On August 8, 2010, the Iranian Navy adopted four new diesel-electric submarines (diesel-electric submarines) of the Ghadir class. As Defense News reported, the Iranian submarine fleet has increased to 11 units of this class. The first diesel-electric submarines of the Ghadir class were adopted by Iran in 2007 and were created on the basis of North Korean ships of the Yono class.
Earlier, the Iranian military stated that these diesel-electric submarines are intended for operations near the coast and in shallow waters, mainly in the Persian Gulf. The boats, according to the Iranian Navy, are designed using stealth technology. Submarines Ghadir have a small mass (about 120 tons) and a displacement of up to 115 tons. Presumably they have two torpedo tubes and are intended mainly for the transfer of troops, mining and reconnaissance missions.
Now the Iranian submarine fleet, in addition to Ghadir, includes three Soviet submarines pr.877 "Halibut", purchased in the early 1990s, as well as the Iranian Nahang, received in 2006. In 2008, Iran began construction of a new submarine, Qaem, capable of solve combat missions on the high seas. Presumably, it is capable of using missiles and torpedoes.