In 2012, according to information disseminated by the media, the Russian Federation and India will resume holding a joint annual exercise of the ground forces, called "Indra".
In Ulan-Ude, the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, negotiations have already begun between the military departments of both states on holding the Indra-2012 anti-terrorist exercises. The Indian military delegation was led by Major General Chand Rojan Singh. According to the assistant to the commander of the Eastern Military District, Lieutenant Colonel A. Gordeyev, during these negotiations, two delegations planned to visit the Gepard training ground, which is located on the border with China and Mongolia. During the consultations, a field reconnaissance and assessment was carried out, as well as the possible location of a field camp. Presumably, joint exercises are scheduled for the summer.
There is also information that states plan to conduct such exercises annually, in turn, on the territory of each of these countries.
Recall that the Indra military exercises were held from 2003 to 2010, but in the summer of 2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to cancel the exercises. The media did not manage to get an official explanation regarding the adoption of such a decision. In April 2011, the Russian Federation also refused to conduct joint Russian-Indian naval exercises. This time, the reason was the need to provide assistance to Japan, which suffered from earthquakes and tsunamis in March of the same year.
In 2003, a series of these exercises began. It was then that for the first time a combined detachment of warships from the Black Sea and Pacific fleets of Russia took part in the exercises. The detachment was headed by the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the guards missile cruiser Moskva, which under the command of Vice Admiral E. Orlov for the first time in the modern history of the Russian fleet went to the far ocean zone. Since then, the exercises have become regular and were held once every 2 years.
For example, the Indra-2005 exercise took place in the Bay of Bengal. Russia brought its ships there almost immediately after India held joint exercises with America. The main task that the Russian military command set itself was to show that the Russian state is open to the development of international relations and is ready to do everything possible to strengthen stability in the Pacific region. The Russian group of ships included the guards missile cruiser Varyag, the Pechenga sea tanker, the Admiral Panteleev and Admiral Tributs anti-submarine ships, and the Kalar sea tug.
During the exercise, all types of firing were practiced, including rocket fire. Shortly before the naval phase, the land phase of the exercise was held at the Mahajan training ground. In its course, the paratroopers of both states worked out the mechanism of joint actions in the event of a hostage-taking at the alleged terrorist base.
The Russian side sent about 1600 people to the exercises, including the parachute company of the 76th Airborne Division of the city of Pskov.
The airborne subunits also practiced the landing of combat vehicles from the Russian Il-76 aircraft, as well as anti-tank mobile systems from the Indian An-32.
The active phase of the Indra-2007 exercise, which was held in the Pskov region, began in mid-September.60 Russian and Indian paratroopers each jumped from Il-76 transport aircraft. The exercise was watched by representatives of both countries. During this stage, the issues of search and destruction of terrorists on rough terrain were worked out.
At the very beginning of the military exercises, the jumps were in jeopardy due to certain weather conditions (strong wind). It was decided to postpone the issue of landing in connection with the fact that Indian soldiers had to use Russian parachutes and weapons for the first time until the arrival of the Indian chief of staff of the ground forces, General J. Singh.
When he arrived at the training ground, together with the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces A. Kolmakov, he talked with those paratroopers who were supposed to make jumps. Even in spite of strong gusts of wind, it was decided to hold this stage.
Then an exhibition of equipment and weapons used in the Russian airborne troops was organized for the representatives of the Indian side. The Indian paratroopers were told a little about each sample presented, they were shown automobile equipment, flamethrowers, machine guns, pistols, machine guns, as well as the equipment of "blue berets".
The naval phase of the Indra 2007 exercise was held in the Sea of Japan, near Vladivostok. The warships of the two countries practiced conducting a joint patrol in the zone of the most active navigation, searching for and destroying underwater and surface targets, refueling at sea.
From the Indian side, such ships as the destroyer Mysore, the corvette Kutar, the frigates Rana and Ranjit, the tanker Jyoti took part in the exercises, and from the Russian side - large anti-submarine ships Marshal Shaposhnikov and Admiral Vinogradov, missile boat "R-29", diesel submarine, tanker "Pechenga", helicopters Ka-27 and Il-38 (anti-submarine aircraft), a detachment of minesweepers.
The main objective of the 2009 maneuvers was to practice protecting ships from pirate attacks and fighting terrorist actions. Artillery and rocket firing was carried out. The Russian warship Admiral Vinogradov also took part in combat duty in the Gulf of Aden.
During the 2010 ground phase of the exercise, the Russian military for the first time used Permyachka combat kits, which are designed to provide high protection against shrapnel and bullets. In addition to body armor, the set includes 20 camouflage items for the summer and winter periods, a transport vest and a raid backpack.
From the Russian side, more than 280 soldiers were deployed to India with the help of two Il-76 aircraft. As part of the exercise, it was planned to familiarize with the samples of weapons of the two countries and their mutual use. The Russian military fired from Indian small arms, and the Indian - tried in practice to use RPG-7 grenade launchers, AK-74M assault rifles, Dragunov sniper rifles and PKM machine guns.
Despite the fact that the next exercises of the two states were planned for 2011, Russia, as we said above, refused to hold them. The Indian government was extremely surprised by this move. In April, the Indian warships Ranveer, Delhi and Ranwijay, carrying guided missiles, arrived at the seaport of Vladivostok. But the Russian side announced that it did not have free ships for the exercises, since they were all busy delivering aid to Japan.
But, as it turned out, the Russian ships were not at all going to go to Japan, they conducted their own exercises at sea.
The representatives of the Indian side were even more offended by Moscow's statement that the land phase could not be carried out either, since there was not enough time for preparation.
There is speculation that this behavior by Russia is due to India's refusal to buy Russian fighters. Recall that shortly before the exercises, the Indian side held a tender for the supply of combat vehicles, as a result of which the choice was made in favor of Eurofighter. Also very unpleasant for Russia was the decision of the Indian government to open tenders for the supply of spare parts for MiG fighters, explaining this by the fact that Russia is either drastically delaying supplies or giving nothing at all.
In 2012, the Russian leadership decided to resume the exercise.
Note that Indra is the Indian god of thunder. But the name of the joint exercises is associated not only with him, Indra is an abbreviation of the names of the two states.
In conditions when Russia does not have reliable allies in the world community, the desire for unification, shown by the Indian side, is worth a lot.