The Northern Fleet restores the sailing regime of the Soviet Navy

The Northern Fleet restores the sailing regime of the Soviet Navy
The Northern Fleet restores the sailing regime of the Soviet Navy

In recent years, the intensity of exercises in the Northern Fleet has increased by almost a quarter. The ships that are part of the fleet regularly take part in long voyages to the Indian and Atlantic oceans, international exercises "Northern Eagle", "Dervish", "Pomor" and FRUKUS, carry out combat missions to combat pirates in the waters of the Arabian Sea. At the moment, a large anti-submarine ship is preparing for the joint exercise Pomor-2011 with neighboring Norway. The Kola flotilla of diverse forces of the Northern Fleet was formed on July 1, 1982 as the successor to the Red Banner division for the protection of the water area of the Russian Federation, which includes formations of submarines and surface ships. The flotilla is entrusted with the solution of tasks to ensure the deployment of strike formations of the Northern Fleet in the water area of the Barents Sea and the solution of various operational and tactical tasks directly in the coastal zone.

Rear Admiral Andrei Volozhinsky, acting commander of the Northern Fleet, described the next entry into the sea of a squadron of ships of the Kola Flotilla of diverse forces as one of the simplest tasks. “At the winter stage of training, we prepare, as a rule, single ships, as well as tactical groups. In the summer we are polishing up with groupings of forces, in accordance with the operational tasks assigned to the fleet,”the admiral said.

On the first day, the trip to sea was carried out on the large anti-submarine ship "Vice-Admiral Kulakov". The specified ship was launched in 1980. BOD from 1990 to 2010 underwent modernization at the Severnaya Verf plant. As a result, completely new anti-aircraft missile systems, a laser warning system, and a navigation radar station were installed on the ship. After a long renovation, the current exercise is the first in which the large anti-submarine ship "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" was involved.

The action plan of the grouping of ships of the Kola Flotilla of dissimilar forces was divided into five interconnected episodes. In the 1st - a detachment of warships, which included the VPK "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and two small anti-submarine ships, passed along the laid route of deployment and a mine-cleared fairway, following a group of base minesweepers. International experience of warfare at sea indicates that most often mines are planted at the exits from harbors and bays, in straits, where ships are virtually deprived of the ability to maneuver.

In the second episode, a pair of Ka-27 combat helicopters, during the period of close anti-submarine security of ships, was looking for a submarine using submerged hydroacoustic stations VGS-3. These stations make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the "enemy" submarines, which was played by the Yaroslavl diesel-electric submarine during the exercises; a special IL-38 anti-submarine aircraft, equipped with radar buoys and sonar systems, arrived in the search area.

At the 3rd stage, the detected submarine fired a training torpedo, after which it was destroyed by volleys of depth charges fired from RBU-6000 BPK "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" rocket launchers, as well as from small anti-submarine ships.

At the 4th stage, the detachment entered into an open artillery battle with a conditional enemy ship, which imitated the targets set by the Il-38 aircraft. Shooting was carried out from the AK-100 "Kulakova" and AK-176 artillery systems of small escort ships. At the stage of information, the necessary zeroing was performed to take into account the hydro and meteoballistic corrections, then two sighting squalls of 3 shots each were performed and a concentrated massed fire was opened.

At the 5th stage of the exercise, the BOD was attacked by a pair of Su-33 carrier-based fighters. To parry the attack, the AK-630 automatic six-barreled artillery mount and the AK-100 complex were used. The AK-630, taking into account its high rate of fire and firing density, can destroy both aircraft and low-flying anti-ship missiles. In order to divert the enemy's guided weapons to false directions and disrupt the operation of the guidance systems of various anti-ship missiles, the ships of a separate detachment set false targets with passive jamming systems for the near line.

For the Russian Navy as a whole and directly for the Northern Fleet, one of the problematic topics is the re-equipment of the fleet. For example, this year seamen from Severomorsk will not receive surface ships. At the same time, the submarine forces, according to Rear Admiral Igor Mukhametshin, commander of the Northern Fleet's submarine forces, will be replenished with three submarines.

The main base of the submarine forces is located in Gadzhievo. The headquarters of the formation, basing systems, training base and points of logistical support are located here.

On the shore there is a submariner training complex (UTK PL). In the rescue equipment of the SSP-M submariner in a special huge pool, the seamen practice the use of the KAS-150 container, which allows them to stay on the surface of the water until the search group finds it.

Also, the UTK has built a system that simulates leaving the submarine directly through the airlock devices. A soldier in a life suit dives into a special pool located on the first floor of the building, and rises to the surface on the sixth.

Submariners conduct training not only on the shore, but also perform various combat missions at sea. The nuclear submarine "Karelia" for 22 years of service - more than 140 thousand miles left astern, and this - 20 military campaigns, 14 rocket firing. In January 2010, the modernization of the Karelia nuclear submarine was completed, during which the submarine received a new TVR-671 RTM type torpedo-missile system, as well as 16 RSM-54 Sineva ballistic missiles. Also, the noise level has been significantly reduced and the ability to detect potential enemy ships has been increased. Today the nuclear submarines of project 667BDRM, to which the above-mentioned RPLSN "Karelia" belongs, are the main naval component of Russia's nuclear power.

The only separate carrier-based aviation regiment in Russia today is equipped with the following types of aircraft: two-seat combat training fighters Su-27UB, ship-based fighters Su-33 and carrier-based training aircraft Su-25UTG. These three types of aircraft are necessary for training a young pilot. The training takes place sequentially, first the pilot trains on the KTL 33-K complex simulator, then at the land airfield, piloting the plane together with the instructor on the Su-25UTG, then on the same plane he performs the first flights from the deck of the ship. Having received the necessary practice, the trainee begins to master the Su-27UB heavy training fighter and, only having mastered it completely, is allowed to fly independently on the Su-33 combat aircraft.

The adopted combat training plan for the period for 2011 is dense. In the spring, the flight crews practiced their skills at the engineering and technical complex located on the territory of the NITKA aviation center in the Crimea, which simulates the deck of an aircraft carrier. Then, in the period from July to September, practical flight training on the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". To date, only 13 pilots have experience in flying from a ship, but there is a decision that during this summer even young lieutenants will have to work out at least 10 deck takeoffs / landings. At the end of the year, an air group is expected to fly to the Mediterranean on the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov".
