ACS "Coalition-SV", "Coalition-SV-KSH". Logical conclusions

ACS "Coalition-SV", "Coalition-SV-KSH". Logical conclusions
ACS "Coalition-SV", "Coalition-SV-KSH". Logical conclusions

For the first time, it became known back in 2006 about a promising Russian self-propelled artillery installation being developed within the framework of the "Coalition-SV" theme. There are already several articles on this topic on the site, but I would like to tell you more about this project and the latest news about it.

A bit of history

The concept of paired artillery systems originated almost at the beginning of the 20th century. Work in the USSR was actively carried out in the 70s. But technical difficulties due to insufficiently developed technologies did not allow the idea to be fully realized. The first domestic incarnation of such a machine was "product 327", the main developer of which was FSUE "Uraltransmash", the crew of this product was in an isolated fighting compartment in the bow of the hull, while the fighting compartment with a fully mechanized ammunition rack was in the central part of the hull of the modified chassis. the main tank T-72 But this idea again came to the mind of Russian designers. The main contractor is: FSUE TsNII "Burevestnik" (Nizhny Novgorod). Co-executors: FSUE "Uraltransmash", FSUE "TsNIIM", FSUE "Uralvagonzavod"

The 2S35 "Coalition-SV" is a Russian project of a double-barreled self-propelled artillery unit of the self-propelled howitzers class.

The location of the workplaces of the crew members in the armored control module excludes the ingress of powder gases there from the shot. The crew is isolated from the weapon module.

Crew positions are located in a computerized control module, which is located in the nose of the chassis. The crew, consisting of 2-3 people, exercises full control over the processes of loading, aiming and firing. The control module is equipped with onboard tactical target selection, positioning and navigation systems. According to the readings of instruments and sensors, the crew constantly monitors the general condition of the vehicle and the amount of ammunition by type of shot.

Each workplace of the crew members is equipped with a complex for remote control of automated fire and instrumental control of all operations on the displays by a single information command system. Information and control communication channels of the crew's workplaces in the control module with the weapons module are duplicated. Provided are the main crew hatches, an evacuation hatch, as well as a technological hatch for the transition to the weapons module.

The installation of the control module in the bow of the hull allows the crew to be placed in the least dangerous place of the combat vehicle.


Detailed diagram of the self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV"

The main armament is located in the turret, where a twin artillery mount and ammunition with a mechanized loading system are installed. The engine is located at the rear of the machine.

The tasks of such an ACS: to hit any ground objects at a distance of up to 70 km. Work in the "Flurry of Fire" mode (English Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact, simultaneous hit of several shells) Have a quick preparation for shooting, as well as change positions within 1 minute.


This model shows the layout of the crew, as well as the structure of the tower.


Working layout of ACS "Coalition-SV"

A very interesting version of this ACS is the articulated version. The first section in it is the self-propelled gun itself, but the second, in fact, is a transport-loading vehicle for more than 200 rounds.

From the engine located in the first section, the power flow is transmitted to the second. Due to the presence of the second body, the decay time of the oscillations after the shot is significantly reduced. In addition, the cross-country ability is sharply increased.


Articulated version

But there is also an option for a charging machine on a wheeled platform.


Generalized structure.

Perspective self-propelled artillery installation "Coalition-SV" for installation on surface ships.


In general, there is a wealth of information on this topic. In early 2010, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that the project was not funded by the state, since "Coalition-SV" was not included in the priority samples of military equipment, but no official statements about the complete cessation of work were made.

Despite the statements of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation made in 2010, work on the "Coalition-SV" theme continues. In addition, in 2011, the stage of issuing working design documentation for the wheeled and tracked versions of the system, as well as the transport-loading vehicle for them, was to be completed.

Latest news

News from the end of 2012. At the same time, a tank expert, editor-in-chief of the branch magazine Arsenal of the Fatherland, Viktor Murakhovsky, noted that the Coalition-SV artillery mount would fit the Armata tank chassis much better than the T-90 chassis.

"Armata" is, after all, a new generation of technology in terms of engine, transmission, and chassis, that is, in terms of everything that will be used for the "Coalition". The "Armata" has a chassis carrying capacity of 30 tons, which is much higher than that of the T-90, "Murakhovsky explained.

The representative of the FSUE TsNII "Burevestnik" also said that the tracked platform is more stable when firing than the wheeled one, and does not require extending the supports. At the same time, he did not rule out that in connection with the transition to wheeled platforms, the Ground Forces will need "Coalitions" on wheels.

