Submarines of different classes continue their development, and new projects regularly use certain promising ideas. Nevertheless, shipbuilders are in no hurry to create new equipment projects based only on bold and original solutions. Technical and technological risks restrain the development of serial projects, but do not prevent the emergence of new bold developments of a different kind. The French Naval Group recently unveiled an original concept design for a future submarine called the SMX 31.
In October, Paris hosted the next international military-technical exhibition Euronaval, where leading shipbuilders from different countries presented both well-known and completely new developments. One of the main participants of the exhibition was the French group of companies Naval Group, which presented a large number of different projects. Among other things, this organization shows interest in the topic of further development of the surface and submarine fleet, which leads to the emergence of bold and original projects.

Submarine model SMX 31. Photo [/center]
This time, French shipbuilders showed specialists and the public a promising concept design of a submarine named SMX 31. This project provides for the maximum possible use of modern and advanced technologies and components. In turn, only basic solutions are borrowed from existing submarines. As a result, the presented "submarine of the future" has the most serious differences from modern models.
The objective of the SMX 31 project was to create a multipurpose submarine capable of invisibly present in a given area, monitoring activity under water and on the surface, and also using one or another weapon. To solve such complex problems, it was decided to use completely new ideas and concepts, which have not yet found wide application in the submarine fleet. At the same time, a number of components of the new project are no longer new and find application in the navies of different countries.
The new project from the Naval Group proposes the construction of a multihull submarine with a number of existing and future systems. A special design of the enclosures is provided to accommodate all the necessary devices and a number of new devices. At the same time, it should contribute to the stealth of the ship. It is proposed to place weapons of different types on board, or special equipment, etc. Also, the SMX 31 project implies the maximum automation of all major processes, which makes it possible to reduce the crew.
French designers are proposing to build a multihull submarine. Outside, they placed a lightweight body of a special scheme. To reduce physical fields and ensure optimal flow around it, it gets an original "bionic" shape, vaguely reminiscent of a sperm whale. It is proposed to integrate various sensors and sensors into the design of the lightweight body. The authors of the project believe that the standard set of hydroacoustic devices should be supplemented with new devices. An important feature of the SMX 31 is the absence of a deckhouse and its fencing. Only retractable front horizontal rudders, X-shaped aft planes with rudders and propeller casings now protrude beyond the limits of the light hull.
With the help of an unusual light body, it is proposed to solve several problems at once. It should improve airflow and running characteristics, reduce the visibility of the boat for other submarines and anti-submarine defense components, and also participate in the collection of information about the environment. Finally, the proposed hull gives the submarine a spectacular and eye-catching exterior.
It is proposed to place part of the weapons in the bow of the light hull. Next, the first of the sturdy hulls is placed, characterized by a short length. It is intended to accommodate the central post, wardroom and living quarters. Behind this hull, the designers placed a longitudinal tunnel for the passage to the rear hull. The free space around the tunnel can be used to mount modules with different functions. The rear, robust body of great length is divided by a bulkhead into two compartments. Elements of the power plant are located in the front volumes, weapons and special equipment are located in the rear ones. At the same time, between the stern of the strong and light hull, a volume is provided for placing torpedo tubes, tanks, etc.
A submarine of the SMX 31 type should have a length of about 70 m. Width and height - 13.8 m. The design displacement in the submerged position is 3400 tons. The working depth will exceed 250 m.

Lightweight body design. Figure Naval Group
According to the idea of the French designers, the new submarine should have the maximum possible amount of automation, which can reduce the workload on the crew. As a result, the number of the crew will be reduced to 15 people. One of the consequences of this is a reduction in the volume of necessary habitable compartments, which has a positive effect on the entire structure of the submarine. For example, for household needs it will be possible to take away only a part of the front durable case.
The designers took care of the safety of the crew. The submarine is equipped with a pop-up rescue chamber. The cylindrical product is transported above the central tunnel, between two robust hulls. In the transport position, it is covered with movable hatch doors, which are at deck level.
The project involves the use of a non-nuclear power plant built exclusively on electrical devices. It is proposed to equip the submarine with a large number of batteries, but at the same time abandon the diesel or other engine with a generator to recharge them. High-capacity batteries must be charged at the base before the voyage, after which the submarine will be able to go to sea to solve the assigned tasks. It is expected that promising storage batteries will provide an autonomy of 30 to 45 days.
For movement, the boat will use a pair of high-power onboard electric motors. They must rotate the impellers of two water-jet propellers located in special channels. The absence of engines and generators should reduce the noise of the boat, and the placement of water cannons in specially configured channels will reduce the wake. In addition, onboard water cannons free up space inside the hulls. Estimated underwater speed - 20 knots.
One of the main objectives of the SMX 31 project is to obtain the maximum possible situational awareness of the crew. In the bow and on the sides of the light hull, it is planned to place the antenna devices of the main hydroacoustic complex. These or those sensors can be located on other parts of the submarine, providing maximum visibility of the space, including without dead zones. The composition of the sensors should be determined in accordance with the objectives of the submarine and the wishes of the customer.
The project also provides for the use of unmanned systems of different classes. First of all, the complex of survey equipment should include unmanned underwater vehicles. Such products are proposed to be stored and serviced in a separate compartment of the second strong case, under the volume with weapons. To release them outside and load back onto the submarine, the project provides for a separate tunnel in the stern of the ship.
An interesting innovation of the SMX 31 project is a complex that provides the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The UAV is proposed to be placed on a special buoy. If necessary, the latter should float to the surface, after which the drone can take off and study the area. The submarine will be able to launch aircraft from depths of up to 100 m without the need to rise to the surface and without being exposed to known risks.

