For many years Ukraine has been trying to build and develop its defense industry, as well as create its own models of weapons and equipment. The main platform for the demonstration of new developments is traditionally the Kiev exhibition "Zbroya ta Bezpeka". Another such event is taking place right now, and several interesting developments are present at it. The new Ukrainian project of the BM-21UM “Berest” multiple launch rocket system may be of great interest.
According to known data, the rocket artillery of the ground forces of Ukraine is still equipped with serial Soviet-made equipment. Over the past years, Ukrainian enterprises have repeatedly tried to create new samples of this kind, but the results of these projects were far from the desired ones. None of the new designs reached mass production. Now the Ukrainian industry has proposed another version of the MLRS of a new development.

Another project of a multiple launch rocket system was proposed by the Shepetivsky repair plant (Shepetivka), which is part of the state concern Ukroboronprom. The main activity of the plant is the maintenance and repair of various artillery systems. Nevertheless, from a certain time he has been trying to create his own projects for the modernization of existing equipment. So, the last project, presented just the other day, provides for a deep modernization of a very old model.
The newest project received the designation BM-21UM and the name "Berest". The index of this product clearly indicates its origin. The development organization openly calls the new MLRS a deep modernization of the existing BM-21 Grad complex. The essence of the project is to replace a number of existing units, as well as to use new devices, including local Ukrainian production. The finished combat vehicle is expected to be able to replace the morally and physically obsolete Grads in the army.
The BM-21UM project can really be considered a deep modernization of the existing MLRS. It provides for the preservation of the main features of the architecture of the base sample and several of its aggregates. At the same time, a variety of units are being replaced, and in addition, completely new devices are being installed. All this, according to the developers, allows you to optimize production, improve technical characteristics and improve combat qualities.
The project developers emphasize that all components of the new multiple launch rocket system are manufactured in Ukraine. Due to this, it is argued, it is possible to exclude the dependence of production on foreign enterprises, as well as to reduce the cost of finished equipment. However, in this context, there is a certain ambiguity, leading to some questions.
For obvious reasons, the authors of the Berest project abandoned the BM-21 base chassis. The locally produced KrAZ-5401NE truck chassis is now used instead of an imported vehicle. Initially, this type of vehicle is a truck with an all-wheel drive two-axle chassis and a cabover two-row cab. The project provides for the use of a diesel engine with a capacity of up to 300 hp, and the customer can choose its type. The carrying capacity is declared at 9 tons, which is enough to transport the launcher and shells.
The calculation on the march and during firing must be in the cockpit with a two-row arrangement of seats. At the same time, the presence of some new devices allows him to prepare for firing and fire without leaving the cockpit. Crew workplaces are equipped with all the necessary devices. So, the commander has a launcher control panel, a navigation system, communication equipment and even a rear-view video camera for visual monitoring of the launcher's operation.
The Berest project envisages equipping the base chassis with a new platform with special equipment. A large platform with the necessary devices is mounted on the cargo area of the machine. In its front part, directly behind the cab, there are storage boxes, a spare wheel, etc. A missile launcher is located near the rear edge of the platform. Like the basic model, the Ukrainian MLRS does not have jacks for stabilization and leveling in position.
The launcher for the BM-21UM is based on existing units, but undergoes some changes. It is still based on a pivoting device with mountings for the swinging frame, on which a package of guides is fixed. These devices are borrowed from Grad practically without modifications. For this reason, the launcher retains the bracket for mounting the sight and the handwheels of the manual guidance drives. At the same time, electric drives with remote control are included in the installation.
One of the most serious innovations of the Berest project was the increase in missiles in a salvo. The basic BM-21 installation has 40 rocket guides. The package of guides for the BM-21UM received an additional horizontal row of pipes, as a result of which the machine carries 50 shells at the same time. The increase in ammunition had some effect on the design of the launcher. In particular, the frames holding the pipes together needed to be redesigned.