“We expect that after the choice of the platform, the Coalition will become the main artillery system, displacing the Mstu-S, Akatsiya and other 152 mm caliber installations,” said the Burevestnik spokesman. Installations "Coalition-SV", in 2013 are to undergo production tests, and in 2014 - state tests. At the same time, the Msta-S installations, on which the army is now being rearmed, will become morally obsolete by 2020.



OJSC KamAZ has unveiled 3D models of a promising 152-mm self-propelled artillery complex on a wheelbase being developed as part of the development work of the Coalition-SV-KSh.

The image of the three-dimensional model was published in his blog by Denis Mokrushin. “Today, within the framework of the Coalition-SV-KSh ROC, work is underway to create self-propelled artillery weapons on a wheeled transport base. a prototype chassis and is sent to the enterprise where a promising 152-mm artillery system will be mounted, blogger Denis Mokrushin wrote on his LiveJournal page.

"This is a picture of a 3D model in the first study of the installation of a 152-mm artillery system. The prototype will be slightly different. The final version of the model is not yet available. A sample and additional information may be available by the end of the year," he added.

And just recently a very interesting piece of news appeared: “An experimental thermoelectrochemical artillery installation was tested in Russia. In terms of its range, the gun is one and a half times superior to traditional artillery mounts.

“Instead of RDX, a substance of much higher density was used in the gun. It exploded with the help of plasma initiation - a special discharge. Due to the high density, the detonation speed is also higher than that of ordinary explosives, and due to the use of plasma, in addition to kinetic energy, an electromagnetic pulse affects the projectile,”said an employee of the defense industry complex.

An experimental gun mount was developed at the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" on the basis of a reinforced 152-mm double-barreled self-propelled artillery mount 2S35 "Coalition-SV". According to the representative of the defense industry complex, the tests were of a scientific nature, and now the possibility of finalizing the weapon for use in the troops is being discussed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense explained that now several types of weapons are being created at once based on new physical principles, but the department did not order the creation of a thermoelectrochemical weapon. “If the industry offers us it, demonstrates and proves that it is much more efficient than what we are using now, then, of course, we will consider a replacement option. But so far there have been no such proposals,”the Defense Ministry spokesman said. The declared firing range of the gun is 70 kilometers.

Some conclusions

What we have? ACS on a tracked platform "T-90" or "Armata", which has an uninhabited fighting compartment with a fully mechanized combat module, the crew is in an armored capsule with modern target designation systems, positioning, fire control systems, etc. The self-propelled gun has a thermoelectrochemical twin-barreled gun with a rate of fire above 15 rounds per minute (there was evidence that in critical mode it reached 23 rounds per minute, though this is what can last only with the first minute salvo) and a range of up to 70 km, with very fast combat readiness and change of position. In general, this technique can be talked about for a long time.

But from the very beginning, the Ministry of Defense has been trying to ignore this artillery system, declaring in 2010 that it was not funded and that it was allegedly not a priority. I'd love to ask MoD what is the priority in artillery, right? The answer is: "Coalition-SV-KSH". I wrote above about this miracle of technology, so to speak. We took the KAMAZ-6560 platform and installed the combat module on it. And what about such a layout? The 152-mm gun (from Msta-S looks like) is deployed to the right or left side, and the supports of the vehicle itself and the gun are deployed. How long does it take? What can you say about a quick change of position with such a "cuttlefish"? The principle of loading this complex? Its patency? I have read many times that there is a problem simply of deformation and damage to the KAMAZ chassis in a few shots … The rate of fire of this "super-weapon"? Range? Dozens of questions …

In my opinion, Russia does not need such artillery as the "Coalition-SV-KSH", as well as the "Lynx" of Serdyukov and others … The prospects are small, according to some characteristics, the existing Soviet ACS will lose. And you, dear readers of the site, what do you think about ACS "Coalition-SV", "Coalition-SV-KSH" and in general what our country needs now? Didn't SV-KSH cut money and the rest of it?

Characteristics of the ACS "Coalition-SV"

Weight, tons <55

Chassis With unification based on a promising platform.

Caliber, mm 2X152 (155)

Barrel length <52

Ammunition Projectiles <70 Charges * <300

Charging Auto.

Rate of fire, rds / min More than 15

Fire range <60 km

Barrage of Fire (MRSI) +

Crew Up to 3

