Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587). Part II: Reconnaissance Ship

Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587). Part II: Reconnaissance Ship
Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587). Part II: Reconnaissance Ship

Video: Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587). Part II: Reconnaissance Ship

Video: Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587). Part II: Reconnaissance Ship
Video: WWII German Heavy Armoured Cars 2024, October

In the spring of 1957, the USS Halibut (SSGN-587) submarine was laid down in the United States, which eventually became the only representative of its project. When creating this project, the latest ideas and solutions were used, as a result of which the submarine became the first American nuclear submarine with cruise missiles on board. In this capacity, the boat was accepted into the combat composition of the fleet, but service in its original configuration lasted only a few years. After that, the submarine was rebuilt into a reconnaissance ship.

Let us remind you that the construction of the missile carrier USS Halibut ("Halibut") lasted less than two years, and at the very beginning of 1959 it was launched. The ship was on trial for about a year, after which it was accepted into the US Navy. A few months after the ceremony of raising the flag, the submarine went to its duty station - at the Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii. Over the next few years, the crew of the boat repeatedly went to sea to solve various problems.


Nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSN-578) at sea. Photo

From other submarines of its time, "Halibut" favorably distinguished itself by a combination of two characteristic features. So, thanks to a nuclear power plant, the autonomy of navigation - including at depth - was limited only by provisions. The highest combat power of the submarine was provided by SSM-N-8 Regulus cruise missiles, flying 500 nautical miles and carrying a special warhead. The power plant and missile armament made the USS Halibut (SSGN-587) submarine a unique strike weapon.

Nevertheless, even before the end of construction, the ship had problems. In 1957, the Pentagon's leadership analyzed the Regulus project, and decided to abandon such missiles, which turned out to be too expensive, complex and inconvenient for full-fledged operation. In the foreseeable future, ships and submarines were to receive a different rocket armament. Despite this decision, the construction of "Halibut" was continued according to the original design. As a result, the finished boat, which entered service in 1960, was armed with SSM-N-8 missiles.

As part of the tests, the submarine missile carrier performed its first firing using existing missiles. Over the next few years, the crew repeatedly performed fire missions and launched Regulus missiles. In March 1964, the USS Halibut (SSGN-587) went on a cruise for the last time with cruise missiles on board. In the fall, he returned from combat service, and similar ammunition was permanently unloaded from the weapons bay.

In early 1965, Halibut was sent to the Pearl Harbor shipyard for mid-life repairs. During this work, specialists removed some systems and installed others. In accordance with the updated project, now the USS Halibut was to carry only torpedo armament. After dismantling the missile system, the ship was transferred to the category of torpedo nuclear submarines and received the tail number SSN-587.


Comparison of "Halibut" in the original missile (top) and new reconnaissance (bottom) configurations. Figure

It was proposed to use the freed volumes of the hull to accommodate some special equipment. In particular, the submarine was able to carry and use remotely controlled reconnaissance vehicles. In a new configuration, the ship returned to service at the end of the summer of 1965.

In July 1968, having received a certain amount of special equipment, the USS Halibut nuclear submarine took part in its first special mission. As part of Operation Sand Dollar, the ship's crew surveyed the Pacific Ocean, where the Soviet submarine K-129 sank in the spring. With the help of several new devices, American specialists were able to quickly find the place of the death of the missile carrier. Also, with the help of a remotely controlled device, a large number of photographs of the deceased boat were taken.

In August 1968, the boat went to the Mare Island Naval Shipyard (California) for another repair. This time, the command decided not only to restore the submarine, but also to carry out a full-scale modernization. Within the framework of these works, it was proposed to change the purpose of the ship in the most serious way. In accordance with existing plans, the USS Halibut was to become a special reconnaissance submarine. To do this, part of the equipment had to be removed from it, and new special-purpose devices had to be installed in the vacant space.