The flow around the submarine. Figure Naval Group
Significant free volumes inside the light and durable hulls are proposed to be used to accommodate various weapons or special equipment. Apparently, already in the basic configuration, the submarine of the new type will be able to carry torpedoes, mines or missiles. So, in the bow of the light hull, completely outside the strong one, it is proposed to place two blocks with four 533-mm torpedo tubes in each. Their design does not provide for reloading during the campaign using the submarine's own devices.
Four more torpedo tubes should be placed in the stern, and this time we are talking about "classic" systems with the possibility of reloading. The aft compartment can hold ammunition. For use on the new submarine, existing and future heavy torpedoes of 533 mm caliber are being considered.
In its basic configuration, the SMX 31 submarine will be able to carry missiles to destroy ships or coastal targets. A vertical launcher with 6 cells is intended for them, placed in front of a solid hull, between torpedo tubes. The dimensions of such an installation will allow the use of missiles of various types that are already in service with the French Navy or are only being developed so far.
The central part of the lightweight body, located between two sturdy ones, can be used to accommodate different modules. First of all, a couple of additional missile launchers can be installed on the sides of the tunnel. The free space between them can be occupied by other equipment. In addition, the SMX 31 boat will be able to serve as a transport for combat swimmers. In this case, a special module with living quarters and a gateway for going outside must be mounted under the tunnel. It is also proposed to store towing vehicles for divers there.
Depending on the configuration and the assigned combat mission, the SMX 31 submarine will be able to carry 46 torpedoes and missiles. With their help, the boat will be able to attack underwater, surface and coastal targets. In the presented form, it cannot fight only with air targets.
The concept project SMX 31 is not intended for the construction of full-fledged promising submarines commissioned by a particular fleet. Its task is to search for fundamentally new solutions that can increase the efficiency of the ship, as well as their integration into a single project. In addition, during the development of the project, it is necessary to determine the real future of certain proposals. Finally, using the layout and multimedia advertising materials, you can study the interest of specialists and potential customers.
Certain proposals of the SMX 31 concept may interest the military, as a result of which they can be applied to create "real" submarines. The simultaneous use of most of the original ideas or even the construction of the SMX 31 in the proposed form does not yet seem possible. At the moment, the project only combines bold proposals and is not sufficiently developed to start construction.

Possible submarine layout and components. Figure
The Naval Group has presented its own version of the appearance of a promising non-nuclear submarine with special capabilities. Like any other such projects, the new SMX 31 is of great interest. It clearly demonstrates how exactly shipbuilders of foreign countries intend to develop the submarine fleet, and on what proposals such development will be based. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate foreign ideas and determine their real prospects.
First of all, it should be noted that the SMX 31 project is of particular interest. He shows how you can collect all the most daring ideas of the present time in one submarine, adding original proposals to them. Concept projects of this kind do not appear very rarely, but each of them should be studied in order to understand the current views of foreign shipbuilders on the development of submarines. However, with a careful and detailed study of the project, it becomes clear which components carry the construction of such boats into the distant future.
First of all, the SMX 31 project is characterized by the widespread use of modern and promising systems, some of which are not ready for operation or are completely absent. In particular, modern information and control systems of submarines cannot provide the desired reduction in the workload on the crew, and the existing batteries will not allow the submarine to remain at sea for more than a month on a single charge. The idea of placing a variety of sensors over the entire surface of a lightweight body looks interesting, but its implementation is associated with a lot of different problems.
At the same time, the concept has advantageous advantages over existing boats. The proposed power plant is indeed capable of reducing noise and detection probability. Improving the hull design will further reduce the visibility of the boat. Unmanned underwater vehicles are being actively developed, and UAVs are already widely used in various fields. The weapon complex for the SMX 31 can be built on the basis of existing products and components.
As a result, the situation is typical for new bold projects based on advanced solutions. Some features of the concept project SMX 31 are not only interesting and promising, but can also find application in the very near future. So, new weapons or unmanned systems can be introduced already in next-generation projects or when upgrading existing boats. Other features of the appearance still look overly complex and unjustified. It is unlikely that the current fleets will risk buying a submarine with a purely electric power plant without their own generators and a crew of 15 people.
Obviously, in its current form, the SMX 31 project will never leave the exhibition pavilions and will not launch the process of re-equipping the fleet of any country. However, it does not have such goals. This development is intended solely for the search for fundamentally new concepts and ideas in the field of underwater shipbuilding. The most realistic and useful solutions will soon find application in real projects and contribute to the development of the submarine fleet. However, it cannot be ruled out that such a development and mastering of new technologies in the distant future will allow engineers to return to the current concept project and bring it to construction and operation.