Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko, Navy Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vysotsky and St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko immediately after the opening ceremony of the Fifth International Naval Salon in St. Petersburg examined the latest achievements of Russian military and civil shipbuilding presented at the exhibition. The excursion for them was led by the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Roman Trotsenko, as well as the heads of the leading design and shipbuilding enterprises in Russia.

Corvette "Guarding"
The model exposition of new developments of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), most extensively presented at the Salon, became the first during the inspection. The guests were shown a mock-up of the ship of the future - the Project 512 Strogiy corvette of the near sea zone. "This ship is distinguished not only by its futuristic appearance, unusual to the eye, but also by fundamentally new materials," Trotsenko explained.
“On the corvette's helipad we see a heavy helicopter, which has proven itself well. An interesting solution is a carbon-fiber superstructure, which is made by pouring, and the reflection on the ship's instruments is about the same as that of a small vessel 30 meters long. fleets are moving, Trotsenko said.
The next object of attention of the distinguished guests was the small patrol corvette of the project 20382 "Tiger", which enjoys well-deserved attention from foreign customers. Corvettes of the same project 20380 of the "Soobrazitelny" and "Guarding" types have been successfully introduced into the Russian Navy, explained the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vladimir Vysotsky at the next model. Now the fifth ship of this series, but already of project 20385, is now under construction, and it will be equipped with not only tactical nuclear weapons, but also a long-range anti-aircraft complex, the Kalibr strike complex with a range of up to two thousand kilometers, he added.
"It also has an integrated optocoupler mast. It will be completely on active phase shifters, with signal scanning both vertically and horizontally, and with primary processing of about 500 targets and about a few dozen for secondary processing with the issuance of target designations to other ships. An intelligent ship. Displacement of only two thousand tons. They walked for a long time, but they seem to have come, "Vysotsky said.

The guests of the Naval Show also examined the designs of other small patrol ships, coast guard boats and diesel-electric submarines. Both Trotsenko and Vysotsky spoke about the Amur 950 submarine designed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau.
Diesel-electric submarine "Amur 950" with ten cruise missiles Trotsenko called "an ideal ship of the future" and stressed that "they are very interested in this direction." The radius of destruction of weapons on such a boat can exceed 1200 kilometers, and the autonomy is about 14 days.
To this, Vysotsky noted that this project requires improvement primarily in terms of autonomy - the Russian designers have been tasked with bringing it to twenty days or more. "In principle, we will try to finalize it for several years," the commander-in-chief added.
Another project that has generated great demand among both Western and Eastern customers is a comprehensive training center for training crews in the operation of diesel-electric submarines, designed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau, Trotsenko noted.
"This complex contains all the means necessary for the training and further improvement of the crew. This is not only computer training, but also special training in the pools, and in them you can create a slight excitement of up to three points in order to train submariners in real conditions.", - said the first deputy general director, chief engineer of the Rubin Central Design Bureau Igor Vilnit.
There is also a special turret to train the exit from the torpedo compartment for rescue in case of an emergency, he added. This simulator is unique, as it includes special complexes for fighting both fires and flooding of the submarine compartment.
Speaking about analogs of such simulators, Vysotsky said that they are in the United States and France, and India is completing the construction of such a facility with the support of Russia.
“We received an electronic simulator for the 677 project, it is located in Obninsk, we have already installed it - the so-called pre-exercise training on a computer. to emphasize that the simulator must be made for both diesel and nuclear submarines as a single one, the commander-in-chief said.
At the stand of the United Industrial Corporation (UIC), the general director of the Severnaya Verf shipyard and OJSC Baltic Shipyard, Andrei Fomichev, showed Patrushev and Khristenko a model of the floating nuclear thermal power plant (FNPP) being built at the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg. Operation of this station is planned in remote regions of Russia, for example, in the White and Okhotsk seas, where the bases of nuclear submarines, respectively, of the Northern and Pacific fleets are located.
"There are problems with construction, but we are still going according to the schedule," Fomichev added.
Recalling the project 20385 corvette, laid down at the Severnaya Verf shipyard, Fomichev emphasized that, among other innovations, the ship's radio transmission systems have been replaced, and the household part has been improved. By 2013, it is planned to provide wi-fi on a ship of this type in a closed mode for the convenience of the crew, added Vysotsky.
At the stand of NPO Aurora, Patrushev and Khristenko examined the integrated bridge control system for high-speed vessels and the newest control system for diesel submarines, created by NPO Aurora together with the concern Granit-Electron and Okeanpribor.
"This system includes the combat information and control systems of the submarine, which ensure the use of various types of weapons. It is also a location, hydroacoustics, a periscope complex - that is, all the means that allow you to study the environment around the boat and select optimal operating modes," said the general Director of NPO Aurora Konstantin Shilov.

The tour of the Salon exhibition ended with an approach to the Russian Helicopters stand, where the General Designer of Kamov's helicopters, Hero of the Russian Federation, Sergei Mikheev, told the distinguished guests about plans to deploy a new type of ship-based Ka-52K helicopters on Mistral-class ships.
"Today we see good developments both for the domestic Navy and for the fleets of other countries. When we look at these developments, enterprises and design bureaus are implementing them quite effectively. It is important that these projects are in demand and made to order," the Security Council Secretary said RF Nikolay Patrushev after visiting the exhibition.
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko added that during the 2011 Naval Salon, contracts worth 1.3 billion rubles have already been signed. Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vysotsky stressed that in about two years Russia will become a leading country in expositions and exhibitions devoted to naval topics.