The modernization project provided for the preservation of the main structural units when installing a variety of additional equipment that was previously absent. In accordance with the new terms of reference, a variety of reconnaissance means, systems for ensuring the activities of divers, etc. were to be present on board the "Halibut". To solve such problems, it was proposed to re-equip the existing volumes, as well as add some new devices.


The scheme of the submarine after modernization and the main elements of special equipment. Figure

In the original version, the USS Halibut submarine had a multihull design. It was based on two strong cases, located one after the other and closed by a common lightweight body. The front sturdy hull, characterized by a complex shape with a raised stern, was originally used to accommodate torpedo and rocket weapons. In the new project, it was proposed to install part of the special equipment.

The aft part of the front hull was redesigned and became two-tiered. Its upper room was intended to accommodate new electronics, while the lower one was to be used as a warehouse for equipment, a darkroom, etc. The front compartment still contained torpedo armament. In the curved aft part of the robust hull, an opening appeared for the installation of an inclined airlock brought out to the bottom of the light hull.

The second sturdy case remains largely unchanged. Its bow and central parts housed the central and other posts, living and utility rooms. The protruding wheelhouse was also preserved, covered with a large fence. In the central compartment, shifted to the stern, there was a nuclear reactor with a part of auxiliary equipment. The feed of the second strong hull was given to steam turbines, generators, etc. The aft compartment served as a torpedo compartment. In addition, there was a gateway above it for communication with the new outer building.

The submarine retained the Westinghouse S3W reactor and two 7,300 hp steam turbines. Two propeller shafts with their own propellers also remained in their places. At the same time, measures were taken to increase maneuverability. In addition to the standard stern rudders, the ship was equipped with several thrusters. Two transverse tubular channels with screws appeared in the bow and stern of the light hull. In addition, a similar device was installed under the bottom of the stern, which provided movement forward and backward.


Submarine at sea, early seventies. Photo

Some special tasks had to be solved while at the bottom. For this, the submarine received a couple of additional anchors in the bow and stern. Also on the bottom appeared support-skis, which prevented the light body from touching the ground and protected the latter from possible damage.

It was decided to keep the torpedo armament in line with the original design. Four torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm remained in the strong bow hull. Two more such devices were in the stern. The absence of missiles and the appearance of additional internal volumes made it possible to somewhat increase the ammunition load. However, the specifics of the main tasks allowed the USS Halibut to do without weapons.

The largest and most noticeable new device installed on a reconnaissance submarine during repairs was the diving compartment, made in the form of a separate durable hull. The torpedo-like metal unit was placed in the rear of the Halibut with the help of several supports. The central support function was performed by a vertical tunnel with a sluice. The bow of the sturdy hull contained a living compartment and had a direct connection with the carrier submarine. The feed was given under the airlock to go outside.

The second airlock, called the VDS Aquarium, intended for remotely controlled equipment, was placed under the stern of the front rugged hull. This camera received a means of issuing a control cable. The latter, distinguished by its great length, was stored on its own reel under the deck of a light hull. Inside the sturdy hull was an openable camera lid that could be used to take special equipment out of the boat.


USS Halibut near San Francisco base. Photo

The VDS Aquarium system was offered to work with two types of remotely controlled devices. The Sonar fish product ("Hydroacoustic fish") had its own power plant and was equipped with a hydroacoustic antenna. Such a device was supposed to complement the standard sonar systems of the carrier ship and provide observation of various parts of the surrounding space.

Also for the USS Halibut submarine, a remote-controlled vehicle ROV (Remote-Operated Vehicle) was developed. This system was equipped with a video camera and a searchlight. It was proposed to use it to inspect underwater objects or to monitor the work of divers who went outside.

To solve special problems, the submarine received a new combat information and control system. It included new complex devices for one purpose or another. The main innovation in the field of electronics is Sperry's UNIVAC 1224 computer. Large and heavy elements of such a computer were placed in the stern of the front strong hull and had communication with a number of onboard systems.

