Unusual naval projects

Unusual naval projects
Unusual naval projects

Mine layer project "632"

In the middle of the last century, the sailors of the Soviet Union ordered a special ship - an underwater mine layer. TsKB-18 was commissioned to work on the project, and in 1956 work began on the design of an underwater minelayer.

Unusual naval projects
Unusual naval projects

Due to the heavy workload of TsKB-18 over the design of missile submarines, the project of the submarine, about 40 percent ready, is transferred to the TsKB-16 team.

Based on the requirements of the project, the submarine was supposed to have a diesel engine and hold special weapons of about 90 PLT-6 mines, specially designed for submarines, there should also be a possibility of quickly converting the minelayer into a transport submarine for transporting people and transporting oil, fuel and water. The storage of special weapons was carried out using revolutionary technology, the location of mines between the compartments.

By the end of 1958, the project of the underwater minelayer "632" was adopted by the State Commission, but the project was not included in the seven-year shipbuilding plan, which began in December 1958, but the submarine of the project "648" was included. All work after the approval of the seven-year plan for the mine layer project was stopped, and eventually stopped. Of the main reasons for not implementing the project, the high cost of batteries and the fact that the project "648" submarine could complete all the tasks solved by the "632" project and, in addition, could perform other tasks of underwater transportation.


1 - compartment for placing torpedo weapons; 2 - compartment for installing batteries; 3 - personnel compartment; 4 - CPU; 5 - compartment for placing mine weapons; 6 - racks for storing mines;

7 - diesel compartment; 8 - pipe for receiving and dumping mines; 9 - electrical machine compartment; 10 - aft compartment

Main characteristics:

- displacement of 3.2 thousand tons;

- length 85 meters;

- width 10 meters;

- immersion depth up to 300 meters;

- sailing autonomy 80 days;

- the crew of the submarine is 90 people;

- average speed 15 knots;

- the duration of the voyage is one month;


- mines about 90 pieces;

- mine devices 4 units;

- 4 TA caliber 533 mm;

- 4 TA caliber 400 mm.


- people up to 100 people;

- ammunition, cargo, food up to 120 tons;

- fuel up to 130 tons.

Underwater diving missile boat "Dolphin"


The idea of creating such a unique project was submitted by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. During his stay in Sevastopol and inspecting the naval base, Khrushchev noticed missile boats and submarines standing nearby and expressed the idea of creating a submerged submarine fleet when the enemy used atomic weapons. Just because the First Secretary himself came up with the idea, the project, so incompatible in terms of requirements, continued to be persistently developed.

The project, which received the number "1231", was instructed to develop TsKB-19, for the development and construction of prototypes he was transferred to the Leningrad marine plant. This is what served to merge TsKB-19 and Leningrad TsKB-5 later into TsKB "Almaz".

The development of a unique ship was carried out with great difficulties, it is worth noting that the main development was done by the boat bureau, which had to study the design of submarines on the go. Tying a surface ship and a submarine together was difficult, and the designers had to show miracles of ingenuity and simplification.

In accordance with the terms of reference received from the naval department of the Soviet Union, project "1231" was to be used to deliver rapid missile strikes against enemy surface vehicles in places close to the main enemy bases. The missile ships were supposed to arrive in a given area and be submerged in it and await the approach of enemy surface forces. With a sufficient approach of the enemy, the missile ships, surfacing, went out to the range of a missile strike, after which they left at high speed in a submerged or surfaced position.


Work on the design of the unusual ship began in early 1959 and ended with the departure of Nikita Khrushchev from leading political positions in 1964. No one can say for sure now how the work on the construction of a submersible rocket ship would have ended if Nikita Khrushchev had not left the post of First Secretary of the Party Central Committee.

Main characteristics:

- surface speed 38 knots;

- underwater speed 4 knots;

- the ship's crew is 12 people;

- four cruise missiles of the P-25 complex;

- approximate cost in 1960 - 40 million rubles;

Landing transport boat of the project "717"

By 1962, the American submarine fleet is making a breakthrough in building nuclear submarines. The Soviet Union is urgently trying to catch up and overtake its main competitor in nuclear shipbuilding.

