The main purpose is reconnaissance of terrain, water obstacles and routes for the movement of troops. It has been in service since 80. The units and assemblies of the BMP-1 are taken as a basis. Installed equipment:
- wide coverage mine detector;
- echo sounder;
- compass PAB-2A;
- equipment for navigation TNA-3;
- PIR-451 circular observation device;
- rangefinder DSP-30;
- radio station R-147 - two sets;
- thermal smoke equipment;
- portable equipment for mine search and reconnaissance.

The installed equipment allows you to detect mines at a depth of up to 30 centimeters in a strip of 3.6 meters, to receive the necessary data on slopes, passability, the presence of minefields and obstacles, the depth, width and speed of water obstacles along the route of troops, bottom density, ice thickness and contamination of terrain …
Device IRM "Zhuk"
The hull, welded from armor plates, has a division into 7 compartments, which gives protection to the vehicle team from damaging weapons. The design and tightness of the hull provided the car with reliable buoyancy. The nasal compartment contains hydraulic elements, gearboxes of the RShM wide-grip mine detector. There is also a ventilation and filtering unit installed there. The crew compartment and the control compartment are designed to accommodate the IRM team, reconnaissance equipment and control mechanisms. It also contains 3 machine guns and 450 rounds of ammunition, a signal pistol, a thousand ammunition for a machine gun, a dozen F-1 grenades, about 15 kilograms of explosives with a set of means for detonating them. The engine compartment contains the engine, systems for its operation and transmission mechanisms. The aft compartment contains batteries and is equipped with an access hatch. The side compartments are equipped with fuel tanks. In the roof of the vehicle there are hatches for the personnel of the IRM. A rotary turret with a 7.62 mm machine gun, a range of up to 1 kilometer, and a viewing instrument sight is located between the driver's hatch and the vehicle commander's hatch.

Possibilities and application of IRM "Zhuk"
Basically, this machine operates as part of the IRD - an engineering reconnaissance patrol. It includes a department of sappers with its own equipment and supplies. IRD can operate independently or in a combined arms reconnaissance group. When reconnaissance of water obstacles using RShM, it is taken into account that the mine detector provides the search for mines only in the direction of travel. The bottom permeability at the water cut is determined, the movement of the machine by swimming is determined. The bottom is scanned with an echo sounder. The number of IRM crossings depends on the size specified for the crossing. The speed of the current is determined during the crossing of the car. To do this, the car is stopped and, by decreasing-increasing the speed, keep it in one place. According to the indicators of the tachometer, using the table, the flow rate is determined. All results are entered into an engineering intelligence card. The use of the "Zhuk" IRM for reconnaissance of water obstacles and detection of mines has cut the reconnaissance time by almost half. For self-pulling on a steep bank or to overcome obstacles, solid-propellant rocket engines from 9M39 missiles are used.

The main characteristics of the IRM "Zhuk":
- length 8.22 meters;
- width 3.15 meters;
- height 2.4 meters;
- clearance 42 centimeters;
- weight 18.04 tons;
- a team of five people;
- 300 hp engine;
- speed (land) up to 52 km / h;
- speed (water) up to 11 km / h;
- input-output (water) up to 30 degrees;
- the angle of overcoming obstacles 36 degrees.