The project provides for the use of modern navigation and georeferencing aids. The MLRS prototype shown at the exhibition is equipped with CH-4215 type satellite navigation equipment manufactured by Orizon-Navigatsiya. This device provides the determination of the coordinates of the combat vehicle used in the calculation of data for firing. Also, the prototype received a commercial model radio station. It is not known whether it will be replaced by another product of this kind in a military version.
It is argued that the operator of the MLRS "Berest" can receive data on the location of enemy targets in real time. Such data should come from reconnaissance drones, counter-battery radars, etc. However, the known composition of the onboard equipment leads to questions and doubts about such possibilities.
The operator's workstation has a separate fire control panel. The remote control provides a choice of fire mode (single or in one volley), the duration of the volley and other parameters. The ability to track the consumption of ammunition is provided. The main control panel of the BM-21UM installation is rigidly fixed in the cockpit and cannot be removed. However, if necessary, the crew can use a remote control panel connected to the main one.
Official sources related to the Berest project do not touch upon the topic of ammunition, but there is every reason for certain conclusions in this context. A promising Ukrainian MLRS is a variant of the development of the old BM-21 Grad, and therefore should use the same ammunition. The ammunition load of this system should include M-21OF rockets or their local counterparts. This means that the maximum firing range of Beresta corresponds to that of the Grad and does not reach 40 km.
While maintaining the range indicators, an increase in other characteristics is expected. It is argued that the use of new navigation and fire control devices provides an increase in accuracy and, consequently, fire efficiency. However, the exact parameters of this kind have not yet been published, as a result of which the real characteristics of the improved multiple launch rocket system remain in question.
The new equipment also offers certain operational advantages. State-of-the-art satellite navigation and remote controls simplify firing preparation. For some operations, the crew does not have to leave the cab. Among other things, this reduces the preparation time for firing after entering a firing position, and also allows you to quickly go to a safe place after a volley.
In terms of dimensions, the promising MLRS BM-21UM, in general, corresponds to the base truck KrAZ-5401NE in the configuration of a van. Combat weight - no more than 15-17 tons. On the highway, the complex can reach a speed of at least 60-70 km / h. The existing chassis is capable of providing sufficient, but limited, off-road or rugged terrain.
The BM-21UM Berest multiple launch rocket system was first introduced just a few days ago, and its prospects are still unknown. This combat vehicle has already been praised by representatives of the industry and the military department of Ukraine, but its further fate is still in question. The reasons for doubting the great future of the new development are clear and obvious.
It should be recalled that in recent years, various Ukrainian enterprises have created a number of options for modernizing the old, but very successful MLRS BM-21 "Grad". Some of these samples were officially put into service, but were not built in a large series. As a result, the basis of Ukrainian rocket artillery is still Soviet-made equipment. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that this situation will continue in the foreseeable future.

All new projects of modernization of "Grad" by the forces of the Ukrainian industry were based on the same ideas. The finished launcher for existing shells of old models was transferred to an affordable modern chassis. The resulting vehicle was equipped with navigation aids, and in some cases equipped with remote control systems for the launcher, devices for self-recharging, etc.
The newest project BM-21UM continues these "traditions" and, like a number of predecessors, provides for the combination of old components with new ones. At the same time, it differs a little more courage: for the first time in Ukrainian practice, additional guides appeared on the launcher. This led to a significant increase in ammunition ready for use - it increased by 25%.
Thus, it turns out that the Berest MLRS, despite all the positive assessments from loyal specialists and publications, cannot be considered a novelty or a breakthrough, even by the standards of the Ukrainian industry. The situation is similar on a larger scale. Many copies and versions of the Soviet / Russian Grad have already been created in the world, using local chassis and modern electronic equipment. In fact, the Shepetivka Repair Plant presented just another version of the popular MLRS processing. In particular, his project can be considered an analogue of the Russian Tornado-G system.
Like other new products, the BM-21UM combat vehicle was immediately praised and received the highest marks. However, such statements are unlikely to improve her future. Known information about the fate of previous Ukrainian MLRS projects is a cause for concern for the future of "Berest". The fact is that none of the modernized versions of the BM-21 presented by Ukraine were sold in a large series and were not in active operation. Thus, the number of serial systems of the Bastion family, according to the most daring estimates, does not exceed a dozen. The newer "Willow" does exist only in the form of an experimental technique.
In recent years, Ukraine has faced serious problems in the economic sphere, and this affects the development of the defense industry and the army. The financial capabilities of the military department do not allow full-scale purchases of new weapons and equipment, including multiple launch rocket systems. As a result, "Bastions", due to their number, cannot even press the existing "Grads", and the future of the newer "Verba" and "Beresta" is a big question.
It should be noted an important feature of the BM-21UM project and other developments of this kind. "Bastion", "Verba" and "Berest" clearly show that the Ukrainian industry has the ability to create MLRS with fairly high performance. In such projects, cars and other components of our own production can be used, which gives certain advantages. However, economic problems, as well as not the most competent management of industry and the country as a whole, does not allow realizing such potential.
Thus, it turns out that at the exhibition "Zbroya ta Bezpeka" they showed a rather interesting sample of military equipment, which, however, hardly has real prospects and cannot affect the state of the ground forces fleet. Considering the current situation and the state of affairs in Donbass, such an outcome of the project is a reason for restrained optimism.