To obtain the status of a leader, the Soviet Union began designing large submarines for various purposes. In 1967, the Malakhit design bureau received a technical assignment from the naval department for the design of a submarine for transporting troops of up to 1000 people and a dozen units of armored vehicles to carry out combat missions.


Design Bureau Malakhit already had experience in the development of large submarines of Project 664 and Project 748.

If the nuclear-powered ship had been built, it would have become the largest submarine in history. A displacement of 18 thousand tons, a height of a five-story building, a length equal to 2 football fields - a real giant of the underwater world was intended to transport a regiment of marines and various weapons and cargo to the designated landing areas to capture bridgeheads on enemy territory.

In accordance with the project, the hull of the submarine was made of 2 cylinders. The compartment of central importance housed the personnel of the boat and landing units, numbering more than one thousand people. On the sides of the boat in the compartments were placed bottom mines in an amount of up to 400 units, the placement of which, according to calculations, could lock the entire composition of the US Sixth Fleet in Norfolk. By 1969, work on the design of the boat of the project "717" was completed.

But by that time, the Soviet Union urgently needed submarines with ballistic missiles to achieve military parity with the United States, all the forces of the Central Design Bureau and shipyards were thrown into the development and construction of nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons. All work on the sea leviathan was suspended and finally stopped.


The main characteristics of the "717" project:

- width 23 meters;

- immersion depth up to 300 meters;

- speed of 18 knots;

- duration of autonomous sailing 2.5 months;


- six torpedo tubes;

- 18 anti-submarine missiles;

- artillery pieces 2 installations;


- Marine regiment with 4 BTR-60;

- a battalion of marines with 20 armored vehicles.

Project "667M" - nuclear submarine "Andromeda"

In the early 1980s, the United States began to appear atomic submarines with Tomahawk missiles capable of hitting a target at a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers. In the Soviet Union, in the design bureau im. Chelomey is urgently developing the Meteorite-M complex. The cruise missile of the ZM25 complex surpassed the American analogue Tomahawk in speed performance and had the purpose of destroying enemy ground targets and targets.


It was for this missile system that design work began on the re-equipment of the Project 667A submarine, which was commissioned by the USSR Navy at the end of 1970. The work was carried out from 82 to 85 at the Severodvinsk plant. The missile compartment was completely replaced, the new compartment housed 12 missiles of the Meteorite-M complex.


The submarine receives a new designation "667M", number "K-420", the Americans called it "Yankee-sidecar". At the end of 1983, it is part of the Northern Fleet, and 30 days later, combat tests of the missile complex begin. The missiles not only hit the target accurately, but also exceeded all the declared indicators, there were no breakdowns and emergencies.

In 1989, after the conversion, the project was closed. The missiles are fired off, and the submarine is used as a torpedo submarine. In 1993 the boat was put into long-term storage.

The main characteristics of "Andromeda":

- displacement of 7.7 thousand tons;

- length 130 meters;

- width 12 meters;

- draft 8.7 meters;

- immersion depth 320 meters;

- speed 27 knots;

- crew of 120 people;


- RC "Meteorite-M", ammunition for 12 missiles;

- TA caliber 533 mm;

- control system of the RK "Andromeda".

Submarine barges and tankers

In the 80s, the idea of underwater barges and tankers became relevant. In the confrontation between Iraq and Iran, about 300 different oil ships and transports were destroyed in just 2 years.

Western countries and the Soviet Union are forced to guard vehicles, and therefore in the USSR, in the Malakhit Design Bureau, a project of a nuclear submarine for transport purposes is being implemented.


By the beginning of 1990, the projects of tankers and barges with a cargo capacity of up to 30 thousand tons were completely ready. But due to the change in the political system, the collapse of the USSR into separate states, the projects of underwater super-transport vehicles were never implemented.

They began to return to the idea of underwater heavy trucks today because of the aggravated cases of maritime terrorism.

Submarine transport will be able to deliver more cargo at depths of up to 100 meters at speeds up to 19 knots. The team of such transport workers will be about 35 people.