Despite numerous changes and improvements, the main dimensions of the ship remained the same. The length of the USS Halibut after the modernization was 106.7 m, the width - up to 8, 8 m. In the surface position, the displacement remained at the level of 3, 66 thousand tons, in the underwater position - more than 5 thousand tons. On the surface, the submarine developed a speed of up to 15 knots, underwater - up to 20 knots. The cruising range was limited only by food supplies.


Flag launching ceremony. June 30, 197 Photo by

In 1971, the modernized nuclear reconnaissance submarine was returned to service and became part of the Submarine Development Group One, based in the port of San Diego. Over the next few years, "Halibut" repeatedly left the base to carry out certain special tasks. Details of some of the missions were subsequently released, while others are still classified. Nevertheless, even the known data reveal the capabilities of the converted submarine.

At the very beginning of the seventies, the American command learned about the existence of a cable communication line connecting the Soviet naval facilities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vladivostok. The cable ran along the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk, and the corresponding areas were covered by a hydroacoustic complex and were patrolled by ships. Soon, the intelligence structures and the US Navy were tasked with locating the cable and organizing covert data retrieval from it. This operation was codenamed Ivy Bell.

In October 1971, the submarine USS Halibut in a special configuration was able to covertly penetrate the protected water area and find a communication cable. During the search, the divers also managed to lift on board the wreckage of the P-500 Basalt anti-ship missile. Subsequently, they were handed over to specialists for study. After locating the communication cable, the technicians installed The Tap product on it. It was a 6 m long pipe equipped with the necessary equipment. Tap was literally put on a cable; the interception was carried out without damaging the outer layers of the cable, the data was recorded on its own medium. In the event of a cable rise, the reconnaissance equipment had to independently dump from it and remain at the bottom.

Subsequently, the US Navy regularly conducted special operations, during which scouts covertly approached the product of The Tap, took away the tape with the recordings and left it blank. Operation Ivy Bell continued until the early eighties. Late enough, Soviet intelligence managed to obtain information about listening devices, and in 1981, "Tep" was removed from the cable in the Sea of Okhotsk.


Modern layout of the USS Halibut submarine in reconnaissance configuration. Photo

According to some sources, over the next few years after the installation of "Tep" on a cable in the Sea of Okhotsk, the crew of the USS Halibut nuclear submarine repeatedly received new assignments related to reconnaissance, seabed survey and installation of special equipment. However, there are no detailed data on this subject due to the secrecy of the work. It remains to be hoped that, after enough time has passed, the Pentagon will still declassify all the data of interest to the public, and thanks to this, everyone will be able to find out the details of the service of the unique submarine.

The reconnaissance submarine "Halibut" remained in service until the summer of 1976. On June 30, she was withdrawn from the fleet and transferred to the reserve. In the same year, the submarine was transferred to Bangor Base (Washington state), where she had to wait for the order to cut. In April 1986, the submarine USS Halibut (SSN-587) was struck off the list of the US Navy ships. In early autumn 1994, the unique nuclear submarine was sent for disassembly.

The nuclear submarine USS Halibut (SSGN-587 / SSN-587) had a unique destiny. Initially, it was built as the first cruise missile carrier of its kind with special warheads, but the specifics of the development of the US Navy's weapons led to the need for deep modernization and restructuring. In the new configuration, the submarine lost its missile armament, but received a large number of special equipment of various kinds, with which it could perform a wide range of special tasks. It should be noted that as a reconnaissance ship "Halibut" brought more benefits to the Pentagon than in the original version of the submarine missile carrier.

Nevertheless, over time, the submarine, once considered unique and having special capabilities, became obsolete morally and technically, as a result of which it could no longer continue its service. In 1976, she was withdrawn from the combat composition of the fleet into reserve. Further processes were noticeably delayed, but in the mid-nineties USS Halibut ceased to exist, finally giving way to new, more advanced nuclear submarines.
