, of the "Horizon" type, and for the "Frenchman" - our most modern ships of this class, Project 22350 (they may end up in the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of the war, for example, at the Tartus base).
The ship of project 1155.1 is approximately equal in firing range with its anti-ship missiles with possible targets armed with anti-ship missiles "Harpoon". However, it has an advantage - the Mineral over-the-horizon targeting system. Therefore, other things being equal (approximately the same effectiveness of external target designation), our BOD has more chances to preempt. Shooting eight Mosquitoes at a group of three or four NATO frigates can disable or sink at least two or three ships, which corresponds to the effectiveness of 0, 65–0, 75. If the enemy strikes ahead of time, he will be able to release 8–12 anti-ship missiles "Harpoon", which will lead to the likelihood of incapacitation or sinking of our ship 0, 25–0, 4. Taking into account the likelihood of a lead in a salvo, the overall effectiveness of the fight against surface ships of the BOD Project 1155.1 can be estimated at 0, 5–0, 55.
The 85-RU BOD missiles of Project 1155 are more than twice inferior to the enemy's Harpoon anti-ship missiles in range. Therefore, other things being equal, there is almost no chance of a preemptive strike. A salvo of 8-12 Harpoons will be able to disable or sink our BOD with a probability of 0.35-0.4. The estimated effectiveness of a strike with eight 85-RU missiles in several successive salvos (taking into account the limitations of missiles in a salvo determined by the control system) against a group of three or four NATO frigates is estimated by the mathematical expectation of the number of disabled or sunk ships at 0.08–0.1, which corresponds to an efficiency of 0.02–0.03. Let's take into account that the enemy will not enter the zone of destruction of our BOD if it has retained its combat capability. Thus, an attack on the enemy's KPUG is possible if it is not detected before the volley reaches the position, which is extremely unlikely. And given the low chances of hitting the KPUG with 85-RU missiles, the expected efficiency of solving the problem is zero.
The enemy of Georges Leguy, the Project 22350 frigate, has at least one and a half superiority in missile firing range. Therefore, under equal conditions, a group of three or four frigates will not leave a single destroyer a chance even to simply survive. Obviously, the effectiveness of solving the problem of combating surface ships in a large-scale war for the "Frenchman" will also be zero.
In local conflicts, the target will be groups of three or four boats or ships in the near sea zone, with short-range anti-ship missiles and without effective air defense systems. In the fight against them, the BODs of Project 1155.1 and the destroyer Georges Leguy gain approximately the same number of points - 0, 6–0, 7. The BOD of Project 1155 has significantly lower indicators - 0, 3–0, 4, which is determined by the lower probability of hitting a highly maneuverable small-sized targets missiles 85-RU.
In strikes against ground targets, our BOD and the "Frenchman" will have to solve a tactical task - to disable one large object or a group of three or four small targets. The depth of their defeat is limited to a narrow strip within 10-15 kilometers from the water's edge. When assessing the effectiveness, let us take into account the share of the territory of the operationally important continental region, within which these ships will be able to destroy ground objects. Russian BODs with their artillery are capable of solving a tactical task with a probability of 0, 4–0, 5 (project 1155.1) and 0, 35–0, 4 (project 1155). “Frenchman” - only from 0, 2–0, 3. If the impact zone is limited by the coastal strip, the effectiveness of the BOD project 1155.1 can be estimated at 0, 025–0.03, project 1155 - 0, 02–0, 027, “Georges Leguy” - 0, 014–0, 022. When PDO targets are hit, the probable task is to suppress one company stronghold at a distance of up to 10–15 kilometers from the water's edge. The Frenchman will be able to solve it with a probability of 0, 45-0, 5, the Russian BODs - 0, 7-0, 85 and 0, 65-0, 8, respectively.
The assessment of the capabilities of ships to combat submarines is determined by the probability of detecting and destroying enemy submarines in a given area of the KPUG in the composition of two BODs (destroyers). This may be their typical task in a zonal anti-submarine defense system or in an ASW of a large operational formation in the middle and far zones. We especially note that all have two anti-submarine helicopters, which allows a group of even two such ships, having four helicopters, to have one in the air to search for submarines on their probable courses of evasion from the KPUG, which significantly increases search capabilities. To compare the results, let's take the area and search time, just like when comparing the Chinese and American destroyers. In this case, the probability of detecting and destroying an American submarine KPUG from two Russian BODs will be equal to 0, 32–0, 41. The efficiency of a KPUG from two Georges Leguy-class destroyers when “catching” our nuclear submarine is lower - 0.23–0.26.
When assessing the ability of ships to defend against air attacks, we will take as a basis the reflection of a typical air attack squad of 24 anti-ship missiles with a three-minute salvo range on a warrant from two BODs (destroyers). At the same time, the probability of maintaining the combat effectiveness of both ships can be, for the Russian BODs of both projects (reflecting the American Tomahawks) 0, 52-0, 57 and 0, 47-0, 5, respectively, and for a group of two “Frenchmen” reflecting the strike PKR "Caliber", - 0, 08-0, 1.
Let's derive the integral indicator of the ships' compliance. The Russian BOD projects 1155.1 and 1155 in relation to local wars - 0, 38 and 0, 32, for large-scale - 0, 47 and 0, 36. For "Georges Leguy" these indicators are 0, 18 and 0, 15. That is, for the degree of compliance of the ship's combat effectiveness with its intended purpose, the Russian BOD of Project 1155.1 exceeds the "Frenchman" more than three times in large-scale wars and in local wars more than twice. BOD project 1155 is better than Georges Leguy by almost 2, 5 and two times, respectively. This result is due to the insufficient capabilities of the French air defense system in modern conditions. A significant factor in such a striking superiority of the BOD project 1155.1 was its anti-ship missile complex. That is, our BODs of both projects are more consistent with the conditions of their combat use than Georges Leguy.